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    • CommentTimeAug 31st 2013
    the tape of Saw : ?

    we need a chainsaw as weapon !
    • CommentAuthorbius
    • CommentTimeAug 31st 2013 edited
    The puzzle box from Hellraiser movies or the Necronomicon from Evil Dead saga!
    • CommentTimeSep 1st 2013 edited
    a bloody brain ?
    an eye something like that maybe
    • CommentTimeSep 1st 2013
  1.  permalink
    The "Emmanuelle"'s chair for nudity :
    • CommentTimeSep 2nd 2013
    • CommentTimeSep 2nd 2013 edited
    I'm not sure they all fit...

    The 'Blair Witch Project' cross
    The card from 'American Psycho'
    'The Ring' tape
    The 'death proof' car
    The butterfly from 'Silence of the Lambs'
    Razor and ear from 'Reservoir Dogs'
    The oxygen bottle from 'No country for old men'

    the 'Borat' suit??
    • CommentAuthorAsmodai
    • CommentTimeSep 2nd 2013
    Or some bats.
    • CommentAuthorErtai
    • CommentTimeSep 2nd 2013
    OK, end of discussion. I guess we take "some bats"!
    • CommentAuthorAsmodai
    • CommentTimeSep 2nd 2013
  2.  permalink
    Is there a way to browse just the Awesome Uploads ?
    Maybe that option is already somewhere but i'm not seeing it.

    Would be a nice addition imo.
    Maybe automatically add a certain tag to an Awesome Upload snapshot so people can find those ?
    • CommentAuthorErtai
    • CommentTimeSep 3rd 2013
    I also would like to have the feature just to see which ones were awesome uploads.
  3.  permalink
    "I also would like to have the feature just to see which ones were awesome uploads."

    Definitely agree. +1
    • CommentAuthorkinoute
    • CommentTimeSep 5th 2013 edited
    If I do the same as for the SotDs, is it OK?

    Basically every time you upload an AU, the tag "Awesome Upload" will be automatically added and you can't delete it. Of course I will add the tag on the previous AUs.
    • CommentAuthorErtai
    • CommentTimeSep 5th 2013
    Sounds divine.
    All hail the "Programmer"!
  4.  permalink
    Hi everyone

    When you try to navigate quickly from snapshot to snapshot, you don't take time to check if someone has posted a comment (I used to have a 4/3 screen on my PC, now it's a 16/9, but to check the comments I always have to do a scroll down...) Wouldn't it be a nice idea to add a kind of icon, close to the shot, that would tell me : "hey, dude, someone wrote something about this one ! Go and read it !" ?

    (Sorry for bad english, I hope you understood what I meant...)
    • CommentAuthorkinoute
    • CommentTimeSep 5th 2013
    It's already the case abercrombie:

  5.  permalink
    I'm guessing that people will be prevented from adding the tag "Awesome Upload" to shots that aren't awesome uploads ?
    • CommentAuthorkinoute
    • CommentTimeSep 6th 2013
    Yes, same shit goes with the SotD tag: you can't add it if the shot is not SotD.
  6.  permalink
    OK, I'm a dumb... ;-)
    At least now I know it exists! (And it was a good idea, wasn't it?)
    • CommentAuthorvepro
    • CommentTimeSep 6th 2013
    it just came across my mind today when browsing through the archive, it would be cool if there could be a shortcut to showing solution somehow. now, I know no letters could be a shortcut but there are other possibilities, like arrow up, which now serves to send you on random picture in ff.
    • CommentAuthorTimpap
    • CommentTimeSep 7th 2013
    Hello everybody,

    I always wonder why when we try to upload, the captcha is located BEFORE the message "Sorry, there are no upload slots available for that movie".
    It makes me feel ANGRYYYYYYYYY!!! I spend my time typing captchas...
    So you've already guessed my request: why don't you put the captcha AFTER this message?
    Many thanks in advance :)
    • CommentAuthorPzy
    • CommentTimeSep 8th 2013 edited
    Jul 1st 2013

    "The Captcha is there to prevent bots/scripts from testing slots in order to find out which movies have been uploaded recently. So no, it will stay that way: Captcha first, slot availability next. "

    (page 1)
    • CommentAuthorTimpap
    • CommentTimeSep 8th 2013 edited
    Sorry everybody!
    I had read only the fist message by Kinoute...
    Btw, those stories about bots and scripts... I find them unbelievable o_O I can't imagine someone creating a bot just to win in a game like WTM! :D

    Thanks for your help Pzy :)
    • CommentAuthorkinoute
    • CommentTimeSep 8th 2013
    You have no idea what people are capable of doing here!
    • CommentAuthorTimpap
    • CommentTimeSep 8th 2013 edited
    In fact Kinoute, I've already read things about 'Google Image cheat' (for exemple), but maybe I'm too dumb (or innocent!) to understand what's this cheat. So it seems you're right, we are never too careful ;)
    • CommentAuthorkinoute
    • CommentTimeSep 8th 2013
    I really like the idea of showing the title in the user's language (on the movie page or when solving) but some movies have many alternative titles for the same language. So I don't know how to handle this... What alternative title do I show? All? If the feature shows randomly it will be weird. You visit a Die Hard movie page or you solve a Die Hard shot and the website shows only "Die Hard" or "Harry Potter" as a title, that's not good. So I'm stuck. Any ideas?
    • CommentTimeSep 8th 2013 edited
    For every movies, I was thinking about a setting, in our own site settings (in the Userinfo), in which we can select a favourite flag for the tltles shown.
    For the special cases (or movies without the flag we choose), like Die Hard or Harry Potter, admins and high rank players could enter a special "by default-universal" title, like "Die Hard 2", "Harry Potter 5", that can be shown as a title.
    • CommentAuthorkinoute
    • CommentTimeSep 8th 2013
    I know you were talking about a setting for the user but it doesn't solve my problem when a movie has plenty of alternative titles for the same language. Let's take a random movie entry from the homepage:

    If I'm spanish, what title the website should show since there are two spanish alternative titles? Same for Swedish people.
    • CommentTimeSep 9th 2013
    How about a memo for people, who have uploaded a shot that is still unsolved, when it goes into the archive?
    • CommentAuthorpedrorocha
    • CommentTimeSep 9th 2013 edited

    I think I have a (kind of) solution.. keep in mind I'm not an expert on encoding.

    In the movie's page, when there are two or more titles for the same language, you could make visible just for people from an specific nationality a kind of "pool" asking: "You,__________ (here's the nationality of the person whose language has 2 or more titles), how's is this movie most known in you country/language?"

    So, the titles screen could vary according to the pool.. if the title number 1, for example, has 10 votes and the title number 2 has 15 votes, make the title number 2 the standard. If the title number 1 have more votes in some time.. the standard title changes the same way automatically.

    Is it viable ?
    • CommentAuthorScrooLoose
    • CommentTimeSep 9th 2013 edited
    About the titles in a users native language...
    As long as u make that an option (one u can turn off) and not the default then i'm ok with that.
    But i really don't want to see Dutch titles anywhere, IMDB started doing that also a few years ago and my god that's annoying :)

    English is still the main language used on this site! so why not stick to English titles.
    • CommentAuthordoooom
    • CommentTimeSep 9th 2013
    I completely agree with ScrooLoose on that point.
    Please keep the option to see the solution in the original language. There are a lot of times when I actually don't know that German title, but I do know the original title. And some translated movie titles are just terrible, especially for very old movies.
    • CommentAuthorkinoute
    • CommentTimeSep 9th 2013
    Don't worry for now I'm stuck with this idea so I'm not going further
  7.  permalink
    Another idea for the titles issue :
    you keep the original title as before, but under this title, you insert the alternative title in the language you choice in settings. If there are several titles, you insert all of them.
    The problem of double alternative titles will exist also for french people, espacially with canadian translations (by the way that could be solved if we would enter the title to the country of release, and not to the language used).
    This solution could work especially for movie pages, but also for solving if we choose to use more space than one line for the title/movie page-link answer when shot is solved.
    • CommentTimeSep 17th 2013 edited
    It is not exactly a suggestion for a big change, but I was asking myself about the limitation to 2 or 5 shots (regular player or supporter) of the same movie for one uloader.

    Initially it was introduced to prevent people from posting again and again shots from the same POC, SW or LOTR. And at this time it was relevent since WTM was overwhelmed by mainstream movies. It is not the case any more, and the balance between blockbusters and more confidential movies is perfect in my opinion.

    Some of these less known movies can generate beautiful shots, but if almost nobody owns the dvd, the number of shots on WTM will remain small as soon as the potential posters have reached their maximal ulploading capabilities.

    My suggestion: allow more than 2 or 5 shots from the same player for movies having few shots. To avoid the tsunami of new releases, it could be restricted to movies released since more than one year.
    • CommentAuthorMisterZob
    • CommentTimeSep 18th 2013
    Mainstream or not, recent or not, I think we still have too many users who just keep uploading shots from the same few movies over and over again.
    Contests and AUs are here to go over the current 2-5 limitation.
    Plus this limit is all about sharing the movie slots. How frustrating is it, when you discover an awesome new movie (which is basically what movie lovers expect every day), to find out all the shots have already been uploaded? And how would you feel if you find out all these shots were uploaded by the same user? Also this would be even worse for newcomers: damn! I just can't find anything to upload... even that old De Toth movie has already 40 shots!!!
    That's why such a limitation is necessary. And every uploader should keep it in mind when (s)he picks a shot to upload. And if you really need to upload more, use your AUs.
    • CommentTimeSep 21st 2013 edited
    I thought about the characters and I was wondering if we could not have the name of the actor in parenthesis or something else ?
    • CommentAuthorkinoute
    • CommentTimeSep 22nd 2013
    why not but where exactly? on the movies page, not enough place. Only place I can think about is:

    I mean right after "Pepper". If I add it on the list on the right, it's gonna be messy.
    • CommentTimeSep 22nd 2013
    yes , on character page ,maybe in edit , we can have a box "actor" ... like "description " ?
    • CommentAuthorAsmodai
    • CommentTimeSep 22nd 2013
    But if you go there, you can also expect a request to make it clickable to go to an actors page, with overview of which roles he/she played ;)
    • CommentAuthorkinoute
    • CommentTimeSep 22nd 2013
    I already thought of that for directors too
    • CommentAuthorblondin
    • CommentTimeSep 25th 2013
  8.  permalink
    Hi kinoute,

    here's my politically incorrect suggestion for gore: (only Al's severed head, of course ;-))

    about the DVD-Shelf: It would be totally awesome, if there was a function to sort covers e.g. automatically in alphabetic order and manually.
    • CommentAuthorPzy
    • CommentTimeOct 6th 2013 edited
    I've more ideas for the update, useful or not you can decide.^^

    In my opinion WTM is still too quiet maybe these ideas can change it a bit:

    - Users gain Bucks for shouts.

    -"// New Logged Page with activity of your fellows like Facebook (new shots posted, new favs (supporter), new fellowship etc)"
    this idea is great to make WTM more active but in my case I don't have a lot friends here and some are inactive, so a setting would be great to extend from "show friends interactions" to "show all interactions". I hope it's not too messed up.

    - I actually don't know if that's already possible: Write reviews in your mothertongue for less Bucks than 200. There are two reasons for this suggestion:
    1. Some users don't speak perfect english so they don't write
    2. When I personally read a review and don't know a word I have to translate it and it's not fun to read like that, so I don't do it.

    Because you only gain Bucks with these ideas, I now make some suggestions to buy something with these Bucks:

    - This suggestion will be probably too difficult but I gonna write it anyway to give some inspiration.
    Sometimes when I browse through the shots it's frustrating if you can't solve them, so why don't we integrate a function to add hints which are visible when you gonna buy it with your Bucks. They could be shown between the shot and the shouts. The uploader have to add it when he/she uploads a shot. Of course these hints need some rules like "don't tell facts like actors/characters name" and so on. And it probably also needs a lot more moderation time. For this problem their could be a new user status like "Helper" who will be chosen by the mods. As I said this is probably too difficult.^^

    - Another suggestion to use Bucks is also because of a reason which is frustrating me. When a new movie is released I almost never get the first shot in the NS. And also not the 2nd the 3rd the 4th and so on... you know what I mean.^^
    So there could be a function to upload a shot in the NS without waiting a week by using Bucks. But it's not possible for those who already uploaded a shot from the movie hand have to wait 2 weeks.

    Of course you could say WTM becomes to easy and things like that. No! We just need to find the right price for that.

    And at the end some basic ideas:

    - I don't know if it's already suggested. A folder function for the Gallery. I think I'm not the only one who has messed up Gallery.^^

    - If you uploaded 2 (as non Supporters) or 5 (as Supporter) shots from a movie you gain a memo after you completed a certain number of movies.

    That's it for now, for question feel free to ask. And feel free to argue about it.
    • CommentTimeOct 6th 2013 edited
    hello :)
    maybe ... can you add the Vietnamese language to the others ?

    and i think about a memo (maybe a bat!) with shots which have the tag "animal" ?
    • CommentAuthorWinterwolf
    • CommentTimeOct 6th 2013 edited
    @efji @misterzob

    i admit efji for very unknown movies (5-10% of the movies) and admit misterzob (90-95% movies) But the great disappointed thing is, the running system is already very bad. With 1 week its was more worse as now, but 2 weeks are still to less, at least for new movies! Only three examples:
    Django unchained:
    1 uploader 4 uploads of first 13 shots
    1 uploader 5 uploads of first 21 shots
    1 uploader 3 uploads of first 9 shots (especially annoying its the same player who uploaded 5 of 21 from Django)
    and a not blockbuster example: Cirque du Soleil: Worlds Away
    1 uploader 5 uploads of first 13 shots (yes again the same uploader...)

    There must be something done, to give people a chance to upload a shot, who are not knowing the upload system, playing not every day or have a life (a job and friends etc. and are not able to play 24/7)

    A good idea will be maybe to scale re use timer: 7 days for people have 0 shots upload, 14 days for people have 1 uploaded, 21 days for people have 2 uploaded, 28 days for uploaded 3 shots etc.

    To make difference between non supporter and supporter to compensation the 2 / 5 uploads: Timer for non supporter: 7 days for 0 shots, 15 days for 1 shot, 30 days for 2 shots etc.

    And a really urgent thing!!!! All reuse timer are count from last upload of any player, not from own uploads as now the 14 days!

    Lets make a example, lets call it Avatar 2 will be released somehow in future with this rules:
    3-4 Uploader play WTM every day and will fast upload their shots in FF. After 1 month there have some less active player or people are not hunting slots their chance, because the slot vulture have a 14 day timer already. We have about 15 shots in FF and all from different people. Now really rarely wtm player gets their chance. The 15 active people have all to wait 14 days, and the player have a full week to get their chance.
    Other example: A well known old movie. Many uploader have already 1-5 shots "in". A new player, or old player made now shots from the movie: he have a 7 day timer, and very high chances to get the next slots, because all other people have a longer timer. Will be more fair as now, now some people have the same chances to upload the 5th shot for the movie, as someone who have no shots.

    For really unknown movies (the 5-10% of i give efji right): if there only 1 or 2 player. The upscaling timer will make the time of reusing longer and longer, and if really no one else have the movie, its not necessary to have the 2/5 shots limit further.

    This method will be a really good advantage for all uploaders, especially for new players and not every day players. Ok maybe some slot vultures will cry then, but they still have the first shots in... so no cause to cry... just my 50 cents


    do you know that there is already a memo for animation (the balloons from the Movie "Up") ?

    and kinoute told me somehow or maybe in the forum, that he not wanted add more languages, there are already to enough here, dont know he is still this opinion.
  9.  permalink

    the idea to buy a solution with bucks sounds good, but after some unfair doings like the french connection shared hints on profile with shouts etc.: its not doable. Still there are more ways as profile shouts, like facebook group or e-mail, which is impossible to control for mods/kinoute.

    The main thing that bucks are now useless, at least after you reach a rank like cinematographer to replace shots...

    maybe it will be more useful with the new ranks that kinoute already plan, but many people still are too lazy to gain bucks in my eyes. And we need at wtm every vote in the New Submission to get more fair-minded ratings! Each more vote will reduce the count of a unfair player! For example: A friends 10 is at 50 votes worth 2% of total rating, a friends 10 at 100 votes only 1% of the total rating...

    And one time more, i am very annoyed, the mods/team plan since 2-3 years to make something like buy AU for a amount of bucks (chrisy said already it will be made something... and she is long time no mod anymore...). Time for time the idea comes back in forum, and always the same answer, and than nothing happens. Damn the laziness^^ I will not break with recall this idea again and again^^

    Just some ideas about it, not only from me, some other people talked already with me and this seems
    for a small group a nice change:

    - buying AU as its already possible as supporter will be maybe bad, because its possible to spam shots from a new blockbuster or spam 10 shots from 1 movie etc.
    --> solution: buy AU as a repost from your own Rejected Snapshots.
    - not spam possible, you need first a slot in new submission
    - new submission means that blackbar, bad quality shots will be already deleted there
    - solves, favorits maybe can be saved, so no need to solve a already shot again for other player
    - Rejected Snapshots are not longer useless
    - people loose ranks with these idea, could be bad, if some people can not longer use deletion vote or are not longer able to replace shots
    --> solution for this problem: give away for a fix amout of bucks a AU, maybe for 5000 or 10000 bucks one AU. So no need to reduce the total amount of bucks. This AU will be automatically collect in a stash, and it will only reduce there the amount of AU with -1 with using 1 AU.
    Example you have 45345 bucks now, and we have for example 10000 bucks for gain 1 AU. You have now in the stash 4 free AU. If you use 1 AU you have still 45345 bucks, but only left 3 AU.
    --> new problem: many people have already bucks, this will be after indroducing a mess, if 50-60 uploader use tons of AUs in this way
    -----> solution: only 1 AU per uploader in 1 week possible, and a daily maximum of 15 AU a day. If 15 people used their AU, the 16th etc. gain a message, no AU left for today. So (s)he have to wait 1 day and hope (s)he is next days one of the first 15.
    • CommentTimeOct 6th 2013 edited

    i don't see the connection between animal and animation ? !

    it has been more than once that I see the Vietnamese so i just ask!
  10.  permalink

    you are right, my (translation) error, sorry my english is not that good

    i should really do all in the translator, translated just wrong, the words are similar ^^