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    • CommentTimeOct 6th 2013
    oh ok no problem ;)
    • CommentAuthorMisterZob
    • CommentTimeOct 6th 2013
    The Staff never *planned* to implement the "buy AUs with bucks" feature (which is basically also Pzy's 2nd suggestion). At best, we said we'd think about it. Thinking about it does *not* mean we're gonna do it.
    As a matter of fact, we're still discussing it.
    And when I read that kind of unconstructive, complaint-only comment... I feel like we'll discuss it a little longer.
    • CommentAuthorscarygary
    • CommentTimeOct 6th 2013
    I'd like to add a suggestion to the "buy AU's with bucks" feature. Instead of using bucks, why not base it on the number of votes a player casts? This way you can kill two birds with one stone. You help players get the AU to get their rejected shots through to FF AND you create an incentive for more people to vote.
    • CommentTimeOct 7th 2013
    "bucks" are nothing but votes (and a few things like reviews etc.).
    • CommentAuthorscarygary
    • CommentTimeOct 7th 2013
    That's the point. Make the AU exclusive to the votes. That way you force people to vote to get the AU. No reviews, not other people thumbing you up.

    This way, it could also start fresh for everyone. No need to retroactively determine how many AU's people already earned with their accumulated bucks, or set up the limits that Winterwolf suggested to prevent a flood of AU's (15/day example).

    The idea is to provide an incentive to increase future votes.
  1.  permalink

    kill 2 birds with one stone? its the same like in german "to bash 2 flies with 1 strike" we are understanding us :)

    Refresh bucks have 1 negative effect, if all players start again with 0 bucks: we have for several months no people (except mods) which can make replacement shots, vote for deletion etc., change something wrong an movie datas etc. Thats the cause i told before its maybe tricky, to loose wtm bucks in my old post.

    "And when I read that kind of unconstructive, complaint-only comment... I feel like we'll discuss it a little longer"
    yeah back to the roots with your childish arrogant reasoning, we know that already very much ;) lets play in a sandbox, if your are not able to borne any critics... :/
    /ironie off
    • CommentAuthorscarygary
    • CommentTimeOct 7th 2013

    I am not suggesting restart everyone at 0 bucks. I am suggesting we start counting the votes. If the AU is based solely on the votes, and we start counting votes placed; it may provide players more incentive for voting. The difference being that bucks are earned by multiple means (voting, being thumbs-up'ed, reviews, et al) and you are limited to 300 per day. As there are many more than 60 shots per day, there is no incentive to keep voting after 60 shots. And as it has been pointed out by many players, there is not incentive to vote at all after you reach the Cinematographer rank. The intent of my suggestion is to provide that incentive. Memos could even be generated for high levels of votes (1,000, 10,000, etc).

    I do apologize if my point is not being made clear. I understand that English is a rather clumsily language. :)

    I like the "to bash 2 flies with 1 strike".
  2.  permalink

    there at the moment about 120-150 shots in new submission. In 48 hours upload time. So you make maybe at first 1 day about 600-700 bucks, but on 2nd day you have just the half new submission and got then just about 300 bucks with rating shots only.

    I do it in that way, start voting and vote till i have my 300 bucks, i need about 22h-25h run time to get the bucks. It fits perfectly to get my 300 bucks every day.

    And i bet your english is quite better as mine :D

    And about Memo's, i think Kinoute is on a good way with the new ranks and memo's. You already read the older posts of Kinoute here?
    • CommentTimeOct 7th 2013 edited

    'A good idea will be maybe to scale re use timer: 7 days for people have 0 shots upload, 14 days for people have 1 uploaded, 21 days for people have 2 uploaded, 28 days for uploaded 3 shots etc. '

    I think it is a good point. However I just realized that I have uploaded my 3rd shot from a movie that so far counts a total of 3FF and the reason is that I don't have that many shots that I think could make it to FF. So if the current system favours WTMers that have more flexible hours, the proposed one might favour WTMers that have a higher DVD/BR budget. I do think your point is a relevant one, the solution though might just displace the problem.
    I remember a discussion where it was proposed to add a memo regarding a ratio of the total FF shots versus the number of movie. Why not keeping this idea by making different memo regarding that ratio? I am fully conscious that it does not solve the problem you raised but it might divert enough WTMers in getting those memos and hence making more uploading room to new blockbusters...I don't's just a thought...
    • CommentAuthorscarygary
    • CommentTimeOct 8th 2013

    I vote very much the same way. I start with the shot with the least amount of time left and progress up. The problem is that between the 24 hour periods, there about 12 hours of shots that have the possibility to be accepted before I vote again. The ones that are not accepted remain there for me; but the ones that are accepted are, typically, the higher quality shots. With that said, my proposal is not so much for the folks like you and I who try to vote every day; but more as an incentive to get more people voting. The biggest problem with my proposal (outside from programming issues that I am admittedly ignorant to) is that it is aimed more toward players who upload. That was why I later added the comment about memos - to give players who don't upload more reason to vote.

    Sorry for belaboring the point - I'm just trying to give feedback that is more creative than my typical complaining about the uploader's names not being hidden. ;)
    • CommentAuthorPzy
    • CommentTimeOct 12th 2013
    If a snapshot becomes deleted I get an Email with the text:

    "Dear Pzy,

    Bad news. One of your shots was deleted.

    Check the link:"

    when I click the link I will be directed to WTM where I can't see the shot but the message: "Sorry, you are not allowed to view this snapshot."
    Either you make the snapshot visible or you have to change the text for the Email. Doesn't make much sense as it is now.
    • CommentAuthorkinoute
    • CommentTimeOct 12th 2013
    As many of you have guessed, I won't release WTM 2.7 as a huge update in one time like I did for WTM 2.6. I prefer this time to go gradually and release new fixes/features when it's done. It's easier for me because the beta environment is not working very well and I don't like to test features by myself and I don't want to introduce too much bugs at once! As you can see on WTM and on the other topic, I already started to fix some bugs that are listed on the first page, improved some features and added some stuff. I'll keep the biggest features for the end and when it will be deployed, we will write an article to sum up every change of course
    • CommentAuthordoooom
    • CommentTimeOct 20th 2013
    Could we maybe have an option to NOT see the ratings on your own shots? At least while it's in NS or eligible for SotD. So bascially see the rating of your shots when everybody else does. I personally hate to know what how my shots are rated after 10 votes or so. Would be much nicer if it's an actual surprise whether a shot makes it to the FF or even has a chance of being a SotD.
    Right now I rarely even look in the NS so I won't see the ratings on my own shots.^^
    • CommentAuthorkinoute
    • CommentTimeOct 21st 2013 edited
    I completely understand this feeling. When I was uploading, I was feeling the same way. Well, for now I don't plan to make it as an option but since a couple of months we got a little annoyed by all the whinning shouts (that we can understand) and people giving away their ratings after our changes on the voting system, I was thinking about completely remove the rating of our own shots before the SotD gets selected (see the discussion on the other thread with Nezquivoque & JakeBlues). But as every feature we introduce (and it's normal), I'm not sure it will pleased every uploader... I don't really like to add things as optional to be honest. For me the website is already too complicated and if I let everybody chooses what they want, it's gonna be a mess on both sides, yours and ours. But I'll keep in mind this idea though.
    • CommentTimeOct 22nd 2013
    Just a small suggestion: change the "0h left" into "xx mn left" in the last hour before time out of the shots in NS. Or "xx h xx mn" for every shot if it is easier to do. It could help in scheduling the next upload.

    @doooom @kinoute I like very much looking at the ratings of my shots, starting from 8+ and falling inexorably down to 6.xx or less in most of the cases. Masochism :)
    • CommentAuthordoooom
    • CommentTimeOct 23rd 2013
    Thanks for your replay kinoute.
    I can see why you don't want to implement any optional features.
    If you would hide the rating of our own shots by default for everybody you would definitely get a lot of complains about it. I figure there are a lot of people on WTM that have other preferences than you and I and who actually like to see the rating on their own shots. Well, not an easy decision.
    • CommentAuthorkinoute
    • CommentTimeNov 1st 2013
    I'm gonna try to make something that let the users import their ratings from imdb since DVD covers are back. It will automatically rate a movie on WTM with your rating on imdb, add the movie to your "has watched" list (i need to make a "private" option for that), and also favorite a movie that has a rating better or equal than X (that the user chooses before importing).
    • CommentAuthoryhi
    • CommentTimeNov 2nd 2013
    Just a quick proposition :

    It could be fun to be able to see the whole ranking during a vault. (not only from the first to the tenth).

    Because sometimes, you know that you fight against someone who just keep passing in front of you and then you find another snapshot and you pass in front of him. But you never know who is this guy you are fighting with. Pretty frustrating.
    • CommentAuthorPzy
    • CommentTimeNov 2nd 2013
    Hai community,
    first of all thanks for your memo ideas!
    We didn't make all of your ideas, some are hard to create within 48px.
    We have a small choice now, I would be glad to get more ideas to get the very best memos.

    I don't show you all, only the "best", so that's what we've done so far:

    first line for nudity:
    the glasses from Lolita
    Marilyn Monroe in The Seven Year Itch
    the bone china penis from Clockwork Orange

    second line gore:
    the finger from Four Rooms
    the ear from Reservoir Dogs
    the skin puzzle piece from Saw
    the officer hat from Dead Snow
    the cube from Hellraiser
    the chestburster from Alien
    the tape from Saw

    thank you in advance. :)
    • CommentTimeNov 2nd 2013
    waoƓu great work pzy :)

    i love the glasses of lolita and the cube of hellraiser :)
  3.  permalink
    The glasses are great!
    I want to reinforce bius's suggestion, Necronomicon from Evil Dead's serie could make a nice gore memo! [:
  4.  permalink
    Great work ! I love Marylin and the penis, of course.
    • CommentAuthorPzy
    • CommentTimeNov 3rd 2013
    Thank you for your ciritism so far.

    Wish is wish right?^^

    I will be glad for more ideas.
    • CommentTimeNov 3rd 2013
    Wow, great work Pzy!
    Love the glasses and the chestburster.
    • CommentTimeNov 3rd 2013 edited
    the chair of emmanuelle ?

    and a pentacle maybe ? in the idea of
    the hand of the addam's family?
    the tire of rubber?
    the car of christine ?
    in maximum overdrive ?
    • CommentAuthorAsmodai
    • CommentTimeNov 3rd 2013
    I think these things should focus on (possibly relatively modern) classics, so I'd say:

    Nudity: All are brilliant! Maybe Lolita would fit best with the other ones present?
    Gore: I like the look of the necronomicon the most, but the ear and the chestburster are good fun too.

    Great work, as usual!
    • CommentAuthorbius
    • CommentTimeNov 3rd 2013 edited
    Necronomicon looks really great(as a huge fan of the Evil Dead movies,it's obviously my favorite gore memo!), the puzzle cube is pretty good too! The chestbuster is well but someway it remind me Elmer from Braindamage(Psy,if you have some time to try something with this one!)
    For the erotic memo,just like my fellows it's Lolita's sunglasses which have the best render!
    Maybe the lipstick print on the window car in L'Amant must be fine:,i also thought about the ice cube on the belly from 9 1/2 weeks but maybe not fit or to tricky for a good visual:
    Anyway,Psy, you made again some great stuffs so keep the good work man!
    • CommentAuthorkinoute
    • CommentTimeNov 3rd 2013
    The glasses are well done but it just feels empty without a stand and with one it looks meh (but you know that we already talked about it ^^). I like the bone china penis and the hat from dead snow. The most difficult part is not to make memorabilia but make them fit the old previously designed... And for me, except those I listed earlier, it's not the case :(

    Great job so far though, can't wait to deploy the new ranks with the new memos !!
    • CommentTimeNov 3rd 2013
    Great job. You say "some are hard to create within 48px" and zooming on your work show that they are actually designed on 48px (It is particulary visible on the Orange's penis, my favourite of course). Why don't you work on larger images (96x96, or 192x192) and resize them at the end. The global look would be better due to antialiasing.
    • CommentTimeNov 3rd 2013
    @ Pzy. Have to say that I thought the finger was the penis from Piranha :P
    Really like the glasses, but maybe they should be on a stand, like some of the gore ones.

    @Zo0. The one from Maximum Overdrive would be cool :D
    • CommentAuthorkinoute
    • CommentTimeNov 5th 2013

    • CommentAuthorPzy
    • CommentTimeNov 6th 2013
    you are right the chestburster doesn't look finished yet. I gonna change it.

    thanks for the idea, I started like that. But the problem by this method is that if you scale the memo down to lets say 48px, all pixels will be new calculated how it would be the best within 48px. But it doesn't calculate how I want it, it's mostly different because it's so small. Some pixels disappear others appear on bad positions and some doesn't make sense anymore so I have to change a lot of pixels anyway.
    I guess you were talking about the interpolation technique when scaling the memo down to 48px right? I could choose smooth outline but it doesn't look like the WTM style then and I would have to change some pixels again.
    Also if I work in lets say 96px I would have to make 200% more pixels so I directly start in 48px.^^

    I thought there are top secret! ^^

    thanks for your ideas and critism, you can post more ideas if you like. :)
    • CommentAuthorAsmodai
    • CommentTimeNov 6th 2013
    Pzy : If you want specific feedback, or more general ideas or smth, find me on chat!
  5.  permalink
    maybe improve the quiz stats with sotm and soty:

    You have solved XXXXX Feature Films and XXXXX Snapshots in total. Your Snapshots received an overall Rating of X.XX and were favourited an average X.XX times. You have XX SotDs, X SotMs and X SotYs (if he/she have one/some of them)

    And will be nice to see the overview of sotd etc. with a left mouse click in the text.
    • CommentTimeNov 12th 2013 edited
    Would it be possible to add, for short movies, the entire movie as a trailer for feature films or an opening for series ? Cause there are no trailers for short movies, and as a lot of its are already entered in the database and movies available on Youtube, it could be cool to see them on the main movie page.
    (For the moment, we have to check "trailer" when adding the video, to have it on the main page)
    • CommentAuthorPzy
    • CommentTimeNov 12th 2013
    This is the latest version of the overview for those who are interested:

    added the hand from Addams Family
    added the apple pie from American Pie
    • CommentTimeNov 12th 2013
    the hand is very nice ... very good work pzy ;)
    • CommentAuthorPzy
    • CommentTimeNov 13th 2013
    Thanks Zo0!

    At first I was pretty sceptical to create a car.
    My first try was from a side view and it didn't really worked because it was f***ing huge. Then I took a frontal view to have balanced sizes and it worked better than expected.
    So here you go:

    I've made lot of gore memos now, I would be glad for more nudity ideas. :)
    • CommentTimeNov 13th 2013
    hum... i love the car too ! :)

    about nudity i think about :
    - the graduate
    _ atame!
    _ lost in translation
    _ larry flint
    • CommentTimeNov 13th 2013
    @Pzy Love the car, and is also quite fond of the pie :D
    • CommentAuthorOldboy1990
    • CommentTimeNov 13th 2013
    The Necronomicon looks great (and it fits perfectly on a shelf! ;p)! Thanks, Pzy!
    The Hand is awesome as well!
    I'll try to think about some ideas for the nudity one too.
    • CommentTimeNov 13th 2013
    I love the hand! It looks great Pzy!
    I love Zo0 idea of Johansson pink panties in Lost in Translation.
    Thinking of the graduate, why not the leg of Mrs Robinson/Bancroft ?
    • CommentTimeNov 14th 2013
    maybe the leg is better ;)

    in Kondom des Grauens ?
    in Shinboru ?
    • CommentTimeNov 15th 2013 edited
    The idea of new memorabilia for nudity shots looks great to me, thanks to everybody who's working on it! :)

    My two cents:
    I love both the Lolita glasses and the bone china penis from Clockwork Orange, while I don't like the pie and I don't think that the Marylin one is really representative of nudity shots.

    Regarding some new memo ideas for nudity:
    - the masked model from the Eyes Wide Shut orgy:
    - the stylized giant boobs from South Park:
    - the redhead nudity of Julianne Moore in Short Cuts:
    - the iconic black topless of Halle Berry in Swordfish:
    - the iconic white topless of Jamie Lee Curtis in Trading Places:
    - the torpedo from Shortbus:
    - the giant penis from Boogie Nights:
    - the penis lipstick from On the Doll:

    I'm not really into gore shots, so I'll let other users brainstorm about it (scarygary should really be consulted!)...

    On a final note: it would be great, in my opinion, to also implement a memorabilia for underwater shots: if you decide to think about it, I will be pleased to propose some ideas for that memorabilia too. :)
    • CommentTimeNov 15th 2013
    and a memo for unsolved shots too ? :)
    • CommentAuthorAsmodai
    • CommentTimeNov 15th 2013
    Let's first do the things that are standardly tagged..
    A memo for unsolved sounds weird, we'd need to think on that some more: what happens if the shot does get solved? When does a shot start counting as unsolved for this?
    • CommentTimeNov 15th 2013
    the shot is tagged unsolved only when is in the archive month for a tag!
    • CommentAuthorOldboy1990
    • CommentTimeNov 15th 2013
    The ghostbusters lunchbox from 'Superbad', where Seth stashes all his dick drawings. xD

    • CommentTimeNov 15th 2013
    @Zo0 @Asmodai
    After one month an unsolved shot remains unsolved forever. What is the problem ?
    • CommentTimeNov 15th 2013 edited
    no problem for me! i think it's possible :))
    for 100 shots unsolved it seems impossible to have! but for maybe 25 or less it could be great!?