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    • CommentAuthorAsmodai
    • CommentTimeFeb 4th 2016 edited
    You all voted (thanks for that), and the winner was "Strange Machines". I wonder what you will all come up with :)

    Dates (WTM time):
    Uploads start at: Feb 11, 2016 19:00 - Uploads end at: Feb 18, 2016 18:59
    Solving starts at: Feb 18, 2016 19:00 - Ends at: Feb 25, 2016 19:00

    Best shots will get awards.


    - How many shots can I upload?
    2, but if you are a supporter 3

    - Can I post multiple shots of the same movie?
    No, every movie has only one shot available in total.

    - It says the slot is taken, what does this mean?
    Every movie has only one (1) slot in the vault, so somebody beat you to it.

    - Can I post shots of series, shorts, made for TV movies?
    No, the usual uploading rules apply.

    - Can I upload shots of movies of which I already uploaded 2 shots?
    Yes, the vault does not count towards your max shots per movie limit.

    - Can I post shots that are already in FF/Archive/Character Shots etc?
    No, thou shalt not post dupes.

    - What timezone is WTM on?