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    • CommentTimeDec 30th 2008
    tututut HAL9000,

    7920 and 10534: are you doubling your posts?

  1.  permalink
    So how did this come through?

    I thought it was no longer allowed to post more than one still per movie and uploader? At least that was the reason naut gave me after disapproving some of my stills. And mine were not so similar either. :(

    Arbitrariness, arbitrariness, arbitrariness... :/
    • CommentTimeDec 31st 2008
    no matter. Dorisnight is getting close though......
    And I believe it was 3/uploader/movie....
    • CommentTimeJan 1st 2009
    There's no strict rule such as 3 per user per film.
    No repost from the same user is a guideline.
    It's very hard at the moment to know which stills were uploaded by the same user (we'd have to click on each previous still of the movie to know) so it's tedious to do.

    So yeah, basically it all comes down to arbitrariness... As I already stated before :)