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    • CommentAuthorLeonardoS
    • CommentTimeAug 9th 2020 edited
    @LeonardoS’ Awesome Pride Tribute

    It is a pleasure to finally release my Awesome Pride Tribute.

    My idea for this personal project was to celebrate pride by choosing 8 shots from LGBTQ+ movies (or characters and directors). 1 shot for each color of the LGBTQ+ flag, 1 B/W shot, and 1 special shot.
    It took me a while to go through my collection, but also it was a great way to spend time on quarentine looking for the perfect shots for this project. Meanwhile I could submit shots from movies that I really love.

    I’m very proud of myself and this project. It was an immersion on queer cinema aiming to celebrate my community. 
These movies helped a lot to go through the struggles of being a queer person and they gave me confidence to face life with ‘I will survive’ as soundtrack.
    It shows me how important representativeness is. Being able of seeing myself projected on these characters gave me the chance to feel - and know - that I’m not alone.

    I hope you enjoy the quizz and have a gay time. ;)

    I also wouldn’t mind to have your appreciation by voting on my 2 New Submission that complement this project. #508677 #508687

    Thank you,
