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    • CommentAuthorguzo
    • CommentTimeJan 20th 2009
    Be careful with "spoiler" pictures that could indicate something very important in the movie...

    When i see 12766 i know that if I hadn't seen the movie, i would be pissed to know that in advance!

    Do you have specific guidelines with spoilers?
  1.  permalink
    If you haven't seen the movie then you can't guess the title of the screenshot ! So you don't care :D
    • CommentAuthorguzo
    • CommentTimeJan 20th 2009
    2 ways :
    - In 30 days with "view solution"
    - By doing some research (shouldn't be too hard)... I haven't seen every movie I find and i guess you haven't judging by your score!

    This one is not a really big spoiler i know, but I would hate to be frequently spoiled by What the movie pictures
    When I'm uploading I always wonder if the picture will contain any spoilers.. And the death of a main character is a big NO NO for me
    WTM is here to make us watch movie, not the other way around (what if it was a key element about the ending of The Sixth Sense, Donnie Darko, Mulholland Drive, Memento, etc...)
    • CommentTimeJan 20th 2009
    guzo: You always have it in your own hand.
    If you've seen the movie, you can't be spoiled and if haven't seen the movie,
    1. don't do research
    2. don't press "view solution"

    A spoiler (for me) implicates, that you have no chance to escape crucial information.

    Some of my best shots include critical elements:

    However, I agree with you, that posting the death of a main character could be a serious spoiler and should be avoided.
    And could you please tell me how to spoil memento? The film spoils itself in the first scene ;)
    • CommentAuthorguzo
    • CommentTimeJan 20th 2009
    "And could you please tell me how to spoil memento? The film spoils itself in the first scene ;) "

    True :-p
    • CommentTimeJan 21st 2009
    Sorry Guzo,
    but no worry, it was just a flesh wound ;-)