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    • CommentTimeAug 9th 2009 edited
    when you search for a tag, like "plane" you get two results that are the same, in the bottom rows.

    I think this is because the shot has a tag "plane", and one with "airplane"

    same with
    "cat" and "tied up cat" (left row)
    • CommentTimeSep 6th 2009
    Is there an FAQ regarding tags?

    For example:
    What about "color"/"colour" and "black and white"/"black & white"?
    What's the intended use for tags, anyway? I saw that it's a filter criterion for the Awesome Button as well.
    • CommentTimeSep 6th 2009
    the purpose of tags is finding a shot you saw a while ago without having to browse through the archive.
    We had the color/colour discussing a while ago, but nothing really came out of that. However, i don't think it is good to tag shots with color, because almost every shot is in color, and then you still have to browse trough a lot of shots if you're looking for a particular one.
    Tags are not a way of giving hints, so no actor names/characters etc.
    Hope this helps.
    • CommentTimeSep 7th 2009
    Many tags (e.g. black and white) would be more useful for finding snapshots when combined with other tags. Will this multi-tag search be possible?