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  1.  permalink
    What was the movie that had the first classic private eye scene. You know the one i'm talking about. The one where the private detective sits behind his desk and narrates the scene by saying stuff like "it was a dark night, the rotten smell of the city was hanging in the air. the coffee is col, i never really had a thing for coffee... and that's when she walked in..." etc. it's been done a million times, but i wonder what the original one was. Thanks :D
    • CommentTimeOct 7th 2009 edited
    wowee an actual movie discussion in the forum! Awesome!

    Most people credit Bogart's Sam Spade (in Maltese Falcon) as the first archetypal "hardboiled" noir detective, often copied and parodied. It's been soooooo many years since I saw that though, so I am not sure if it had the cliched inner monologue that you refer to. I know the exact monologue that you are talking about though, pretty sure I have seen it in many (more recent) films like "Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid" (edit: perhaps even Roger Rabbit :) ) etc..

    I'm not particularly au fait with Noir / detective genre, so I am sure someone else will be more help.
    • CommentAuthorAsmodai
    • CommentTimeOct 7th 2009 edited
    Max Payne. They all stole it from him.

    • CommentAuthoraknilak
    • CommentTimeOct 7th 2009
    no ! they all stole from under a killing moon !