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    • CommentTimeOct 30th 2009
    How do you rate more than obvious shots... that don't have anything striking ?
    Like this one in submissions ?
    Surprised again, even tough it has been said to me before here, to see high ratings juste-because-people-know-the-movie-so-they-can-solve-it

    Cotp :\
    • CommentAuthorcastaka
    • CommentTimeOct 30th 2009
    I believe this one is not the best example because it shows an actor's performance just by looking at it. And he's bloody hell good in it :o

    As for all shots you just rate it as you think, if you're fed up with boring shots just rate low... eventually even those posting it will get fed up.

    You shouldn't ask how to rate it's your own opinion that matters :p
    • CommentTimeOct 30th 2009 edited
    Im not going to comment on that particular shot, I dont think its fair. But I will say I am not a fan of straight headshots of actors, and they rarely get high votes from me. Obvious shots are OK for me if they are striking visually, they can still get high votes from me.

    But this is all my own personal feelings, and completely subjective, you vote however you like. If you think its worth a 2, then vote it a 2. If you think its a 10, vote it a 10. Its your choice - we cant tell you how to vote :)

    Edit: beaten like a red-headed stepchild. What castaka said :)
    • CommentTimeOct 30th 2009
    Thanks for those feedback my friends, everytime I learn something intersting... like m00ch doesn't like famouse actors headshots :P

    Didn't know what to rate that shot I talked about so rated it "BEEP" lol

    • CommentTimeNov 1st 2009
    I thought of opening another topic, but since it is about voting, I will continue on this one:

    Are you influenced by the average voting when you vote ?

    I will answer for myself: even if I want to stay objective when I vote, I can't help but being influenced by other peoples voting. I din't want to be. But I just realized that sometimes (not always of course), I see myself voting 7 clicking on the star that has for example 6,7. See what I mean ?

    I still think it could be intersting to show the average only after one's vote.

    What's your opinion about that ?
