After 9 (nine) not accepted shots in a row (a new Olympic record, which I'm not proud of at all, lol), finally made it! So, I'm sorry for the incorrect use of this space, but I wanted to thank you all for it :)
Thank you very much to the moderators for magically accepting ! :D This is the first FF snapshot for this film, so now it is also represented here on WTM. ^_^
Wow, I just logged in and saw that both and had been magically accepted! O_o Thank you so much! ^o^ I had already entirely given up hope on both of them. :-/ I am especially pleased that went through, because it's one of my favourite films (not least because of a certain actor... *wink wink*) and it didn't have a Feature Film snapshot on here yet. But now it finally does! \o/ Thank you once again! <3
Thank you once again to the moderators for accepting yet another snapshot of mine, namely ! :D It is much appreciated! <3 Thought it was pretty nice. But apparently this classic viral video isn't recognized or doesn't raise much interest: