@forerunner : To assign a favourite upload on your profile, click on the link "Assign favourite Upload" just next to the red title : "forerunner's Gallery". Then enter the ID of your favourite upload, and this shot will appear in a bigger window than usual. (To see an exemple, you can go on my profile http://whatthemovie.com/user/LePaposaure )
I really like the new stats and all the updates, thanks for that! :)
I also have an idea for a new graphs, it would be nice if you could see how easy/hard your uploads are. So how many of your uploads are unsolved, how many are solved between 1 and 10 times, how many between 10 and 50 times etc. The same would be nice for the solves, so that you an see how much shots you have solved that nobody else solved, how many between 1-10 other people solved too etc. Dont't know if this is possible, but its just an idea. It could look something like this:
I like the smooth navigation through "your feature films" on the home page. But there is still a bug on the number of shouts displayed (same problem on "your recent submissions"). Why only the last 20 feature films ?
I think it would be nice if there would also be a Shots hall of fame, next to the User hall of fame. Say the 5 highest rated, most shouts, most favorited etc. i'd like to see those stills
I hate voting on my own shots (feels dishonest somehow), could you make it so you don't have to vote to see the ratings for your own shots? You can already see them on the front page when they're in new submissions and feature films
just have a question. I've been getting the impression lately that the show unsolved only checkbox doesn't work properly in FF. I keep seeing shots i solved every now and then. Anybody else also has this?
@forerunner: I've been having this problem, but it's kinda random, some days it happens, some others not o.o
Well, I think there's a problem with this shot 65970. It's not like it has black bars around, it's like the whole screen just got perfectly square (that "you solved this snapshot" warning is just the same lenght). Never seen that happen before.
Hall of fame doesnt work for me and when I log in i get an "error 500". A minor thing is also that if you try to upload a shot from a movie as supporter and already have uploaded 5 shots you get this message: "Sorry, You already uploaded two Snapshots of this movie. Become a WTM Supporter and upload up to 5 Snapshots from the same movie."
Dunno if it's a bug as such, but shouts on your revies don't show up in Tales of Interest. I'd like it if they did, even though I only rarely get shouts on my reviews.
I think i found a bug in the archive. If (using Firefox) I go to the first still, and then select next (with show unsolved only), i get transported to #495 or something. Then pressing previous i can only go to #493, and then the previous button goes blank. BTW, i havent solved all the 400 stills in between :P
I noticed that when someone comments on a review, it doesn't get displayed as 'Tale of Interest' on the homepage, and it doesn't show up in the list of shouts you've received on the homepage. Maybe it's an idea to add the review-shouts to the Tales of Interest?
I was wondering if there were any possibilities to make a color code or something like that on the Profile pictures to mark if the person is male or female. I know you can go into the actual profile and see it there, but if you comment on a shout someone else has made on a snapshoot it whould be nice to see if that person is male of female. Just a suggestion
haha... Well, Hitting on the females was not my first thought. The point is it whould sometimes be nice if the person is male of female in the way you talk to them. If i write "Hey man that's a really good snapshot", it whould be kind of embarresing if i was saying that to a female. BUT offcorse I could write the name instead of "man" and then there whould be no problem.
Underworld Rise of the lycans is twice in the database. Once as Underworld: rise of the lycans (good) and once as Underworld 3: Rise of the lycans (wrong)
A micro bug in the supporter stats: when you move you cursor on the 2 last graphs you have a vertical bar and the exact date of the cursor position is given on the right. On the first graph (Hall of fame position) the date is stuck to june 4, 2009 on the left part of the graph, and ok for the earlier period of time.
Looks like the starting date that bar uses is not your join date, but the date your first upload went through. Mine doesn't go further back than september 28th, which is the day after my first snapshot got accepted. Your first snapshot got accepted on june 3rd, so it starts the day after that. No solution, but a likely cause!
Maybe it's just me, but when I'm hitting the random shot button (which I do when I get bored), I keep getting the same shots over and over again, while there's plenty of shots in the archive I haven't solved yet. It's kind of frustrating to be hitting that button over and over again and not seeing anything new for five minutes or so.