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    • CommentAuthorsbart76
    • CommentTimeFeb 4th 2010
    Could anybody explain me why the WTM keeps saying me that there is no upload slots available for a movie, when I try to upload a wall-e shot? I haven't uploaded any wall-e shots before, so the 2 shots limit per movie shouldn't be the case. I tried to wait a few days (actually a few weeks) as suggested, but no luck either... Am I overlooking something in the rules/FAQ?
    • CommentTimeFeb 5th 2010 edited
    It means there is a Wall-E shot posted already in the last 7 days. There is a limit of one shot from a movie per week, to stop things getting too boring.
  1.  permalink
    And to add on to what m00ch said, Wall-E is an incredibly popular film, and people actually note down the time of Wall-E shots entering FF, so they can fill the slot the moment it's free 7 days after. You either have to be really lucky or do the counting thing to get a Wall-E shot up, until its popularity goes down.
    • CommentAuthorAsmodai
    • CommentTimeFeb 5th 2010
    Funny that I never solve Wall-E shots in NS... maybe I should actually watch the film some time...
    • CommentAuthorcaspar
    • CommentTimeFeb 5th 2010
    I agree on the fact that there shouldn't be to many shots from a movie.But now that the rules have changed for the amount of uploads per movie maybe the 7 days period should be shortened to let's say 5 days.Just a thought
    • CommentAuthorsbart76
    • CommentTimeFeb 6th 2010
    Ok, thank you guys for the info. I'll keep trying then :)
  2.  permalink
    A question about the 7 days wait:
    Does it count down from the moment it's uploaded onto the new submissions, or from the moment it enters the FF?
    • CommentAuthorAsmodai
    • CommentTimeFeb 14th 2010
    Uploaded in ns, I think...
    • CommentTimeFeb 14th 2010 edited
    When it hits NS, the 7 days starts. So it might only be in FF 5 or 6 days dependant on when it was approved.

    EDIT: 23 seconds faster asmodai :)
  3.  permalink
    Thanks a lot to both of you :)