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    • CommentAuthorAsmodai
    • CommentTimeFeb 28th 2010
    "Attacked by Christmas toys? That's strange, that's the second toy complaint we've had. "
  1.  permalink
    I know it, but I'll leave it for someone else so as not to establish a pattern. :)
    • CommentTimeFeb 28th 2010
    At a guess either Gremlins or NIghtmare before Christmas
    • CommentAuthorAsmodai
    • CommentTimeFeb 28th 2010
    Correct, m00ch. Nightmare before Christmas it is.
    • CommentTimeFeb 28th 2010
    "Listen... do you smell something? "
    • CommentAuthorrulo
    • CommentTimeFeb 28th 2010
    apocalypse now?:P
    • CommentTimeMar 1st 2010
    heh way off target rulo :)
  2.  permalink
    • CommentTimeMar 1st 2010
    yep, your turn SilverBullet
  3.  permalink
  4.  permalink
    OK :) here's mine,

    "Yeah...there were horses, and a man on fire, and I killed a guy with a trident."
    • CommentAuthoragonistes
    • CommentTimeMar 1st 2010
    Anchorman :)
    • CommentAuthoragonistes
    • CommentTimeMar 1st 2010
    Since I'll be gone till this evening, and assuming that Anchorman is correct, here's my new one, should be fairly easy: :)

    a: "Uh, excuse me, miss?"
    b: "What'd you mean "miss"?"
    a: "Oh, I'm terribly sorry, I...I have a cold."
    • CommentTimeMar 1st 2010
    thats very Pythonesk:
    and now for something completely different?
  5.  permalink
    You can assume that agonistes ;)
    • CommentAuthoragonistes
    • CommentTimeMar 1st 2010
    @pspan, that's correct :)
    • CommentTimeMar 1st 2010
    Son number one?
    This tall drink of cocksucker ain't dead.
    • CommentTimeMar 1st 2010 edited
    Kill Bill.

    "You eat when we say you eat. You shit when we say you shit. You piss when we say you piss. You got that, you maggot dick motherfucker?"
    • CommentTimeMar 2nd 2010
    i think thats full metal jacket
    • CommentTimeMar 2nd 2010
    • CommentAuthorrulo
    • CommentTimeMar 2nd 2010
    • CommentTimeMar 2nd 2010
    Nope :)
    • CommentTimeMar 2nd 2010
  6.  permalink
    shawshank redemption?
    • CommentTimeMar 2nd 2010 edited
    Yes, it's Shawshank Redemption.
  7.  permalink
    Non, mais t'a déjà vu ça ? En pleine paix, il chante et puis crac, un bourre pif ! Il est complètement fou ce mec. Mais moi, les dingues, je les soigne. J'vais lui faire une ordonnance et une sévère... J'vais lui montrer qui c'est Raoul. Aux quat' coins d'Paris qu'on va l'retrouver éparpillé par petits bouts, façon Puzzle. Moi, quand on m'en fait trop j'correctionne plus : j'dynamite, j'disperse, j'ventile.

    translation: Seriously did you ever see that ? Bang in a middle of peace, he sings then POW!, a nose breaker! He's completely crazy that one. But me , madmen, I cure’em. I’m gonna give him a prescription, and a severe one at that, gonna show him who Raoul is. On all corners of Paris he’ll be found, spread in little bits Jigsaw puzzle style. Me, when too much is done to me, I don’t correct anymore, I dynamite, I spread and ventilate
    • CommentTimeMar 2nd 2010
    La haine?
  8.  permalink
  9.  permalink
    Les Barbouzes !
  10.  permalink
  11.  permalink
    Bon ben Les Tontons Flingueurs lol
  12.  permalink
    it's your turn theoffice911
    • CommentTimeMar 2nd 2010
    and now something in Taiwanees!
    • CommentAuthorJohannaP
    • CommentTimeMar 2nd 2010
    or Dutch :-)
  13.  permalink
    - You know how I know you're gay?
    - How?
    - You like Coldplay.
    • CommentTimeMar 2nd 2010
    40 year old virgin
  14.  permalink
    Yep lol ^^
    • CommentTimeMar 2nd 2010
    "All right, look-you're a roofer, and some juicy government contract comes your way; you got the wife and kids and the two-story in suburbia - this is a government contract, which means all sorts of benefits. All of a sudden these left-wing militants blast you with lasers and wipe out everyone within a three-mile radius. You didn't ask for that. You have no personal politics. You're just trying to scrape out a living. "
  15.  permalink
    Clerks ! Awesome quote !!
  16.  permalink
    Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock.
    • CommentTimeMar 2nd 2010
    ah, my movie: Third Man!
    • CommentTimeMar 2nd 2010
    "So I just cut them up like regular chickens? "
    • CommentTimeMar 2nd 2010
    chicken run?
  17.  permalink
    Eraserhead :)
    • CommentTimeMar 3rd 2010
    • CommentTimeMar 3rd 2010
    @SilverBullet that is
  18.  permalink
    Ok here's mine and then i'm off to work :)

    "Don't go dying on me. Remember I'm a lawyer, I've got friends in hell."
  19.  permalink
    The Devil's Advocate?
  20.  permalink
    No, that's not the one
  21.  permalink
    Carlito's way?