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    • CommentTimeMar 6th 2010 edited
    Please tell me :
    if the shot is already in Archive, FF or NS part, we are not allowed to upload it in the Vault ?
    Could it be a good idea for the uploader to add to the upload a comment with the name(s) of the sin(s) and/or vertue(s) the shot is about ?

    * Edit : answered by LordMyst in the Vault Shoutboxes :
    "it is not allowed to post a shot that is already in the archive, ff or NS

    I think the shots will speak for themselves what sin or virtue it is so you don't need to put it in a shout ."
    • CommentAuthorAsmodai
    • CommentTimeMar 6th 2010
    Correct. As I have said before: If we are unsure which sin or virtue it is, you will get a shout asking to explain it a bit (without giving spoilers ofc). You are always allowed to add these shouts, but it's your choice.
    • CommentAuthorAsmodai
    • CommentTimeMar 13th 2010
    And the solving started! You have two weeks time.

    No sharing of hints!
    • CommentAuthorVinceNet
    • CommentTimeMar 16th 2010
    shall we report people fishing for hints ?...
    • CommentAuthorAsmodai
    • CommentTimeMar 16th 2010 edited
    You could report it to the moderators, or if it annoys you shout yourself. Unless stuff gets really out of hand we won't ban people or smth, just leave another shout ;)

    EDIT: Asking the uploaders themselves for a small hint on their shot is of course not completely illegal, but I hope the uploaders themselves are kind enough to either share with everyone, or with nobody ;)
    • CommentAuthorjoma
    • CommentTimeMar 22nd 2010
    not sure if this has been discussed before or maybe it's just a problem of mine:

    when I browse the contest shots in a forward direction I see different shots (just a few) than when I go through them backwards.

    I start at #66165 (old guy) and press next
    then I see #66166 (guy with burger) press next again
    and I see #66170 (woman licking her lips).

    Now I press previous
    and see #66169 (woman writing next to a guy in bed) press previous again
    and I' back at #66165 (old guy).

    So in short: The pic between #66165 and #66170 changes when I change my direction of browsing. (It happens multiple times, not only there.)

    As I went through the Vault several times in both directions it's not such a big deal but I find it a bit annoying and unfair to people who don't know and maybe always use the next button. So is it only me or are you experiencing the same?
    • CommentAuthortoffetomas
    • CommentTimeMar 22nd 2010
    no, it's not just you. i think it's a bug, i also have this in the archive, FF and NS sometimes.
    • CommentAuthorjoma
    • CommentTimeMar 27th 2010
    ok, first of all congrats to all the winners. great contest!

    BUT: I am kind of angry at the moment. I just discovered this shot by accident: #66167 By this I mean it was on the main page of the contest that shows random pics. What really annoys me is that I have never before seen this shot due to th bug that I explained above^^ It's even more frustrating because it is such an easy one. But apparently more than 400 people saw it (and solved it). How can this be? Is it only a few people who experience this bug? I tried it with IE and FF and its the same. Can anyone pls look into this or has an idea how to see all shots? I wonder how many others I missed. AN overview option for contest might help.
    Sry for all the text but maybe you can understand my frustration...
    • CommentTimeMar 27th 2010 edited
    hey joma. There is, and always has been, an overview for the contests. To be honest its the only way I do it personally.
    • CommentAuthorjoma
    • CommentTimeMar 28th 2010
    wow, must have been blind not to see this. expected it to be where it is in ff. thanks a lot even though its too late now. looking forward to the next contest then :)