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    • CommentAuthoragonistes
    • CommentTimeMar 8th 2010
    I'd definitely be up for that, and would be glad to help out with the DVDs I have.
    • CommentTimeMar 8th 2010 edited
    I bow to your ideas guys! In this thread as well as in the "wtm 2.5 lauched" one :)

    I'm happy to go over them again in a quiet minute and figure out what we're going to work on next.

    All I can tell you now is that we won't introduce "new" features for an indefinite time and instead
    focus on perfecting existing mechanics (like for example the upgrade thing, which I like a lot)
    • CommentAuthorrulo
    • CommentTimeMar 11th 2010
    Now I've become a supporter, I'd like to see more stats:) Especially with info on my shots. How many shots from 1*-2*, 2*-3* etc. How many times solved per shot, and average.
    Ca'n't think of more stats for now, but I like graphs and numbers:)
    • CommentAuthorlnatbnf
    • CommentTimeMar 11th 2010 edited
    I have one request, very simple, about the snapshot pages :

    Is it possible, when you put your mouse on the "Shout" indication, to read if one "shout" at least is "open" for those who didn't solved the shot ?
    It's just to save time : this way, you don't need to go down to the bottom of the page and discover than the conversation is totally private....
  1.  permalink
    [21:06:51] <m00ch> on a wtm note - dont you just hate waiting that last couple of hours for a shot to fail
    [21:06:57] <Sebas> Hell yes.
    [21:07:10] <Sebas> How about a "Force the issue" button?
    [21:07:25] <Sebas> You flag a shot that has 4 hours or less to go, the next mod that comes online either approves it or it gets nuked

    [21:26:53] <Sebas> Oh!
    [21:26:56] <Sebas> Another brainwave
    [21:27:09] <Sebas> How about a "Red shirt" option?
    [21:27:17] <Sebas> You sacrifice one accepted snapshot to save a rejected one
    [21:27:32] <Sebas> There's a few among my rejects I love, and I'd gladly give up some of the accepted ones up to get those through

    Probably the whisky speaking, but I figured "Why not share my fruits of magnificence with the world?"
    • CommentAuthorAsmodai
    • CommentTimeMar 27th 2010 edited
    What can be improved lots is the Character section. Like it is now, it is not possible to easily remove characters (sometimes there are double ones, like a special character for "singing voice"), or add the actor to a newly added character. Also, if you accidentally assign the wrong shot to a character, you can't un-assign it, only delete the shot, but since some shots are fine-looking archive-shots, that's a bit harsh.
    EDIT: And all the unnamed characters and titles, like "Queen" are in german, might want to change that too.
    • CommentAuthoranestie
    • CommentTimeMar 28th 2010
    i just want to see navigation via the arrows of my keyboard. and maybe move the previous next buttons where the voting is. much more compact and you dont have to move as much. but if you guys make navigation possible via the arrows then no need to change the current buttons. i'd like also to see a reply button on the comments instead of having to add @ plus username.

    i really like palhaniuk's idea about reposted images. that way we don't have to ask if thats a dupe or a repost if its a repost. its already stated somehow.

    for supporter's, i'd like to see also how many people have bookmarked or favorited my snapshots. it's nice to see who likes your snapshots or who's looking to see the solution.
    • CommentAuthorAsmodai
    • CommentTimeMar 28th 2010
    What about putting a button onder rejected snapshots that says "Repost". Maybe add a timer so you can only repost it after 3 weeks or so.
    • CommentTimeMar 28th 2010
    "i just want to see navigation via the arrows of my keyboard. " agree :D!
    • CommentAuthorJohannaP
    • CommentTimeMar 28th 2010
    I'd love that! Navigating with the keyboard arrows!
    And I like the repost button too.
    • CommentAuthoranestie
    • CommentTimeMar 29th 2010
    also! i have been using the random snapshot button a lot lately and i must say that is not as random. it says for ex: 663 easy snapshots, and i seem to get the same ones in between five clicks or so. can the code for the random generator get more complex a bit maybe? that'd be awesome.
  2.  permalink
    I've read through most of the comment and came across some interesting and inspiring points:
    I'm totally with them00ch on reviews. I thoroughly enjoy writing them, but became rather disheartened when on average only 2-3 people bothered giving them a thumbs up/down, indicating that hardly anyone reads them anyway. So I struggle to enthuse myself to writing anymore. A "review of the month" award would be nice, if they receive a bit more advertisement on the main page. Let's be honest: Who really reads through the bottom bit of a website with keen interest?

    One thing that can go is the character section, as far as I'm concerned. I never became really interested in it and who's interested in characters, if you havn't seen the movie? For the ones you've seen: Why read about the characters, of whom you drew your personal impression from.

    Also the whole idea of earning bucks should be revised. To be honest, I find the process of rating 60 shots every day quite monotonous and many of the shots in the NS are pretty boring. Maybe it would be worth earning 2 bucks per solved snapshot in the FF and set the maximum number of bucks to 500/day. If people are enthusiastic about it, why not encourage them?

    Also, now that I am a Property Master, I've got nothing to work towards to, except some Memorabilia. Yes, it is a worthy encouragement but I'm not THAT obsessed with it. If I could spend my bucks on Awesome Uploads or buying my personal last month's stats, then I would be keener on earning them.

    I would also like to see a "Report Comment" button and a Top 10 of the month's best rated shots; and yes, I'm aware of the possibility that there might be 4 Jack Skellingtons, 2 Frodos and 4 Johnny Depps among them each month.

    Hope there was something to draw from, above.
    • CommentAuthorAsmodai
    • CommentTimeMar 30th 2010
    I don't understand... You say:
    "I've got nothing to work towards to, except some Memorabilia. "
    and then:
    "To be honest, I find the process of rating 60 shots every day quite monotonous and many of the shots in the NS are pretty boring."

    Why do it then? Nobody's forcing you to earn bucks.
    • CommentAuthorMisterZob
    • CommentTimeMar 30th 2010
    "To be honest, I find the process of rating 60 shots every day quite monotonous and many of the shots in the NS are pretty boring."

    I think the whole WTM2 systems relies on votes. And yes, voting isn't always fun. That's probably why you get some kind of reward when you do it.
    • CommentAuthorChrisy
    • CommentTimeMar 30th 2010 edited
    I like the character section, I have fun with it, it shouldn't be removed in my opinion. Just wished people were using it more and posting less of them of the new submission (unless there is something special about them). I swear some days what makes voting so boring for me is that in 20 shots: 10 are characters, 10 are bad quality or both. Really, It is not always like that but sometimes I get really tired going through the shots...
    I dont see any functionalities which should be deleted but there is a lot of room for improvement.
    What should be improved imo:
    - the view of awesome uploads in the main page: if there are more than 3, I'd like to click on the link and see them but now it is empty.
    - A replacement system for the bad quality shots. Right now they get deleted (even the old ones) when people come across them but would be better if we could just replace them somehow.
    - "Your Feature Films" in the main page. Would be nice if it would show also the number of solves. Would like to see if my unsolved shots finally get discovered :)
    - The dvd shelf: the idea is great and I was looking forward to add all of mine. But it is not very practicle at the moment if you have a lot of dvds. There should be more functionalities, more way to sort them: by director, genre....
    - Been able to see who favorited the shots.
    - The stats, I dont like them too much at the moment, would like to see different kind which were also already proposed in this topic
    - Movie recommendation: shouldn't be in a seperate tab where nobody goes and should be somehow more interactive. Not too sure how though :)
    • CommentTimeMar 30th 2010
    About the stats. I find that the graphs of the number of bucks and solves are boring monotonous increasing curves. The plot of their derivatives (I mean the number of solves or bucks per day or week) would be more interesting.
    • CommentAuthorAsmodai
    • CommentTimeMar 30th 2010
    What about a page where all shots in FF/NS that are still unsolved are listed, for people who feel like a challenge.
    • CommentTimeMar 30th 2010
    @ asmodai, great idea.
    Why not also include the unsolved shots in the archive. There are a great deal of unsolved stills in there
    • CommentAuthorAsmodai
    • CommentTimeMar 30th 2010
    Because solves in archive aren't counted anymore, therefore any unsolved shot in the archive will stay unsolved, even if you solve it.