The old supporter stats should be back for everybody (with a huge gap between sep. 2012 & march 2013). The stats seem to be updated but they won't be updated every day like before. It should be every 2 or 3 days if everything works.
When adding a new title, and adding alternative titles, if you have added to many, and want to delete some of them again, it doesn't remove the bottom ones when pushing "-", but rather the top ones, which of course allready has been filled in.
The right way has to be, to remove the box, left of the "-" sign.
There is a bug when rating character shots in the character page: it rates both the displayed shot *and* the first shot for this character. E.g. If you go to and rate one of the shots (but the first one), it will also rate the first one the same.
I don't think it's related to the AUs. But if you have this problem with only one shot, I can delete it, give you back your AU and you can upload it again if you want.
Movie page - Info part - Genres -> After using the "Show All" icon, it's impossible to use the link on the new genres appearing.
Exemple : 5 genres appear : Science Fiction, Drama, Thriller, Action, Crime - I can use the link for each of them. -> "Show all" --> Genre "Animation" appears --> I click on the genre, but nothing happens.
Yes, it's not related to NS/FF. Some aka-titles get deleted by some user sometimes, and then someone else add them back again. If you're used to using that aka-title, you may think it's a glitch, because it first didn't work and then worked again. But it's not.
OK. It is convienient to be able to type IJ, SW, POC, ST instead of the whole title. And at least the policy shouldn't change from time to time. For example evreybody knows that James Bond demands the full title, and the above series don't.
You shouldn't be allowed to type these ones either, in my personal eyes: as soon as something is a series, the abbreviation of just the series (So not which part!) should not be good enough. Sometimes the spelling check allows this to still be the right answer, though..
Thanks, StuntmanMike. Also confirmed with original uploader: this is not an end shot, just a shot from the movie, with "the end" on it. Nothing to fix, then.
We have a small bug where a couple of profiles give error 500's. We are aware of this and the cause is known, but there is no fix as of yet. Worst case scenario is that it goes away on its own in a couple of days time.
On a series' title shot page, the link to the series is actually /movie/. This seem to redirect to the /series/ for some (e.g. TBBT, Firefly, ST:TNG, House… work fine), but not for others (Buffy, Bewitched… don't work):
When I try to buy supporter status for self chosen number of months (not the 6 or 12, that always works), I always get the message "Something went wrong with your donation". I have tried a different number of months and in different browsers, but the result is the same...
add new movie to the database: maybe a little hint... if you add no alternative titles it works for me several times (with alternative titles it fails ever so far)
The number of shots available through the random awesome button decreases constantly and it's normal: we haven't fixed the background jobs that define the difficulty of FF shots. Still on it... (same for supporter stats).