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    I found my +1 AND my outfit for the Awards Ceremony :-)
    Good luck toping that fellas!

    Dwight Schrute Baby Yea !!
  3.  permalink
    Hahaha, nice one theoffice911!
    • CommentTimeJul 23rd 2010 edited
    get me such outfits, korova milk bar drinks and I'll be ready for everything!
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    DAMN IRM LATE ! I thought we can upload before 10 h00... too bad...
    Whatever, I still own some snapshots, if I can't be in the competition, I can still get some advices :D

    For this one, I had no idea, so I made some map painting on photoshop to get this :D

  9.  permalink

    This one is great:

    Look… You're too late.
    I know. But there's a HUGE PARTY tonight at 10:00 PM.

    The whole thing is wrapped.
    I can't technically add you in the show, to my despair, because you have a great avatar who would have been a great asset to the HUGE SURPRISE coming up!

    Thank you for your participation anyway.

    Still: I send you an invitation (on no! you say) and I'll see you tonight right here at 10:00 PM.
    An don't miss the next contest!
  10.  permalink
    Tonight! At 10:00 PM!

  11.  permalink
    Tonight! At 9:59 PM!

  12.  permalink
    Tonight!!! Because we are the 23!

    • CommentTimeJul 23rd 2010 edited
    We are almost THERE!

  13.  permalink
    Sing with me, on the tune of Tonight, Tonight from West Side Story:

    "Tonight, tonight, the world is full of light,
    with suns and moons all over the place…"

  14.  permalink
    It's OK. Thanks for the invite, but the next time :

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  16.  permalink
    Tonight! Come to the party!

  17.  permalink
    C'mon everybody!!!!!

  18.  permalink
    Come, come, COME!!!!!

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    • CommentTimeJul 23rd 2010 edited
    There will be alcohols, food and a LOT OF GIRLS!

  20.  permalink
    And there will be a good dealer who's gonna pop up right on time!

  21.  permalink
    And it all happens at 10:00 PM!

  22.  permalink
    We have a DJ coming from AMSTERDAM!

  23.  permalink
    You'll be THE STAR!

  24.  permalink
    This is going to be HUGE!

  25.  permalink
    Our doors are wide open!

  26.  permalink
    Hurry up! I see a LOT OF PEOPLE making lines!

  27.  permalink
    You'll meet hundred of easy girls!

  28.  permalink
    We have stuff from Colombia!

    • CommentTimeJul 23rd 2010 edited
    We have tons of booze!

  29.  permalink
    You will have the BEST TIME of your life! Tonight!

  30.  permalink
    Everybody wants to come! Everybody is looking for a spare invitation!

  31.  permalink
    It's gonna be the BEST EVENT OF THE YEAR!

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  33.  permalink
    YOU HAVE YOUR INVITATION (why am I yelling like this?)

  34.  permalink
    Girls! Girls! Girls!

  35.  permalink
    Hurry up!

  36.  permalink
    You can't miss this thing!

  37.  permalink
    I wait for you, arms open!

  38.  permalink
    We have parking access!

  39.  permalink
    You will be AMAZED!

  40.  permalink
    Don't be late!

  41.  permalink
    Isn't it exciting?

  42.  permalink
    Don't you feel nervous?

  43.  permalink
    Are you girls not crazy about Palahniuk?

  44.  permalink
    Even the weirdos are welcomed!

  45.  permalink
    Who could possibly NOT to come?

  46.  permalink
    What situation can stop someone to enjoy the best party of the year?