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    • CommentTimeAug 1st 2010
    • CommentAuthoraril
    • CommentTimeAug 1st 2010
    Aarrrghh... so hard!!! I think tobsch and po_chuju_nick both have great collections... I'll give myself some more time to think about it.
  1.  permalink
    Aril! Until midnight TONIGHT!
  2.  permalink
  3.  permalink
    And my vote goes to....................#102.
    Congratulations to all!
    • CommentAuthordoooom
    • CommentTimeAug 1st 2010
    Who is allowed to vote in this contest? Cause i didn't participate in this one, but still want to want for the asmodai-palahniuk-baby (#31). This one was hilarious.
  4.  permalink
    #13 - Anything that erases Lindsay Lohan is OK by me
  5.  permalink
  6.  permalink
    We still need the votes from:

    OLDZIA (?!??!)

    Before midnight, tonight!
    • CommentAuthoroldzia999
    • CommentTimeAug 1st 2010
    I am sorry Baby! I was busy.
    Anyway, my vote goes to PO_CHUJU_NICK
  7.  permalink
    (but #72 also looks nice ;P
  8.  permalink

    Po_chuju_nick made great autograph sessions: which one do you like?

    Don't vote for someone: VOTE FOR THE BEST AUTOGRAPH!
  9.  permalink
    HERE I AM.
    So, so many pictures, and one vote only, I had to be cruel ! :D
    For me, I found 4 really awesome pictures, who deserves to win. But only one vote...

    The funniest and most original (and the one which I vote for) is the number :

    • CommentTimeAug 1st 2010
    Well, hm. This one made me laugh a lot:

    A shame Asmodai did not make it himself. Could have gotten my vote.

    There are two nominations that kept me balancing the whole day:

    Shalev just found the ideal quote for his avatar.

    And when I saw arils picture my first thought was 'booooring'. But then the second line caught me by surprise and made me laugh even louder.

    I think they both deserve at least one vote. And my vote goes to: Shaaaaaaaaaleeeeev (#79)

    btw: 110 is also funny .. only emm, sort of gross :)
    • CommentAuthoraril
    • CommentTimeAug 1st 2010
    FNICK!!!! I am sooo disappointed....

    Anyway, my vote goes to: #67
    • CommentAuthorshalev
    • CommentTimeAug 1st 2010
    Sorry for being so late, it took me all this time to get over the fact I can only vote for one ;(
    Luckily, my browser came through to help and decided not to show a few, hope I didn't miss any potential winners.
    I know, you don't care, you just want to know my vote, I get it.
    So here it is: #24. Simple, shocking and contovertial, I like it! Cool avatar helps too...

    Thanks for your vote, fnick! DAMN I WISH I HAD MORE VOTES! Then I could retaliate...
    It's time to rise up my friends, and protest again cruel draconian voting conditions!
  10.  permalink
    Now you know why I don't vote.
    • CommentTimeAug 1st 2010
    This was a fun contest guys!! I can't wait for the result, although I already know the winner. Another hour and almighty Pala tells us the results!
    An hour babeh!
  11.  permalink
    You know what?
    I think I'm gonna launch the results earlier.


    Because the votes are (almost) complete and because I want to sleep!
    • CommentTimeAug 1st 2010
    Can't wait!
    • CommentTimeAug 1st 2010
    I believe I am the only one here :) (except Pala, but this is his play-zone, he lives here)
  12.  permalink
    Sadly not for long!
    I'm leaving for quite a while actually…

    I'll miss you guys!
    • CommentTimeAug 1st 2010
    You're breaking up with us?
    • CommentTimeAug 1st 2010
    Or are you just going on vacation?
  13.  permalink
    i'm also here
    and what about oldzia's vote? :)
  14.  permalink
    I go for very long holidays!

    It doesn't change a thing!
    Still you're always the best.
  15.  permalink
    Okay guys are you ready for this?
  16.  permalink
    Someone out there?
  17.  permalink
  18.  permalink
    • CommentTimeAug 1st 2010
    I'm here!
  19.  permalink

    I start earlier because I'm done.

    Let's go…
  20.  permalink
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  23.  permalink
  24.  permalink
  25.  permalink
    Sh*t I never won any contest this summer month, my catwoman was hot however :'(
    Maybe next time... :)
  26.  permalink
    You'll win.
    Oh yeah: you'll win.
  27.  permalink
    Energ will win too.
  28.  permalink
    the end of laughter and soft lies the end of nights we tried to die, this is theee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeend
    • CommentTimeAug 1st 2010
    I hate sad endings.. Watching the plane fly of into the horizon, maybe it hits a seagull, going away to Brazil..
    The winners won well deserved, #31 was really great and with a face like tobsch' and po_chuju_nick's you'll have a guaranteed laugh! Like I said this was a really fun contest.
    Pala, thanks again for hosting!
    • CommentAuthoraril
    • CommentTimeAug 1st 2010
    What about me? Will I win? Cause I really worked hard on this one...
    • CommentTimeAug 1st 2010
    What will I win?
    • CommentAuthoraril
    • CommentTimeAug 1st 2010
    By the way, couldn't agree more on the top 3 winners...
  29.  permalink
    Everybody will win soon or later.
    • CommentTimeAug 1st 2010
    Maybe i'll win a plush shrimp at the fancy fair soon.
  30.  permalink
    Winners are credited.
    • CommentTimeAug 1st 2010 edited
    a shrimp?! ; o
    • CommentTimeAug 1st 2010
    Maybe, you'll never know!