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  1.  permalink
    ShrimpyPants almost won against Julia but… He's a man!
    • CommentTimeAug 1st 2010 edited
    You don't know that.

    here you are energ
    • CommentAuthortobsch
    • CommentTimeAug 1st 2010
    Well, congrats to fnick and juliafurlani!
    As always, it was a lot of fun participating in one of your contests, Palah!
    I'm sure I'll win the next one :P
    • CommentTimeAug 1st 2010
    Hehehehe, those are really tough to get a hold of in those grabbythingmachines
    • CommentAuthorJohannaP
    • CommentTimeAug 1st 2010
    Thanks again for a great contest Pala. Where are you going? Why are you going? How long will you be gone for? Don't they have internet over there????
    xxx, JohannaP
    • CommentTimeAug 1st 2010 edited
    Julia's autograph was also great btw. And she's a girl!
  2.  permalink
    And she's a BRAZILIAN girl.
    You can't argue with that.
  3.  permalink
    I'm off to Sardinia for a full month.
    Then I have a LOT OF WORK.

    I guess the next contest (which will blow your mind) will happen sometimes around Christmas.
  4.  permalink
    I'm a BRAZILIAN girl too. mas que nada
  5.  permalink
    And NO!
    When on vacation:


    Where I go there is no Internet.
  6.  permalink
    it's my real photo
  7.  permalink
    You're a POLISH BOY Shrimpy!
    I don't wanna be a party popper but a Warsaw boy against a hot girl from Ipanema makes a difference!

    Still I love you.
  8.  permalink
    This photo is a HOT SHEMALE from Lublin.
    Everybody knows that.
    • CommentTimeAug 1st 2010
    That sucks pala! Well have a great holiday!
    And shrimpy, you're really hot!
  9.  permalink
    Shrimpy: you'll win the TOOTSIE CONTEST for sure!
    • CommentTimeAug 2nd 2010

    Had much fun during the contest, too. I'm curious if we manage to mess around in this thread even without Palahniuk.
  10.  permalink
  11.  permalink
    I'm curious if we menage to get 12 AU without Palahniuk.
  12.  permalink
    Wow wow wow!
    Nobody is gonna mess around while I'm not here!!!

    I take the keys with me.
    I put a dog right in front of my stash.


    If you organize, say, a MEGAN FOX contest, I can be more open minded.
    • CommentTimeAug 2nd 2010
    @SP: Pah, I already got my 12 AU. And hell I tell you, wtm is completely different on the supporters side. All bright. Everything awesome, not just the uploads. You should try some day. lalalala
  13.  permalink
    ha ha ha, funny.
    • CommentAuthoragonistes
    • CommentTimeAug 2nd 2010
    Congrats on winning, fnick. And thanks again for the fun contest Pala, this forum will definitely be a different place with your absence the coming month.
  14.  permalink
    Where's my bloody status uppance! Palahniuk, you have proven to be a disappointment once again. I thought we share a special dimension of existence but truth once again proves the opposite! Your failure to reward merit shall be the root of your appaling and thought-provoking demise!

    A threat that goes unnoticed is still the most worrisome!
    • CommentTimeAug 2nd 2010
    I'm sorry I couldn't be here to vote, but I got sick and still am and spending almost my whole time with sinking from one delirium into the next :(
    Congratulations to the winners. =)
    And a big thumbs up to everyone who participated, you guys all were great :)
    Thank you again for creating such a funny contest Pala =)
    ... and Pala you will be missed.

    Now I will get back to bed, see you soon guys
    • CommentAuthormarinaraujo
    • CommentTimeAug 2nd 2010 edited
    Congrats Fnick and Julia for winning and Palahniuk for creating other awesome contest. Then again, there was plenty of fun and many great stuff! We'll miss you Palah.
    • CommentAuthorgerbil123
    • CommentTimeAug 2nd 2010
    congratulations to the winners, all competitors and Palahniuk. good job, Guys:)
  15.  permalink
    Great contest !! Congratulations to Palahniuk and all the contestants :-)
    • CommentAuthorcesarmala
    • CommentTimeAug 2nd 2010
    Hey Pala, sorry for no vote. I don´t have acess to internet at weekends! Congrats to all for this really awesome fun.
  16.  permalink
    Congrats Fnic, but also congrat to everybody. Making a picture takes time, and you took it ! It was fun and awesome !
    • CommentAuthorgerbil123
    • CommentTimeAug 2nd 2010 edited
    I was at my friends' wedding and I had no access to the Internet. Sorry for no voting!
    • CommentAuthorjoma
    • CommentTimeAug 2nd 2010
    sry I didn't vote, but i'm too busy atm. was a mirracle I found the time to make my pic...
    anyway, congrats to the winners and have a great month without the internet Palahniuk!
    • CommentTimeAug 2nd 2010
    WTM’s great benefactor Palahniuk, thanks a lot :) you will be missed, but I’m sure you’ll return with a blast.
    Have fun on your month off!
  17.  permalink
    have a nice vacation. I don't like to vote. We have to here in Belgium, but I don't spend any time on it.
    I like to photoshop though.
  18.  permalink
    Have a good one Palah! Enjoyed playing in the Play-zone! Now I have finally time for more drinking (hooray!) and less Photoshop. And come back with a blast of a contest mate!
    • CommentAuthorJohannaP
    • CommentTimeAug 2nd 2010
    Have a great holiday!
  19.  permalink
    THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Last year I left 6 weeks on a dozen exotic islands with no Internet.
    I'm telling ya : when I came back, I turned on the computer ASAP like a drug addict.


    I thought it was really --- modern.
    I mean the interface, the colors, the speed.
    It was like entering a brand new dimension.


    Have a great holidays AND watch as many movies as you can because in movies they ALWAYS say the truth.


    Even in the movies that Sati hates.
    Especially those.

    LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!
  20.  permalink
    Omg, I'm so surprised! I was sure I wasn't going to win!!! It seems that the brazilian power is really unbeatable! Thank you so much Palahniuk!!
  21.  permalink
    The Brazilian Girls are unbeatable.
    This is worth that the national football team.

    And that's a truth.


    I speak from experience here.
    I went to what?
    50? 60 countries around the world?

    I don't count.

    But Brazil?
    You can't say no to a girl over there.

    This is IMPOSSIBLE.
  22.  permalink
    Have fun during your holidays :-)
    • CommentTimeAug 10th 2010
    I miss posting crap in this topic.
    • CommentAuthorshalev
    • CommentTimeAug 14th 2010 edited
    Me too, it's boring without the PZ, I say we make a new contest: The "Palah come back" contest.
    1. You can use a rejected snap, poster or promo shot.
    2. There are no rules.

    The winner gets ... *drumroll* ... NOTHING!

    Are you up for it?

    I'll start with two rejected, since that's the only thing I'm any good with:

  23.  permalink
    Miss you Palah !
    • CommentAuthorcesarmala
    • CommentTimeAug 23rd 2010
    • CommentTimeAug 23rd 2010
    Aah Patman, how cute!
  24.  permalink
    Haha nice cesar !!
    • CommentAuthorshalev
    • CommentTimeAug 23rd 2010
    Thanks for participating guys! Nice shots!
    • CommentTimeAug 23rd 2010 edited
    @cesarmala: You know that when you project this image it'll be a mirror image so it'll be a 'q'?
    I'm sorry ;) It's a great shot though!
  25.  permalink
    haha, @energ your post rocks! ;)
    • CommentAuthorcesarmala
    • CommentTimeAug 23rd 2010
    • CommentTimeAug 23rd 2010