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    • CommentAuthortobsch
    • CommentTimeSep 16th 2010 edited
    It will change your life:

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    • CommentTimeSep 16th 2010
    • CommentTimeSep 16th 2010
  8.  permalink
    To counterbalance my earlier cigarette advertisement:

    • CommentTimeSep 16th 2010

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  10.  permalink
    First of all: this is AWESOME!
    Here is a best of your work --- not in this particular order! ;)

  11.  permalink
    • CommentAuthortobsch
    • CommentTimeSep 16th 2010 edited
    Hmm... your bestof seems to be broken or something. Maybe it's an imageshack problem (or something to do with me), but it doesn't load completely and I can't seem to download it properly...

    But whatever, we still got our advertisements!

  12.  permalink
    Everybody confirm Tobsch situation?
    If yes: I'll do something about it.
  13.  permalink
    • CommentTimeSep 16th 2010
    I see the best of just fine.
  14.  permalink
    Yeah, works for me.

    On a graver note, I'm all out of ideas!
    • CommentAuthortobsch
    • CommentTimeSep 16th 2010
    Hmm... well it just seems as if Opera couldn't handle it. It worked in IE...
    Might be because I got like 40 or 50 tabs open. (YEAH I NEED THEM!)
  15.  permalink
    • CommentAuthorcesarmala
    • CommentTimeSep 16th 2010 edited

  16.  permalink
    Rehosted because apparently a rat nailed to a wall violates Photobucket's terms of use.

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  18.  permalink
    And where is Office 911?
    What about Pochujunick?
    And Energ? What happened with Silvia Brigida?
    And Thaizy! Oldzia! Phoenix!

  19.  permalink
    • CommentAuthorcesarmala
    • CommentTimeSep 16th 2010
    • CommentAuthorcesarmala
    • CommentTimeSep 16th 2010
    Hey, I forgot. Welcome back Pala!
  20.  permalink
    Hey thank you my man!
    I'm REALLY happy to see you all!!!
  21.  permalink
    • CommentAuthorKrazy
    • CommentTimeSep 16th 2010 edited

    • CommentAuthorJohannaP
    • CommentTimeSep 16th 2010 edited
    What a fantastic posts! I'm proud of you all!
    This really is the best thread ever!
    • CommentAuthorcesarmala
    • CommentTimeSep 16th 2010
  22.  permalink
    @JohannaP and @tobsch
    Here is the "best of" again (lighter file).
    Let's see if you can check it out.

  23.  permalink
    Oh damn ! I'm really late !!!
    This was really really really funny ! You guys got so good ideas !

    EDIT : Just realized, somebody already did the condom joke with the baby... :D
  24.  permalink
    • CommentAuthortobsch
    • CommentTimeSep 16th 2010
    The smaller version does indeed work... the other one still won't load properly... I wonder why.
  25.  permalink
    I guess the file was to heavy.
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    • CommentAuthortobsch
    • CommentTimeSep 16th 2010
    It's cool how fast these ads are done... There will be a lot to go through to find a winner

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    (thanks to @oldzia999)
    • CommentAuthorArielbla
    • CommentTimeSep 16th 2010 edited
    • CommentAuthorcesarmala
    • CommentTimeSep 16th 2010
    • CommentAuthorArielbla
    • CommentTimeSep 16th 2010 edited

    someone stole my shot ;(
    • CommentAuthorArielbla
    • CommentTimeSep 16th 2010
    • CommentTimeSep 16th 2010 edited
    • CommentTimeSep 16th 2010

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    • CommentTimeSep 16th 2010