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    • CommentAuthoragonistes
    • CommentTimeJul 9th 2010 edited
    So what I've noticed, do the subtitles have to acknowledge the fact that this is about rejected snaps? It would make sense given the theme, but you haven't listed it anywhere in the rules (and I didn't do it either :P).
    • CommentAuthorthaizy
    • CommentTimeJul 9th 2010
    i think it's not necessary. you can writte anything. but you can use if you want to
  1.  permalink
    Going through the rejected snapshots I noticed you get a "You scored one point. Awesome." if you solve them, even the ones which were posted more than 30 days ago.
    • CommentAuthorthaizy
    • CommentTimeJul 9th 2010
    shot #28085

    i know it is not that good. but i will put more. many more.
  2.  permalink
    Let's keep them coming, Thaizy darling ;)
    • CommentAuthoragonistes
    • CommentTimeJul 9th 2010 edited
    • CommentAuthorG_Fortes
    • CommentTimeJul 9th 2010
  3.  permalink
    The theme is about rejection.

    We're making a group therapy here!
    • CommentTimeJul 9th 2010
    I'm glad that You like my snap :P
    so here's another one and there are more to come

  4.  permalink
    Gregov found his play-zone!
    • CommentTimeJul 9th 2010 edited
    Don't forget to make them talk like in the MOVIES!!!

    Another example.

    I posted this snap because I know it's going to be rejected (now I pray for rejected snaps!!!).

    How the hell I'm gonna sub this one?
    What's the angle here?
    This snap is boring!


    I have an idea!
    Let's work the boring angle.

    Test 1. "What do you mean I'm trivial?"
    Not funny.

    Test 2. "I'm not THAT trivial!"
    Not funny.


    Now let's rewrite this line like an overpaid Hollywood screenwriter.

    It works!
  5.  permalink
    Funny contest!

  6.  permalink
    And funny snap!

    At last!
    Our beloved rejected snaps are going to become MUCH MORE INTERESTING than the snaps in the FF!

    Believe me!
  7.  permalink
    OK this is a summer contest ... but why not continue with a spring contest, a winter contest ...? :)
    I know this kind of game asks for ideas, organisation, time, Photoshop... But I'm sure everybody has fun to play and it animates WTM forum

    To continue with my rejected snapshots of the Godfather ...
    • CommentAuthorthaizy
    • CommentTimeJul 9th 2010

    ok, here it is. one more. now i won't delet my rejected shots anymore haha
  8.  permalink
  9.  permalink
    Ok, not funny.
    • CommentAuthorG_Fortes
    • CommentTimeJul 9th 2010
  10.  permalink
    Means "I was miserable!"

    You see?
    The guy is DEFINITELY miserable.
    In NS I would have voted 5/10.
    In here (a wonderful sanctuary) I vote 10/10!


    Oh MarinaMarinaMarinaMarinaMarinaMarinaMarinaMarinaMarinaMarinaMarinaMarinaMarinaMarinaMarinaMarinaMarinaMarinaMarina…
    You did it! But not exactly. You did it in YOUR COMMENT! Look:

    Now it works!
    Too easy.
  11.  permalink
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  15.  permalink
    @MichaelAngelo Haha love that 'headshot' one :P
  16.  permalink
    Watch out!
    Michael Angelo is taking over!!!!!!!!!

    Very funny.


    Think… REJECTION.

    That's the theme! ;)
  17.  permalink
    How about that for rejection :

  18.  permalink
    @theoffice911: Hahahaha, I LOL'D!
    PS: Where is OhLookBirdies when you need him?! This contest is MADE for him :D
  19.  permalink

    We have THE OFFICE 911 with us!

    At last!

    Look at my wonderful THE LAST WAVE snap who didn't last a couple of hours in NS:

    You can also post your DELETED SNAPS!
  20.  permalink
    If OhLookBirdies doesn't show up, I'm gonna take care of his rejected snaps! Personally.
  21.  permalink
  22.  permalink
  23.  permalink

    The Office 911 is here TO WIN!!!


    I'm gonna play this contest too.
  24.  permalink

    Michael Angelo is here TO GRAB THAT DAMNED TROPHY!!!

    That's it! I play the contest now.
  25.  permalink
  26.  permalink
  27.  permalink

    All right now I'll stop spamming ^^
  28.  permalink
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  30.  permalink

    This one is a jewel:

    • CommentAuthorChrisy
    • CommentTimeJul 9th 2010 edited
    The office911, your doesn't count, it is already in FF (and we can see much better ^^)
  31.  permalink

    2 months eh? It's gonna be a hot summer...
    • CommentAuthormarinaraujo
    • CommentTimeJul 9th 2010 edited

    Another nice shot was prevented from being magically accepted... for Asmodai's cat delight
    • CommentTimeJul 9th 2010
  32.  permalink
    Here we go :

  33.  permalink

  34.  permalink
    We have a problem…


    The Office 911 found his playground.

    The Office 911 is our NEW GOD! (after me).
  35.  permalink
    This one is gonna be hard to beat also:

  36.  permalink
    And this one?

    I just printed out.
  37.  permalink
    Glad you like em Palahniuk!!

    I just adore the "artefact" and "5,19" ones also lol.
  38.  permalink