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    • CommentAuthorkinoute
    • CommentTimeNov 26th 2010 edited
    Seriously, why people don't tag their shots ?

    It takes two seconds, come on people, 50% of NS don't have tags, what the fuck ? don't expect me to gives you a 8 or a 10 if you don't even have the guts to spend two seconds to put tags on your shots. It's annoying, really.

    Sorry if it's a little harsh but that is just make me sick...
    • CommentAuthorLordMyst
    • CommentTimeNov 27th 2010
    why would I tag my own shots

    so if there is a tree in my shot I need to tag "tree" on my own shot

    whats the point?

    tags are a reminder for people to find a specific shot they once saw on WTM. Its better that they tag the shots themselfs so they now what tag they need to put in the search

    I don't need to find my own shots with tags, I can find my shots on my profile.
    So I don't tag them
    • CommentAuthorkinoute
    • CommentTimeNov 27th 2010
    wow, what a point of view, do you think about other people sometimes or it's just all about you ?

    "so if there is a tree in my shot I need to tag "tree" on my own shot whats the point?"

    Help WTM to classify shots and help people in a near future to find 'em easily. Have you heard about nudity & gore shots or other penis mission ?

    Yeah, Thanks to the tags, its now possible to don't show them. That is why tags are useful, filter content you like or you dislike.

    "tags are a reminder for people to find a specific shot they once saw on WTM. Its better that they tag the shots themselfs so they now what tag they need to put in the search"

    No, it's not. If i want to solve only animation shots, it's not because i saw a shot once on WTM, it's just because i want WTM to show me only animation shots to solve. People are not 24/7 here to see and tag every shot "they need to put in the search" (?? no sense).

    WTM is a community, when you're uploading, you're contributing, so make it good. Tags are being useless if everybody is acting like you, too lazy to upload a shot with full informations (two seconds to add "b/w"). If you expect people to tag your shots and make your unfinished work, well, don't expect them to put you a 10 :)
    • CommentAuthorJohannaP
    • CommentTimeNov 27th 2010
    Hi Kinoute,
    Do you think that you get people to do what you want by talking to them in this way? I wouldn't go tag my shots after this post (don't worry, I do tag my shots most of the time). Being nice helps a lot more.
    • CommentAuthorkinoute
    • CommentTimeNov 27th 2010
    Sorry JohannaP, i started this discussion after spending 1hour to tag shots in NS, i was a little tired. I'm just fed up with people who signed in to this community and do things by halves.
    • CommentAuthorLordMyst
    • CommentTimeNov 27th 2010
    So I can expect that I will never get an 8 or higher from you
    nice to know :)
    • CommentAuthorkinoute
    • CommentTimeNov 27th 2010
    Yep, as mods will never push manually blurry shots or shots with little black bars, i'll never vote 8+ on a shot with no tags at all. Everybody has a different approach to vote, this is mine : you are contributing by halves, i divide my vote by half.

    This is a community, and people like RPL55 & 0 got the message, they contribute by adding tags, unknown movies, new videos, rare shots, that how a community works, sharing & contributing with one goal : improve again & again the game. Maybe for you tags are not useful, but there are for others players and for the community.
    • CommentAuthorkinoute
    • CommentTimeNov 27th 2010
    Oh, and of course by saying divide by half, i didn't mean that, i'll just reconsider my vote.
  1.  permalink
    Hi kinoute,
    I understand you being tired and all with the situation and I do get your point of view of community and stuff, but I really think you're being too harsh on this matter. Can't say by everyone, but sometimes I don't add tags to my own shots and really don't mind adding tags to other shots where I see something that could be nicely tagged. You probably never thought of it, but every once in a while I don't really know what could be a tag on my own snapshots without eventually spoiling them. Like this one:
    As you said, it's a community game. So if the owner can't see a proper tag on the snapshot, nothing keeps other people to do so, but it's not like you necessarely need to go there and fix all the non-tagged snapshots (like it seems it happened). If someone stumble into a snap and think he'll need a tag laters, he/she will surely add smtg, as LordMyst pointed.
    Also: when you say you underrate shots without tags, you're not voting by the shot itself, as we're supposed to do, but on the owner behaviour, what on my view, and forgive me to say that, is as good as voting higher the snapshot because it's a famous movie or lower if you can't solve it.
    • CommentTimeNov 27th 2010 edited
    I don't understand LordMyst's attitude either. It may happen that you forget to tag your uploads. Or maybe you are staring at the shot and there is just nothing obvious to tag without spoiling as SunsetWalker said. But never adding any tags on purpose what would only take a few seconds?

    WTM is a community and everyone can tag everyones shots so I don't think the uploader needs to tag every detail in the shot. But the tags are the only way to check for dupes when the shot is still in FF (well at least I don't manually check 30 pages for every shot I upload). So taking some seconds to tag basic information (obvious objects, the dominant color, "b/w" etc.) can help other people not being very disappointed when their shots get deleted. Of course you can say "what do I care other people being disappointed" - but here i'm with kinoute on this whole community idea :)

    Just that voting thing .. well, it sayz "rate the shot". If there are tags has nothing to do with the quality of the shot. Is the shot better if anyone tagged it before you vote? Is it worse because the uploader tagged it and someone else deleted the tags?
    • CommentAuthorkinoute
    • CommentTimeNov 27th 2010 edited
    Sunset, i totally agree with you with some points. When i spent one hour yesterday trying to tag shots in the NS section, i found some where i couldn't find any keyword for the shot. But 90% of the shots can have at least one keyword, the shots you described represent like 10% of the total shots where you can't hardly find a good keyword/tag.

    I really think tags are useful, there are not on WTM for nothing, and if people can add tags like they remove black bars, it would be great.

    For the rating part, of course i'm not voting only if there are tags or not, i just wanted to say that viewing many shots without at least a keyword (especially when it's "b/w" or "animation") is annoying to me, and i'm not gonna lie, yes, sometimes i give a lower vote because of that. But, as i said, it won't be like 2/10 or 4/10, i'll just remove one point maybe sometimes when the shot has great details and can have many keywords.
    • CommentTimeNov 27th 2010
    I always try to tag my shots, but sometimes I don't know an appropriate tag or I don't know how to call it in English (My English vocabulary isn't that good). If that's the case I don't add something that probably makes no sense but I hope for native speakers to add something right :p
    • CommentAuthoragonistes
    • CommentTimeNov 27th 2010
    I sometimes forget to tag my own shots, but just as I tag other people's shots here and there, I hope others will do the same with my shots in case I forget. Isn't that what the community is about?
    I think both kinoute's and LordMyst's point of views (rating lower when there's no tag vs. never tagging your own shot) are a bit ridiculous honestly.
    • CommentTimeNov 27th 2010 edited
    I agree with agonistes.
    • CommentAuthorGregh
    • CommentTimeNov 27th 2010 edited
    I'm gonna start removing all the tags on your shots kinoute. Haha, just kidding :P I do agree with agonistes though.

    Another thing. Cable monkeys can't tag snapshots so that might be why some shots are untagged by their uploader.

    Oh, and more importantly, once a shot gets rejected from NS its tags are completely ignored by the WTM tag search function. And since the vast majority of NS's don't get into feature film, it would surely make little sense to tag shots currently in NS . Most of that hour you spent tagging may have gone wasted my friend! Tag shots once they hit FF

    Oh, just a point about the above...I think the tag search function is incomplete in this way. There have been countless times when I've wanted to find shots that I knew I'd already seen, so I use the tag search but can't find them because they have been rejected. There should be a seperate function to search the "Archives of rejected shots"
    • CommentAuthorkinoute
    • CommentTimeNov 27th 2010 edited
    Agonistes : Yes, this is what a community is about. But i don't like people like LordMyst who wait others guys to do the job everytime. Guess one second what WTM will look like is everybody was acting like this, one word : empty. 0 abstracts, 0 trailers, 0 characters shots, 0 alternatives titles. WTM lives because of us, we are the community, without us, WTM is nothing. When you are uploading a shot (which is a kind of contribution of course), you have taken two minutes to remove black bars, why not taking ten seconds more to write two tags before validating your shot ? This is the quickest and the simplest way to contribute and improve WTM. I'm not asking people to add trailers, add movies, add alternatives titles, because 1) it depends of the rank 2) it needs time and everybody has not this time and a few great people are already doing this well.

    Always remember that we are the source of informations of WTM, without us, WTM will be empty. It starts with the shots, and after that, the tags. I don't ask the staff to put the tags required because like everybody said here (and i agree with that), there are weirdy shots which can't be really tag perfectly, but please if you like this community, if you don't have time to contribute in other way (trailers, character shots), the simplest way to improve the WTM database is tagging your shots, even if you find them useless, there are not, trust me (see the gore/nudity thing).

    Thank you

    Gregh: Yep i saw that about the rejected shots, maybe naut can answer about that ? I saw a problem too with the awesome random button, if you put a tag on it, and check "only unsolved shots", it doesn't work, it will show you shots you have already solved too.

    I'm not sure about the cable monkeys thing though, if he can upload, he should have the line to add tags to his shot. But yes he definitely can't add tags on others shots.
    • CommentAuthorshantak
    • CommentTimeNov 27th 2010
    Oh, come on guys... let's be nice to our little friends and not start a fight or give a low score on the buddy's shot just because "he was mean to me"...

    Let's play! Just enjoy the game, have fun! (With or without this so controversial "tag").

    • CommentAuthorkinoute
    • CommentTimeNov 27th 2010
    Yep, let's play folks, sorry if i was a little hard in my words, i was just tired, i just wanted to point something.
    • CommentAuthorgp
    • CommentTimeNov 28th 2010
    some people just want to look at cool shots and see if they can solve shots and post their own?? thats ok. not everyone has to post character shots or write reviews or add tags. most wtm users just solve let alone vote and votes are a lot more important than tags. like wikipedia: they have this conceit that most of it is done by 1000 or so volunteers, but really its done by thousands of people each adding a bunch of stuff to what their interested in then those 1000 volunteers go through and make it fit with wikipedias style and notability guidelines. you cant really expect most people to follow them and literally every article on wikipedia has had someone go through and fix them. probably bored at work or sitting on a library pc. and thats what the people who add tags are: unshaven, unwashed socially stunted nerds sitting in a library, mumbling into the screen, making the librarian nervous
  2.  permalink
    LOL geez, gp, cut that off :P you know it's not like that (although I know a few people on my workplace that would fill the description very well)
    • CommentTimeNov 28th 2010
    "do not rate the movie ("or tags"). rate the awesomeness of the shot"
    • CommentAuthorkinoute
    • CommentTimeNov 28th 2010
    "do not read only one post, read the whole thread"

    gp: "some people just want to look at cool shots and see if they can solve shots and post their own?? thats ok. not everyone has to post character shots or write reviews or add tags. most wtm users just solve let alone vote and votes are a lot more important than tag".

    I'm ok with that, like i said, i'm not expecting everybody to add characters shots, write reviews, etc... but just do the minimum, which means, when they post their own shots, take two seconds and write some tags, et voilĂ !

    For the rest of your post, i'm not gonna answer, you're just insulting people who try to improve WTM and add more informations everyday to the database by their looks. Thanks to the "stunted nerds", WTM is getting bigger and better everyday.
    • CommentTimeNov 28th 2010
    done and done..

    "you are contributing by halves, i divide my vote by half."

    • CommentAuthorkinoute
    • CommentTimeNov 28th 2010 edited
    and one line after : "Oh, and of course by saying divide by half, i didn't mean that, i'll just reconsider my vote."

    and after : "For the rating part, of course i'm not voting only if there are tags or not, i just wanted to say that viewing many shots without at least a keyword (especially when it's "b/w" or "animation") is annoying to me, and i'm not gonna lie, yes, SOMETIMES i give a lower vote because of that. But, as i said, it won't be like 2/10 or 4/10, i'll just remove one point maybe sometimes when the shot has GREAT DETAILS and can have MANY keywords."
    • CommentAuthorLordMyst
    • CommentTimeNov 28th 2010
    I think I contribute a lot in WTM with uploading shots, title shots and replacement shots
    but I will tag my shots in the future with b/w or animation
    I think you have a point there
    • CommentAuthorfabster
    • CommentTimeNov 28th 2010
    never tagged a single shot of mine, probably going to reconsider it now, though.
    • CommentAuthorffx
    • CommentTimeNov 28th 2010
    Someone tagged one of my pics in NS as "Character shot", which I consider is not quite correct for this shot (yes of course the actor takes most of the screen those who recognize the scene know that it is not what is important in the picture). How can I remove the tag? (btw the pic is
  3.  permalink
    Looks like a character shot to me...
    • CommentAuthorffx
    • CommentTimeNov 28th 2010
    I guess that depends on the definition of character shot (which I could not find on the site). I can see a lot of shots here displaying a character without being tagged "character shot" so I don't understand why mine would. Do you remember this scene btw?
    • CommentAuthorShayah
    • CommentTimeNov 28th 2010
    I agree with ffx on this point, the actor's face is not the most important part of the scene. But it's totally impossible to know if you don't remember the movie (the background is quite blurry, and on a singe image you can't see much), so I'm not surprised someone tagged it as character shot. Anyway, I don't think it's really important :)
    • CommentAuthorffx
    • CommentTimeNov 28th 2010
    Thanks Shayah, it's all the less important that the shot will not make its way to FF. And my point was also that the poster should be able to control the tags, at least during the NS phase.
    (and yes, I was disappointed to discover that the snapshots I took from the scene resulted so less spectacular than in the movie)
  4.  permalink
    I haven't seen the movie (solved it cuz the actor is obvious ^^) so I don't know what I'm supposed to look at ! I just see a character that's all :)
    I'm not the one who tagged it btw, and I kinda like character shots! Obviously a character shot of Avatar would be stupid because there are so much more to upload but in most movies character shots are really important so I like 'em !
    • CommentAuthorffx
    • CommentTimeNov 28th 2010
    theoffice: with the movie name you can find this scene easily on youtube ;)
    • CommentAuthorkinoute
    • CommentTimeNov 28th 2010
    LordMyst: If you are contributing in other ways, then i apologize for being a little harsh with you about tags. But i think you understood my point and tags are nothing compared to upload title shots & cie (i mean it takes no time to do it), so i'm happy if you're gonna tag yours from now!
    • CommentAuthorninka
    • CommentTimeNov 28th 2010
    I'm more busy with picking a shot, removing the bars and uploading and waiting (by refreshing 45 times per minute) for its first rate. Tag? What tag?
    • CommentAuthorkinoute
    • CommentTimeNov 29th 2010 edited
    Thanks to the idiots who removed all the tags on my shots, morons.

    I have an idea about who did this, time to play a little too :)