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    • CommentAuthorKrakowiak
    • CommentTimeFeb 4th 2011
    Bad news !
    It happened on February the second !
    The Groundhog Day !
    I'm afraid we're going to live this day again and again for a very long time...
  1.  permalink
    Wow ! Naut has gone in US to find us another genuis programmer !!
    Perhabs he has seen "the Social Network" to many times... :)
    • CommentAuthorjoachim
    • CommentTimeFeb 4th 2011
    Well, it's not getting any better .... i haven't been able to reach WTM for two days..... starving!
    • CommentTimeFeb 4th 2011
    So many users have supporter status and donate money to the site, yet there still is no coder and apparantly the server is constantly breaking down. Where are the money going to then?
  2.  permalink
    Glad to know I'm not the only one in withdrawl...
  3.  permalink
    I'm a little worried about the new contest. I haven't uploaded any shots yet (and I believe I'm not the only one). What will happen? Will the uploading time be extended?

    Maybe you should write something on twitter, or facebook or at the blog, if it's possible. Just to tell people you know there's something wrong, you're trying to solve it, etc.
    • CommentTimeFeb 4th 2011
    I really cannot understand what happens.
    Cleary there is a big problem on the site. Some piece of code becoming mad periodically. It happened many time in the past months. We need a coder to fix it one for all. But a simple reboot should fix the problem at least for a moment. Is there really nobody physically close to the server that can simply try to reboot this crazy HAL9000 ?
    • CommentAuthorFireball
    • CommentTimeFeb 4th 2011
    Totally agree with what sati said!
  4.  permalink
    Hallelujah!!!!!!! Finally got back in after 2 days! I've been soooooo bored! I thought my membership had been revoked and I'd been kicked outa the club?!?!?
    I've brought a big box of 'Get well soon WTM' donuts with me if anyone wants one! But the meanie croc can't have any!x
    • CommentAuthordoooom
    • CommentTimeFeb 4th 2011
    Nice to have the site back. Thanks for that. :)
    • CommentAuthorChrisy
    • CommentTimeFeb 4th 2011
    Guys, we all love this site!! I'm sure a solution will be found, a coder is needed but it is not that easy to find and get someone, we have to admit, as dedicated as Tliff was and spending so much time on it and for free. We all know he did spend hours everyday dedicated to the site! I'm sure Naut will find a solution to save us all ^^ we just have to be patient and a bit understanding, Naut also has a new job in the US now, we all have a life too. Let's make the best of what we have now and hope for all this to get better soon.
    *pfff withdrawal symptoms finally over* THE SITE IS BACK!!
    • CommentTimeFeb 4th 2011
    We're back baby!!
  5.  permalink
    the money of the supporters directly goes to the directors who make penis movies...

    and yes so glad to have wtm back.
    • CommentAuthorbazzy3000
    • CommentTimeFeb 4th 2011
    is that so olympique? i will start contributing now!!!
  6.  permalink
    I hope our money goes into the pack of beers naut is drinking ! Well at least it's why I donate...
  7.  permalink
    well i know a movie loving coder, i just dared to aske him. let´s see what he will say. and yes he is good. he has studied that stuff.
    • CommentAuthorLisanne
    • CommentTimeFeb 7th 2011
    Nice to be back online!!!
  8.  permalink
    @olympiquetango : so what did he say?
    • CommentAuthorPaille
    • CommentTimeFeb 9th 2011
    How about putting up a kind of job description?
    There must be more movie loving coders around
    Unfortunately I'm busy writing my bachelor thesis right now :( otherwise I would apply for the job (studying software-engineering)
    • CommentTimeFeb 9th 2011 edited
    Well, that is an interesting point. First of all, it'd be good to know which language wtm was written in. I think it is Ruby On Rails but I'm not sure.

    And since I definitely am a movie (and wtm) loving coder, I'd be glad to help but there's two things to that. First, I'm not that experienced in Ruby (I've been doing mainly PHP for the last years) and thus it would take some time to get acquainted with the code and the language. Second (and I think some fellow coders can certainly relate), I wouldn't have enough time to maintain and enhance wtm on my own like tliff did.

    A third point is that it's a lot of responsibility for one coder.

    But what about a whole new approach to that (given the case that tliff really can't spend the needed time and is willing to let his code be touched by others):

    With the right tools (at the very least ticket and version system) we could manage to maintain the site by a group of people who are willing to spend some of their spare time. There could be some "engineers" spotting the current problems/bottlenecks and creating tasks for the coders. Thus you would have small packages any interested (and priviledged) coder could spend some time on. Maybe there could be a core group which makes final decisions and maintains the roadmap.

    I'm not talking open-source to make this perfectly clear. But I think there are some people amongst us who would certainly love to help wtm grow and get better.

    Just my 2 cents and some rough ideas.
    • CommentTimeFeb 9th 2011
    and why not open source ?
    WTM is already a cooperative work with thousand of uploaders creating a huge snapshot database.
    • CommentTimeFeb 9th 2011
    I like exclusiveness. wtm is still kinda unique on the web and I would keep it that way (at least for a while).
    • CommentAuthorkinoute
    • CommentTimeFeb 9th 2011
    I'm in with your idea tleilax. I think one coder is not enough, we need at least one to fix all the bugs and maintenance things and at least another who can create new features.

    I'd be glad to help too. I have a little background with ROR and worked with PHP for a long time, i love playing with API and stuff (i made the twitter bot "what the shot") and i'm totally free this year, i'm in a break.
    • CommentAuthorChrisy
    • CommentTimeFeb 9th 2011
    We will post an announcement with what we are looking for soon, be a bit patient, then people will be able to apply and have a talk with Naut who ultimately knows what is needed, the experiences required.... etc
    • CommentTimeFeb 14th 2011
    I'm getting over capacity on news submissions and recent new submissions today and the site is working incredibly slow.
    • CommentAuthorLordMyst
    • CommentTimeFeb 14th 2011
    kill erogator now
    he is very annoying :)
    • CommentTimeFeb 14th 2011
    same here..every 10 minutes site is over capacity..
    • CommentTimeFeb 17th 2011
    we may wanna bump this thread because we’re now officially looking for a helping hand :)
    go there:
    • CommentAuthorAntituur
    • CommentTimeMar 16th 2011
    I've been seeing nothing but the Errorgator all day long... :-(
    • CommentTimeMar 16th 2011
    Same here.
    • CommentAuthorzippe
    • CommentTimeMar 17th 2011
    really, I regret not having made ​​major study in computer science.
    it is where the magician ? : (
    • CommentTimeMar 17th 2011
    imho, in such a case, major studies in computer science are not necessary. A simple "on/off" of the server should do the job (temporarily). But the server seems everytime to be as lonely as the Fukishima nuclear plant. I cannot understand that. Where is physically hosted the WTM server ? Is it part of a commercial hosting or a simple computer in somebody's appartment ? In both cases there should be somebody around !

    on/off !! .
    • CommentAuthorzippe
    • CommentTimeMar 17th 2011
    @efji,you love the fleeting things to what I see ^ ^
    • CommentAuthorLisanne
    • CommentTimeMar 17th 2011
    I'm starting to get annoyed by that Errorgator. It's been going on like this for hte last couple of days. yesterday I was lucky to suddenly have WTM for a moment so I could solve some snapshots. But the last days are like hell again. WTM is a great way to spend my time when I'm bored, please fix this error!!!
    • CommentAuthorkinoute
    • CommentTimeMar 17th 2011
    • CommentAuthorAsmodai
    • CommentTimeMar 17th 2011
    efji, it wasn't a problem with the physical server, otherwise the forum wouldn't be working either. So no, physically just poking the device with a stick wouldn't have helped.
  9.  permalink
    I have a problem with loading the page completely, can't see shouts, can't vote...well pretty much everything. Anyone?
    • CommentAuthorAntituur
    • CommentTimeMar 18th 2011 edited
    Yes, from time to time shouts and voting tend to not show, or only after a very long time, or only after going back and forth between two shots. I don't mind too much, because I do not vote or shout very much, but something is definitely not functioning as it should. It's been like that for a couple of weeks.
    • CommentTimeMar 18th 2011 edited
    Yes I had that too, but that's not the problem I was talking about...Now I can't see the lower part of page at all, actually all I can see is this:

    or if I want to see a snapshot this:

    And it keeps loading but no success :(
  10.  permalink
    Finally everything is back to normal again :)
    • CommentTimeMar 19th 2011
    had the same problem on IE yesterday..but on Opera everything was working..
    • CommentAuthorWinterwolf
    • CommentTimeMar 22nd 2011
    the annoying croco is back :(
    • CommentTimeMar 22nd 2011 edited
    I usually go to the chat to check what's wrong by reading the status which usually provides more info than this site's twitter which hasn't been updated in ages. Now the status says "[WE DON'T KNOW, ALL RIGHT?!]". So let me get this straight - not only is the site crashing every few days and there still is no programmer, despite the fact so many of WTM users contribute, now the users get yelled at with caps lock and exclamation mark?
    • CommentAuthorAsmodai
    • CommentTimeMar 22nd 2011
    Nope, you got it somewhat bendy. The chat is seperate from the website, and the people who set the topics in the chat aren't always the mods/creators. Some of them, even, don't ever come on the chat :) So basically, random people who just appear in a chat get "yelled" at (maybe there are caps lock because most people don't seem to read the topic and just go straight to asking stuff), not users :)
    • CommentTimeMar 23rd 2011
    Just installed firefox 4 and WTM experience changed totally. It is now incredibly fast ! Worth trying.
    • CommentTimeMar 23rd 2011
    Already did that too and it's faster indeed :D
    • CommentTimeMar 30th 2011
    Scruffy seems to be in troubles.
    Many shots in NS have "0h left" for hours and of course there are very few new "new submissions"
    • CommentAuthorAdriel
    • CommentTimeMar 30th 2011
    Yup, one of my shots had 2h left at 2am this morning and its still in NS with 0h left...
    There seems to be dropping one of those per hour max. it seems.
    • CommentAuthorMisterZob
    • CommentTimeMar 30th 2011
    Yeah, we're aware of that. :(
    We're working on it. We might end up deleting shots that should have been rejected, just to give your slots back.
    • CommentTimeMar 30th 2011
    No MrZob, push them all :)