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    • CommentAuthorBEUNARDEAU
    • CommentTimeAug 27th 2014
    First I want to say that i I really love this site. WTM is perfect for people you like watching movies.
    Then, I've got 2 questions. Sorry if there are already some answers but I haven't found it.
    What the differences between the feature film score and the snapshots score on my home page (I have some ideas but I'm not sure).
    In the all of fame we can see are overall position in some ranking but not in all (first solver for instance). So is there a way to know how many time I have been first solver ?
    Thank you and keep going on that way
    • CommentAuthorAsmodai
    • CommentTimeAug 27th 2014
    1: Feature film score is how many shots CURRENTLY in FF you solved. The other one ("You have solved 32392 Feature Films and 58716 Snapshots in total. ") gives the amount of shots you have EVER solved, first one for when they were in FF, the second one for when they were in archive.
    2: If you become supporter you can see it in the supporter stats.
    • CommentAuthorWinterwolf
    • CommentTimeAug 27th 2014
    additional for Snapshots in total: Shots in New Submission (which go later rejected for example) count at total number of solves too. And i think solved vault shots also count, but not sure...
    • CommentAuthorAsmodai
    • CommentTimeAug 27th 2014
    Indeed. Also deleted shots, probably.