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    • CommentAuthorAsmodai
    • CommentTimeJan 7th 2015 edited
    "On no..."

    Oh YES!

    Because we thought Draw the Movie was getting a bit too predictable, we decided to throw a little change into the mix and give it a theme: Valentine's day!

    First, the dates:
    Uploads start at: Feb 01, 2015 20:00 - Uploads end at: Feb 14, 2015 19:59
    Solving starts at: Feb 14, 2015 20:00 - Ends at: Feb 28, 2015 20:00

    So what's the idea?
    For those that are new and haven't done a Draw the Movie quest before, the idea is quite simple: you have to create your OWN shot that is related to some movie. Either a copy of a famous shot in the movie, or for example a puzzle that leads to the title. All kind of things are possible, for ideas I suggest you look at the previous editions. You can create this shot with all kind of techniques, by drawing (either manually or on the computer), sculpting, photographing or a mix of them.

    Any other rules?
    Of course! Firstly, all the regular uploading rules count: 2 shots per person (3 for contributors), only movies that would be allowed in NS (so no series, tv-movies, etc.). Next to that you have to make sure to create the whole shot yourself. So don't just take a screenshot and photoshop that a bit around. Now, because this is a special event, there is no limit of shots per movie, so you don't need to rush to get the movie you want and have all the time to prepare the awesomest shot you can. However, we still expect the users to post shots of different movies, so not posting 3 Alien vs. Predator-shots. Also, because of this there will be both rewards for uploaders and solvers.

    But what about this theme?
    For a change, we wanted to connect the Valentine's Day theme to this vault. This is just an experiment (if it works, we might do it for other special days as well in the future), so it is not compulsory to have a shot that follows the theme (also because we know some of you prepare shots months in advance). However, we do hope that most of you will put in some extra effort to make your shot valentiney. On a personal note I would certainly be inclined to maybe give a slightly higher rating to shots that follow the theme. But what is Valentiney enough, I hear you ask? Use your imagination! For example, famous romantic scenes from classics (the sheet music to Time Goes By? Dibbs on that!), funny little edits (the heart-eating scene from Game of Thrones where the heart is replaced with a love-you-heart-thingie, but Game of Thrones is not allowed ;)) or just a full-blown marriage proposal while wearing an Iron Man-costume. But there are many more things imaginable! The most important thing is: be creative and have fun!

    The vault can be found here:
    If there are any questions, feel free to ask here, or shout me or MisterZob. If they are confidential questions, you can also approach me in the chat during bat-hours.

    Have fun!
    • CommentAuthorAsmodai
    • CommentTimeJan 8th 2015
    Some people took my comment on the rating as that posting a non-related shot will have no chance of being in the top rated ones. That's not what I meant!
    The only thing I said was that I PERSONALLY would take the theme into account when rating shots. I do this on every vault, some shots fit the theme more than others and therefore I rate them higher. However, an awesome shot will always be an awesome shot and gets rated accordingly.
    • CommentAuthoryhi
    • CommentTimeJan 9th 2015
    "I PERSONALLY would take the theme into account when rating shots"

    What is complicated with this is that you cannot really know if the shot fits the theme until you solve it.
  1.  permalink
    The SHOT must look "Valentiney" but not necessarily the movie! Am I right?
    • CommentAuthorAsmodai
    • CommentTimeJan 9th 2015 edited
    If it dpes look valentiney it would make us happy :) But indeed, as always, rate (create?) the shot, not the movie.
    • CommentAuthorAsmodai
    • CommentTimeApr 25th 2015
    How did you guys like the idea of having a Draw the Movie with a theme attached to it, by the way? Am not talking about THIS theme specifically, but a theme in general.
    • CommentAuthorthaizy
    • CommentTimeApr 25th 2015
    i like the idea ;)but we'd still have the one without a theme?
    • CommentAuthorAsmodai
    • CommentTimeApr 25th 2015
    We haven't decided anything yet, just give us your input.
    • CommentAuthorthaizy
    • CommentTimeApr 25th 2015
    if i had to choose between a themed one and one without a theme, i'd prefer the one without a theme!
    • CommentAuthorWyrdheim
    • CommentTimeApr 27th 2015
    Couldn't participate last time, but personally I like the idea of themed DTM.
    • CommentTimeApr 27th 2015
    +1 with thaizy
    • CommentAuthorvepro
    • CommentTimeApr 28th 2015
    one without a theme works better for me as well
    • CommentAuthorPzy
    • CommentTimeApr 28th 2015 edited
    Without a theme, in my opinion you can be more creative if you can choose what you like.

    You could make a poll to reach more people. You rarely use this function which is sad.