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    • CommentAuthorgreyhound
    • CommentTimeJan 4th 2016
    Sometimes, one doesn't want to flood the shot's page with user-oriented comments on it and move straight to profile.
    But there, you can't set a "spoiler"-tag. Pity.
    • CommentAuthorMisterZob
    • CommentTimeJan 5th 2016
    The spoiler feature only makes sense when you talk about a movie, and works this way: if you solved the shot (or uploaded it), you can read spoilered shouts.
    On a profile page, shouts are not always about movies, nor shots. And when they are, they can be about *any* movie/shot.
    Also, if shouts could be spoilered on profiles, on what conditions would such shouts become visible? And for who?
    • CommentAuthorgreyhound
    • CommentTimeJan 5th 2016
    I'm talking about spoiler-alerts here.
    Shouts on profile: Visible by the owner of the profile and the poster only (unless tagged "no spoiler" - by everybody then) and - if with #insertshothere - any solver.
    Similar to shots.
    • CommentAuthorMisterZob
    • CommentTimeJan 5th 2016
    I'm not sure what you mean by "spoiler-alerts". I don't see any spoiler-alert on shouts, so far. I just see a hiding-feature, that's supposed to be used when the shout can help solving the shot.

    Also, shouts on profiles are not associated with shots (code-wise, I mean). And the # thingy is no simple solution, because you can put as many #shotnumbers as you want in one single shout.
    I'm no coder but, based on how things seem to be designed today, there is no simple way to get to what you're suggesting. It seems to me it would require to rethink the whole shout feature. Plus it would be quite a complicated upgrade for some really limited improvement: Shouting on shots, using the spoiler feature when required, plus the @ thingy if needed, works just fine.