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    • CommentAuthorMisterZob
    • CommentTimeAug 18th 2018 edited
    Hi everyone,

    Here's a few additional details regarding this unsual contest.

    For WTM's 10th anniversary, we intended to do something special.
    And since there already were some birthday/anniversary contests, we decided to go for something different.
    That's why there will be no theme for that special contest.

    As a consequence, the rules are simple:
    1. Upload anything that would be allowed in the New Submissions.
    2. For each upload, leave a shout (*without* any spoiler/hint) explaining why you chose to upload that very shot on WTM.

    This is a great opportunity for you to upload shots you really care about, without worrying whether it'd make it out of NS or not.
    We expect you to pick the shots that show what WTM means to you.
    If you feel like there should me more shots of some kind on WTM, here's your chance to upload one of those and let other users know about it.

    Also, don't forget contest shots are not taken into account for the NS shots-per-movie limit.
    Therefore, if you've already reached that limit for a movie, it's still possible for you to upload another shot of that movie for this contest (or any contest, actually).


    Dates (WTM time):
    Uploads start at: Aug 31, 2018 19:00 - Uploads end at: Sep 14, 2018 18:59
    Starts at: Sep 14, 2018 19:00 - Ends at: Sep 30, 2018 20:00

    Best shots will get awards.


    - How many shots can I upload?
    2, or 3 if you are a WTM Supporter.

    - Can I post multiple shots of the same movie?
    No, every movie has only one shot available in total.

    - Can I post shots of series, straight-to-video, shorts, made for TV movies?
    No, the usual uploading rules apply.
    • CommentAuthorMisterZob
    • CommentTimeSep 2nd 2018
    In case you're having a hard time explaining why you picked *these* shots for the contest, here is a list of some pretty good reasons: ;-)