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    • CommentAuthorsatansLH
    • CommentTimeSep 25th 2008 edited
    I literally watched the movie for #1569 the other night and saw the exact scene. I ran to the computer to put it in and it wouldn't take either name for the film. I've come across a couple like this but 1569 has been the most frustrating.:-P 2 other people hit it so it makes me wonder if I'm spelling it wrong or missing german accent marks etc.
    • CommentAuthorGamuci
    • CommentTimeSep 25th 2008
    Sometimes I just need several tries to find the exact title but that's all.

    Maybe try a search in a movie database, like imdb, and if you really have the name of the movie but slighty different, you should find the right one.
    • CommentAuthorsatansLH
    • CommentTimeSep 25th 2008
    I got the german title of the movie from IMDB and not to give away too much but there's not much to really mispell in the title which is why I was particularly frustrated with it. :-P ahh well
    • CommentAuthorsatansLH
    • CommentTimeSep 25th 2008
    I finally got it. It was the movie I was thinking of and it actually was a combination of both english and german. It won't take just the english title because the solution that displayed when I got it was spelled incorrectly. This is probably why only 2 other people managed to get it. Hopefully I was vague enough not to ruin the picture for everyone.
    • CommentAuthorfrufru
    • CommentTimeSep 25th 2008
    yep, some movies ask for the english titles, but we just can solve it when we give the original title.
    i think it's lack of attention of who's posting.
  1.  permalink
    but i think, the flags at the bottom don't say anything about the original title, they only say, there's also an english or french solution possible......
    • CommentTimeSep 25th 2008
    woah, sorry, just stumbled on it. There was a typo in the original title..
    fixed it.
    • CommentTimeSep 25th 2008 edited
    if you upload a movie and this movie has only a german or french title, just put it in and add another second one (the same) with german or french flag on it.
    the first name where you can check at imdb for is always the english solution and only applies an english flag.

    in most cases it's lack of attention of who's posting like frufru said. ;)
    • CommentTimeSep 26th 2008
    That would be me :D