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    • CommentAuthorChrisy
    • CommentTimeJul 15th 2009 edited
    I dont know if you also find this is a problem but I find it hard sometimes with some shots which I think have already been posted but are not yet in the archive. The problem is that we cannot know if it is a repost from the same person because it was deleted, if someone else posted it but it also got deleted or if it went through and is in the FF. Of course we can always go through the FF to check them all but to be honnest, I dont bother because it takes too long so I think there is a risk to have dupes.
    This one for example: I'm pretty sure we saw it not too long ago...
    • CommentAuthorShayah
    • CommentTimeJul 15th 2009
    You're right Chrisy, this is a dupe:

    I already asked this question in another thread, and then I went on holidays, I don't know if a solution has been found :-)
    • CommentTimeJul 21st 2009 edited
    Is everyone in agreement that showing the main character/characters from a movie is basically a dupe? Im pretty sure I read somewhere in the FAQs etc, that it was.

    For example:

    As far as I am concerned this is a dupe. Its just the 2 main characters, not hidden in any way, just a "mugshot" of the characters with nothing going on. Sure they are in a different scenario, but in both shots it is basically just a head on shot of the 2 main actors, from the same movie.

    I would think this is a dupe, would anyone agree/disagree?

    EDIT: cant seem to find it in the faq now, perhaps I dreamt it. Closest thing we have to a rule is from the upload page:

    "# Don‘t post the same or a similar shot, which has already been posted at wtm"
    • CommentAuthorChrisy
    • CommentTimeJul 22nd 2009 edited
    In my view, these are not dupe as really 2 different scenes and situations
    But I can understand why you would think differently
    Btw, is there not an exact dupe of in the FF? I couldn't bother looking but I'm pretty sure it was already posted a few days ago, or maybe it just didn't go through and it is repost...
    something should really be done about this, It is really hard to know if something is already in the FF or not...
    • CommentTimeJul 22nd 2009
    You're right chrisy they are two different scenes. But what are we actually seeing other than the actors in either of these shots? Nothing really. I can see its a grey area and thats why I thought I had see what other people thought of it before I go hammering the delete button ;)
    • CommentAuthorastrododo
    • CommentTimeJul 22nd 2009
    There have been many shots that are definitely borderline dupes - that is, movies that I have never seen (or even heard of in some cases), where I recognized the scene or main character from a previous screenshot, and am able to solve them.

    As I've mentioned before, it comes down to why dupes aren't allowed. Is it:
    1. to prevent easy solves based on previous shots
    2. to prevent the same exact shot from appearing for aesthetic (and perhaps space) purposes.

    I think it should be number 1, as I don't think we need another shot of Edward Norton doing nothing particularly interesting in a slightly different scene from fight club, but I can understand if others disagree.
    • CommentTimeJul 22nd 2009
    I personally agree with you astro.

    Both are valid reasons. There are so many shots being submitted, especially easy ones, it wouldnt hurt for this rule to be enforced a little more strictly. It would cut down on the really easy shots, leaving a few more spaces for slightly more obscure shots to go through. Would force people to dive a little deeper into ther DVD collections too.

    However it is a grey area. Perhaps naut could clarify.

    One thing we dont want is for "dupe" to be the latest "black bar" or "bad quality" excessive vote delete, so it would have to be dealt with cautiously.
    • CommentTimeJul 22nd 2009
    and for the first shot someone should vote for bad quality. ;)
    • CommentAuthorChrisy
    • CommentTimeJul 22nd 2009 edited
    @Muten, there is nothing wrong with that shot, it is not bad quality, they are moving a lot, this is what you get if you try taking a shot with too much movements
    • CommentTimeJul 22nd 2009
    first: there's also nothing wrong with tons of shots this guy marked as "bad quality".
    second: you didn't see the smiley. did you?
    • CommentTimeJul 22nd 2009 edited
    I think Muten was having a joke because cosmo marked a lot of shots as bad quality :)

    EDIT: ^^^ what he said :) beaten.
    • CommentAuthorChrisy
    • CommentTimeJul 22nd 2009
    oup sorry, got a little carried away :-)
    • CommentTimeJul 24th 2009
    • CommentAuthorastrododo
    • CommentTimeJul 24th 2009
    The main reason the new one looks better is because of image quality (is the new one Blue ray?). But it is also mainly that the old one is focused on the woman in the foreground, so that the background image is out of focus.

    Oh, and I agree with it being a dupe.
    • CommentAuthortoffetomas
    • CommentTimeJul 25th 2009
    Yes, dupe, but nobody votes for deletion?
  1.  permalink
    I didn't go through all posted dupes, but I found this one: (wich I voted for deletion) and
    They aint totaly the same, but it's the scene and they don't provide different aspects
  2.  permalink
  3.  permalink
    very old dupes... do we need to remove those as well?
    • CommentTimeAug 12th 2009
    I don't think so.
    • CommentTimeAug 12th 2009
    i wouldn't delete them either. They went through then, so leave them be
    • CommentAuthorLordMyst
    • CommentTimeAug 12th 2009
    damn they are pictures of 2008 let them be

    if we go to that place
    we can delete for example the animatrix shots in 2008 also
    they are old
    just look for the pictures from june when wtm 2.0 started
    • CommentAuthorCavaH
    • CommentTimeAug 14th 2009
    Dunno how strict rules are. But how about these:

    25480 & 26578
    • CommentTimeAug 15th 2009

    those are not considered dupes, the stills aren't the same, and they give a different view on something, and are not from the same scene.
  4.  permalink
    • CommentTimeAug 17th 2009 edited
    Yeah I believe it's dupes, exactly the same scene and dialog. Mine is having the best quality haha :D
    • CommentAuthorChrisy
    • CommentTimeAug 17th 2009
    yes dupe!
  5.  permalink
    • CommentTimeAug 24th 2009
    I agree those examples are dupes, especially the first one.
    • CommentAuthorchecknorisk
    • CommentTimeAug 24th 2009 edited
  6.  permalink
    • CommentAuthorAntituur
    • CommentTimeAug 24th 2009
    @theoffice911: I would not call shots dupes that easily. The newer shot of the hosital scene, for instance, is in my opinion so much better than the old one. It has a certain suspence that triggers one's memory - at least mine. The old shot is rather boring.
  7.  permalink
    • CommentTimeAug 25th 2009
    As for the last one, I don't think this is a dupe, it's a different scene, and the old name written in the cement has a very different meaning and undertone than the name just being written. And anyway, who will go back looking for some old screenshot in order to solve that one? That's bullshit.

    I agree about the hospital shots, those are the same scene, even if the shot looks different.
  8.  permalink
    about the one I mentionned above, I agree with connectiv, for me it's not a dupe, as long as colors and atmosphere are really different. I would not have upload this one anyway, and nobody noticed the dupe before I wrote the message above.

    but please, don't spoil the shot by writing the number of first shot in the deletion box, you can write it as a spoiler shout, waiting for the admin's decision.
  9.  permalink
    • CommentAuthorchecknorisk
    • CommentTimeAug 25th 2009 edited
    if posted 1 month later I agree with you they're dupes and one have to be deleted, but nobody noticed the fact that those pictures were dupes before I told it, And I knew it because I saw the first one during upload process. thing that the average player ignore.
    I think the time intervall between two pics is important to consider in dupes deletion
    and look at the score, I don't think the second one is over-solved due to the presence of the first one.

    if we begin to delete as dupes shots that only are similar, we'll have to delete all the shots showing a guy in batman suit, because the clue to solve it is a man in batman suit in each case, and with the new spelling rules, they all works with the same title. so they could be considered as dupes even if they're from different movies. or thoses including Bardem/Cruz/Johanson or only two of them, all those showing a chicken from chicken run, etc...
    and those ones too:
    • CommentAuthoragonistes
    • CommentTimeAug 26th 2009
    Sorry for going a but off topic, but since you mentioned Batman, as far as I remember there are only two shots of Batman (in the picture) uploaded, from a total of 7 movies in the archive (not counting Gotham Knight) that's not much. I've seen several people complaning about Batman shots, when in reality like 90% or more are not that obvious and sometimes even solved under 30 times. I think it's just fresh in everyones mind since the two shots of him in plain sight were posted over the last month in a short time interval.
  10.  permalink
    • CommentTimeAug 27th 2009
    Yep, I do ;)
    • CommentTimeAug 27th 2009
    me too.
    • CommentAuthorchecknorisk
    • CommentTimeAug 27th 2009 edited
    I don't think theoffice911 is really interested in knowing who's reading the thread, he's just waiting for my shot to be deleted, and thinks it takes too much time.

    theoffice, what do you think about those ones: clues to sloves them are pretty similar, no? a blonde head just above the ground, should look similar to you, right?

    will you vote for their deletion?
    • CommentTimeAug 27th 2009
    • CommentAuthorDiedEnFreek
    • CommentTimeAug 27th 2009 edited
    please people, I have one simple word for this dupe discussion: WHATEVER!

    A few days ago I posted a true dupe. It was an exact copy. That it got deleted is completely correct, right, good. As you can only compare your to be uploaded still to stills in the archive, those kind of dupes can happen.

    I think the example Barto gives shouldn't be considered a dupe, it's not the same scene, and from a different angle. Even if they are wearing the same clothes. Anyway, in that movie these two characters are present in almost every shot, so you could consider any still a dupe. On top of that one of the two stills is quite old, March already. Seeing as we have so many new stills each day, and new players all the time, why delete the "dupe". Who cares!

    Checknorisk's examples - first example, no way. Yes it is blatantly obvious which movie (serie) it is, but come on.. It's not a dupe in any form or way.

    Second example - thanx by the way, I got to solve that still without browsing through the archive to find the other still. But no dupe, different scene, frontal shot. Etc.

    Office's example. Same discussion. December 2008!! Just enjoy the game, and filter out the true dupes.
  11.  permalink
    • CommentAuthorchecknorisk
    • CommentTimeAug 27th 2009 edited
    "PS: I don't think we can consider the Batman shots dupes as they are not from the same movie... "

    but you can solve them by typing the same six letters word, I've tried. so what's the difference with your definition of a true dupe?

    "You say "whatever" but come on every day there are tons of perfectly good screenshots that don't make it to FF because of all these dupes : I don't think it's fair to the people who try hard to take original screenshots."

    are you serious? do you really think that the site is flooded by dupes?
    I believe that a lot of good pictures from good movies don't make it to the FF because some people lower their votes when they don't solve the shot, just because letting them reach the FF section could lower their HOF score. that's all. and posting a black and white picture is like to start walking with a pin in the shoe.
    its a vicious effect of the vote system, if you know the movie, it reminds you things and you automatically raise your vote. in the other case, you'll lower it. I try to avoid that inconvenient by only voting when I solve the movie.
    • CommentAuthorShayah
    • CommentTimeAug 27th 2009
    I'm quite surprised to see this topic is beginning a "neverending story"...
    Just to give my opinion: I don't really care about this "dupe or not dupe problem". I think you're right theoffice911, I had some 7+ rated shots rejected, and I'd prefer to see those ones go through instead of shots similar to older ones, especially when they are very easy (and it is the case most of the time). Though, I still don't care about that because:
    - I think most of people do not remember that a similar shot has been posted several months ago
    - among those who remember, I think most of them won't spend time to find it for just one more solve (I'm often in this category)
    - among those who spend time on it, most of the time they'll have to be very patient because old shots are often not tagged!
    - and, hey, if I want to see my shots in FF, I know I just have to submit any LOTR shot, I did it recently and I get a magnificient 8.4!

    So my conclusion is: ok, some shots probably does not deserve to go to FF because we already had a similar one, but that's really not a bige deal because only a very few shots are concerned compared to the quantity of shots posted, and there is no solution to this (unless the "Dear Creators of this Awesome Site" hire someone to be a full-time judge and to check every still submitted, and I won't give any cent for that) :-) No need to write so much in this forum for a really small problem, don't you think?

    I hope I've been clear despite my approximative english :-)
    • CommentTimeAug 27th 2009
    And I totally agree with Shayah. I do care if the shot looks exactly like another one, but if it's a completely different angle, scene or whatever, it's a different shot. With the "Jimmy, Sean and..." shots I'm not sure tho, because they are really close together, but have totally different lightnight and stuff. When I first looked at them I didn't even notice the similarity.
    • CommentTimeAug 27th 2009 edited
    Ok, then I'm going to say something to this. I didn't till now because I didn't want to make this discussion bigger than it already is.
    I totally agree with Shaya and Deviant. For me a dupe is a shot that exactly or almost looks like another one. But if it's different scenes etc. for me it's not a dupe. If you would like to go down that way you could delete all the shots of Johnny Depp(for example the Pirates series, he always looks the same and wears the same clothes), Christian Bale(for example The Prestige) and all the other actors of the same movie... because it could give you hints. I don't think that's the right way to handle this thing. There are movies without special effects, explosions or blood spilling all over because they are character and story driven and so of course you can only get shots of the actors and the scenes( especially the emotional scenes) with them. That's ok for me as long as those shots have something special, like lighting, atmosphere, grading, expression and so on. The only thing I'm tired off is a closeup with nothing special in it at all. But if you see that someone really spent time to find a really great shot, even if it's with Johnny Depp, but it looks interesting because of one of those points I mentioned, then I see no problem in that, even if it could give some hints. If you think about it, than every shot where you can recognize an actor should be "forbidden" because the people have enough hints to type in the name of this actor on imdb and try all the movie titles until the still is solved. ;)
    Ok now this got longer than I wanted, but I hope you guys get what I mean :)
    And last but not least: Just enjoy this site and don't take all too serious, because in the end this is just a game and we're supposed to have fun on this site, right? =)
    Let's quote the joker: "Whyyy sssooo serioussssa?" ;)
    • CommentTimeAug 27th 2009
    @ phoenix

    hear hear
  12.  permalink
    i second the hear hear