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    • CommentTimeFeb 3rd 2009 edited
    hi movie xperts ;)

    I'm looking for a movie which has been posted about 3,4 times on whatthemovie, but I can't remember the title.
    > possibly japanese (or far east)
    > science fiction
    > futuristic city
    > gorgeous images
    > skyscrapers
    > something flying in the air
    > animated (maybe anime)

    any clues?
    • CommentTimeFeb 3rd 2009
    Maybe "Casshern" oder "Natural City"?
  1.  permalink
    • CommentTimeFeb 3rd 2009
    thanks so far, but no, it was none of the above mentioned :/
    I think it was animated. Maybe anime.
    • CommentAuthorpoly
    • CommentTimeFeb 3rd 2009
    Maybe Paprika?
    a science fiction movie where dreams mix with reality
    • CommentAuthorFux
    • CommentTimeFeb 3rd 2009

    The first scifi Anime I can think about
    Ghost in the Shell
    Final Fantasy Advent Children

    Were there Mechas?^^
    • CommentTimeFeb 3rd 2009 edited
    we're getting closer, but no hit yet ;)
    It's probably little solved...

    2,3 shots on wtm were definitly high above a city, on the rooftops..
    damn ;)
    • CommentAuthorpoly
    • CommentTimeFeb 3rd 2009
    Could "immortel (ad vitam)" be your movie?
    Even if it is a french movie, it matches three stills posted in the earlier days (I don't know if I am allowed to name the numbers here).
    • CommentTimeFeb 3rd 2009 edited
    poly, that's it :) Thanks a lot!
    And of course you are allowd to post the numbers. 1644 and 1980 for example.
    These were the stills I had in mind:

    Anybody seen that flick? recommendation?
    • CommentTimeFeb 3rd 2009
    I'm also looking for a movie, I have very little information though...

    - something about a girl being abused by her own father
    - I believe the title had something with "war" in it (not sure)
    - about the only scene I can really remember is at some old bunker, I think her brother is watching their father raping the girl
    - I'm pretty sure it's not a US film, might have been Swedish or somewhere that corner
    • CommentTimeFeb 3rd 2009
    I'm almost sure your looking for "The War Zone (1999)" a very disturbing UK movie with Tilda Swinton.

    • CommentTimeFeb 3rd 2009
    Yes! Thank you very much! I had been looking for "warzone" at IMDB and, of course, got the wrong movie. Didn't ocurr to me to spell it with two words :)
    • CommentAuthorpoly
    • CommentTimeFeb 3rd 2009 edited
    Unfortunately I have not seen this movie. I recognized the stills because I read the comics the film is based on. Actually I was surprised that Enki Bilal made a movie from his comic trilogy about Alexander Nikopol. You almost never see a comic artist adapting his comics for the movies and direct the movie himself. However, I really can recommend the comics. Ehapa published a German version. You may find more informations on the website of the German comic guide ( to the first volume).
    The movie is definitely on my to-watch list, too.
  2.  permalink
    "Immortal A.D." is strange but beautiful ! Strange, because the ambiance of the comics seems obviously very difficult to be translated on a reel, so the director made a lot of hard choices about the style of the environnement, the will of a complex narration, requiring good references to be plenty understood, and the effects on the animated characters that could be a little disapointing, in my opinion.
    But the film remains very nice, some sequences are truly magnificent, and the entire movie keeps a faithful view of the comic's main ideas.
    • CommentTimeFeb 7th 2009
    I'm looking for another movie, I've searched imdb, google, everything, I just can't find it!
    (don't read on if you don't like spoilers, I'll be telling the ending)

    - it's about a brother and sister who do professional ice-skating together, they are also sort of in love
    - the sister isn't as good as the brother. he actually has a chance to get famous, so when he is offered partnership by a well-known ice skater, he teams up with her and leaves his sister behind
    - his sister is very jealous of the other girl he's now ice-skating with, she tries to win her brother back and even sleeps with him, when he leaves her again she kills herself
    - I think the movie was German
    • CommentTimeFeb 14th 2009
    No one knows? :(

    Maybe somebody knows this one:
    - story about a teenage student who falls in love with a much younger boy
    - they exchange love letters and secretely meet, but eventually someone finds out and they try to seperate the couple
    - I think it was a French movie, I also believe it was black and white, but I can't remember very well

    Sorry I'm asking for so many titles, it's just these movikes keep popping back into my mind and I'm going nuts not being able to remember the titles :P
    • CommentAuthorKrolock
    • CommentTimeFeb 14th 2009 edited
    quote connectiv:
    I'm looking for another movie, I've searched imdb, google, everything, I just can't find it!
    (don't read on if you don't like spoilers, I'll be telling the ending)

    - it's about a brother and sister who do professional ice-skating together, they are also sort of in love
    - the sister isn't as good as the brother. he actually has a chance to get famous, so when he is offered partnership by a well-known ice skater, he teams up with her and leaves his sister behind
    - his sister is very jealous of the other girl he's now ice-skating with, she tries to win her brother back and even sleeps with him, when he leaves her again she kills herself
    - I think the movie was German

    this should be "Riekes Liebe"
    • CommentTimeFeb 14th 2009
    Yes! That's the one, thank you very much!
    • CommentAuthorstuken
    • CommentTimeFeb 23rd 2009
    hi there

    i'm also looking for a movie and i hope someone of you can help me :D i can't remember the title but here are some hints from the deep of my memory

    - just black people (maybe famous maybe not)
    - american suburban
    - street jargon
    - the film starts with the protagonist smashing (maybe he got shot) through a window, falling down 3-4 meters into a swimming pool --> in slowmotion
    - then a flashback (3 days back afair) and he starts telling how it has come so far, then the main movie starts
    - a bet about to get a girl <-- i'm not sure
    thats all i know, hope for your help :)
    • CommentTimeMar 7th 2009
    I still can't remember this one, nobody knows it?

    - story about a teenage student who falls in love with a much younger boy
    - they exchange love letters and secretely meet, but eventually someone finds out and they try to seperate the couple
    - I think it was a French movie, I also believe it was black and white, but I can't remember very well
    • CommentAuthorstuken
    • CommentTimeJul 7th 2009
    nobody gots an idea? :( still searching for it...
    • CommentAuthorvarnessar
    • CommentTimeMar 13th 2010
    the movie i'm looking for is about a tv show on which the audience watches a guy who escapes from a few people who hunt and want to kill him. i think it's a french movie from the 80's, early 90's. i'm sorry i can't give any further information, it's been a while since is saw this movie. thank you for any kind of suggestion:) greets
    • CommentAuthorTerry5
    • CommentTimeMar 13th 2010
    Maybe this ?
    but ist's not french
    • CommentAuthorViolentCop
    • CommentTimeMar 13th 2010
    maybe "Le prix du danger"
    • CommentAuthorstuken
    • CommentTimeMay 22nd 2010
    just reposting a upper shout, maybe someone can help me now a year later :D

    hi there

    i'm also looking for a movie and i hope someone of you can help me :D i can't remember the title but here are some hints from the deep of my memory

    - just black people (maybe famous maybe not)
    - american suburban
    - street jargon
    - the film starts with the protagonist smashing (maybe he got shot) through a window, falling down 3-4 meters into a swimming pool --> in slowmotion
    - then a flashback (3 days back afair) and he starts telling how it has come so far, then the main movie starts
    - a bet about to get a girl <-- i'm not sure
    thats all i know, hope for your help :)
    • CommentAuthorstuken
    • CommentTimeAug 2nd 2010
    me again on a new search (and still on the old one :()^^ i know its an animated movie and its about a boy who is on a travel with 3 books which can speak and run and all the stuff... afair one book is a pirate, one is a historian and the third is a female one. i got the gameboy game to the movie when i was young, but i can't remember the name anymore :( hope someone can help me
    • CommentAuthordoooom
    • CommentTimeAug 2nd 2010
    Sounds like "The Pagemaster"
    • CommentAuthorgerbil123
    • CommentTimeAug 2nd 2010
    I have a problem with one Spanish, Mexican or South American movie:
    - to little town/village in the spanish style arrive a girl, who helps others, so people call her „The Saint”,
    - wanting to help the local men, she fucks with them, and so „Saint” becomes a „The Whore”,
    - then she is called „The Saint” again, I do not remember why,
    - there is also the priest who wants crucified himself on a hill outside the town
    Hope for your help:)
    • CommentAuthorstuken
    • CommentTimeAug 2nd 2010
    yeah doooom your my man :D thx ^^
    • CommentTimeAug 2nd 2010
    Isn't the film you're looking for "El Crimen del padre Amaro" ?
    • CommentAuthorgerbil123
    • CommentTimeAug 3rd 2010 edited
    Thanks 0, but this isn't a film about whom I think. Priest certainly wasn't a main character.
  3.  permalink
    ok, i am searching for movie for some years now.
    i watched it on arte, but unfortunately only the last half :(
    as far as i remember it was an australian movie, but i am not that sure. it was about a family, i think that mother had commited suiced in a hotel room, the father was depressiv as far i can remember. the two youngest children were taken away from religious freaks, one of the daughters started working in a pharmacy, but instead of working she prefered trying the pills in the pharmacy and the oldest daughter "moved out" from home and "movied in" in her fathers old car. she fell in love with a boy who was a kleptomaniac, but she didn´t wanted to acknowledge that. and i think she even also tried to commit suicied in the same hotel room like her mom did. but everything ended well. i hope this wasn´t too confusing now.
    i really would love to see the whole movie.
    • CommentAuthorJoob
    • CommentTimeJan 17th 2011
    That's a lot of drama in one movie.
  4.  permalink
    @joob, i know it is...
    • CommentAuthorcrosbow
    • CommentTimeJan 21st 2011 edited
    • CommentTimeJan 21st 2011
    American Gangster maybe..
    • CommentAuthorBeautymist
    • CommentTimeFeb 19th 2011
    Hi there,

    I have the name of this (rather famous) movie on the tip of my tongue.

    the word "Berlin" appears in the title.
    it's in German.
    the plot is roughly (SPOILERS) this:

    a loving son (played by actor Daniel ?) tries to hide from his sick mother that the wall of Berlin has fallen in 1989. The film takes place in the early 90's. The son goes as far as recanning pickles with the old Communist labels on them for his mother's sake. All the while his younger sister dates a non-Communist guy and works at a newly opened McDonald's.
    The son makes friends with a young (journalist maybe) that has a motorcycle.

    I'm sure you know which movie I mean. It was hugely sucessful here in France, a few years back.


  5.  permalink
    • CommentAuthorBeautymist
    • CommentTimeFeb 19th 2011
    "Goodbye Lenin"! of course!

    thanks a lot @theoffice911 !

    • CommentTimeFeb 26th 2011
    I'm looking for a movie I watched about 10 years ago in cinema. It was an arthouse movie from somewhere in in South America. The only thing I can remember is that it's about women working as prostitutes in the South American jungle. I think they are either hired by the government or the army to be prostitutes there in the jungle. But it's kind of a blurry memory.

    I hope these vague memories do ring a bell with someone of you.
    • CommentAuthorAntituur
    • CommentTimeFeb 26th 2011
    Your memory works pretty fine, but I noticed you found the answer already. ;-)
    • CommentTimeFeb 26th 2011 edited
    Indeed, I found it in the meantime.
    • CommentAuthordrlech
    • CommentTimeMar 17th 2011
    I am looking for a movie I've seen loooong time ago and can recall only some minor details:
    - it's b/w movie
    - it's about a guy who made a pact with the devil to become immortal (but it's set in relatively modern times, 40s - 50s - 60s somewhere around there, not middle ages or something)
    - throughout film guy tries to kill himself in various ways to see if he's really immortal
    - at the end he pushes his wife (or girfriend?) off the roof for which he's sentenced to life in prison, so he "calls" the devil to take his immortality away, because he doesn't want to sit there for some thousand years

    Thanks in advance :)
    • CommentAuthoralex68
    • CommentTimeMar 18th 2011 edited
    I remember one episode (Ep.6, "Escape Clause") of the first season of "The Twilight Zone" TV series which has the exactly same plot: (IMDb episode 6 page, see 'Full summary' for the detailed plot)
    • CommentAuthordrlech
    • CommentTimeMar 18th 2011
    That's exactly it. Thank you very much.
    • CommentAuthorKasia
    • CommentTimeMay 22nd 2011
    I'm also looking for a movie. I'm trying to find it for some years now and asked numerous number of people. Ok going to the point. The only sequence that I remember is:

    Some man (possibly assasin) putting lighted cigaret on the edge of the table before entering some room (some asignment or sth) and then after everything going back an putting this cigarette back to his mouth. Any clues Ideas? I know it's a short scene but you masters guess a movie just after one shot :)

    Thank you in advance
  6.  permalink
    It sounds like "Constantine"
    • CommentAuthoralex68
    • CommentTimeMay 23rd 2011
    ... or maybe "Le conseguenze dell'amore": (IMDb page)
    • CommentAuthorTor
    • CommentTimeMay 23rd 2011
    OK, i have a movie I've been searching for some time now any help would be much appreciated.
    It is a mockumentary about making a movie which during the production has numerous problems and the only one i can remember is the one nearing the end when all of the cast die of somekind of disease or accident and the director is forced to use there corpses to finish the movie, i think they shot it mostly in a cottage in the woods but thats all i remember.
    I have gone through all the mockumentary lists i could find and tried a couple of other forums with no reply, hope someone knows what i'm talking about. If i remember anything else i will let you know.
    Thanks in advance
    • CommentAuthorKasia
    • CommentTimeMay 23rd 2011
    @theoffice 911
    Yeah that was Constantine I knew I have seen this movie but I just coudn't connect it to the title. Thank you so much!