I have a suggestion for the highscore. It only shows the 20 best placed people and my own rank, but I think it would be interesting to see a few people in my range, too. Like, show maybe 2 or 3 people who are placed directly above me and 2 or 3 people who are ranked beneath me. That way, you could kinda compete with people for ranks. I think it adds to the fun to see "YEEESSS I finally got past that guy again" ;)
I think this is a very good idea. (Think I've seen it before somewhere but don't remember reaction of the admins :p ) I personally don't really care about the top 20, but I think it would be fun to know who has almost the same amount of guessed stills as I do.
While we're at the subject: How come my friend who just started this game some time ago and has <100 movies this month, is, according to the highscore at place 26? I'm at place 29 but I have 535 solved movies so I guess that's correct. Is it bugged?