it would be nice to have "[input field] number of people already solved this movie" in the options. why? combined with "movies you didn't solved" and "movies of the last 30 days" checked, you'll have all the big movies in one list. because it happens to me very often, that i have no idea which movie it is, but when i see, 600 other people solved it, i'm gonna look "closer" ;)
Awesome idea! I do exactly the same, when I see a movie I can't find which has more than 200x : I'm trying harder lol When I can't solve a movie which has 5x : I just skip it !
yeah, we're working on a kind of option to show "easy movies" with a solve amount x. it's kinda hart to implement different difficulties to whatthemovie. I think a lot of people loose interest in the site, because it's too hard.
... and a little bit because it's too hard to find past stills again after having seen a movie and remembering relevant snapshots somewhere in the depths of wtm ...
the overview screen is good for that, but it takes a long time to load one, and going through them all is a time consuming thing if your looking for one screen. something that bothers me about the overview screen is also that there is no option to filter out the movies on wich you used the show solution button. Everytime i see certain stills i think: yes, i found another one. Only to find out you used the show solution button and you can't "solve" it anymore. Bit of a shame.
Let there be sound, and there was sound Let there be light, and there was light Let there be drums, there was drums Let there be guitar, there was guitar, ah Let there be roooooooooooock
Quote: Back in Scranton, the rest of the employees are going to be forced to work on a Saturday to record their own sales as the website's sales, which is, according to Ryan, "a temporary procedure to increase the legitimacy of the website".