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  1.  permalink
    i don't think it's how it should be:
    you solve an known shot, click the "visit movie page" and there you got alle snapshots für this title, regardless of whether you've solved it or not. now you can solve them right away and score points.
    i consider this a major bug!

    • CommentAuthorFux
    • CommentTimeJun 2nd 2009
    At the movie-page you should only see the pictures older than 30 days.
    --> You can cheat yourself prestige-points.
    Only stills of the last 30 days will give you points for the Highscore
  2.  permalink
    "You scored nothing because this shot is in the archive." hehe thats new
    • CommentTimeJun 8th 2009
    Yes and the "you almost scored a point" of the new submissions" section is replaced by "you didn't score a point yet".