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    • CommentAuthorastrododo
    • CommentTimeJun 15th 2009
    Why are commas the only punctuation that matter? You can add or drop as many periods, exclamation points, any other symbols, or even the word 'the', but if you forget one comma (you *can* add extras), the title isn't accepted.

    I know this won't be high on your list of priorities, but there have been several shots that I have gone through an actors entire filmography until I figured out that I forgot a comma.

    • CommentTimeJun 15th 2009 edited
    accent also matters. But I also think that would be more simple if the punctuation didn't matter.
  1.  permalink
    i agree on that one, accent are a pain in the ass!
    • CommentTimeJun 17th 2009
    I agree:

    Wouldn't let me get it without the "," after the first word . . . wrong spelling I understand, but that makes the game kind of anal . . .