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    • CommentAuthorerin
    • CommentTimeJun 26th 2009
    First, sorry for my english, it's not my mother tongue? I try to do my best.
    Before the change of WTM I had uploaded 4 pictures. Then, I've uploaded some something like 10 I think and I don't know why when I see the hall of fame it's still written erin (4) while I've uploaded more. Can someone explain me please ?
  1.  permalink
    probably only 4 got accepted so far, I would say.
    • CommentAuthortoffetomas
    • CommentTimeJun 26th 2009
    Only the ones that go through to FF are counted, maybe that's the answer...
    • CommentTimeJun 26th 2009 edited
    Only the shots with the highest ratings get to the feature films at the moment (and that's only a very small part of the shots that are uploaded). Probably all the shots you uploaded since WTM2 didn't get the rating they needed to get to the Feature Films. Those shots are deleted, so they don't count for your HoF.
    • CommentAuthorerin
    • CommentTimeJun 26th 2009
    okay thanks I'm going to check