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  1.  permalink
    Give a man a hammer and everything will look nike a nail...
  2.  permalink
    lol ^^
    • CommentTimeJul 13th 2009 edited
    agreed :/

    Way too many silly vote-deletes...

    bad quality votes on pics which really arent bad at all
    • CommentTimeJul 13th 2009
    yep, way too many.
    Like a new disease spreading around WTM.
    • CommentTimeJul 13th 2009
    I vote to delete this thread . . . huge black bars . . .
    • CommentAuthorDiedEnFreek
    • CommentTimeJul 13th 2009 edited
    boohoo!!! I'll wait half a day and try the same thread again! there!
    • CommentAuthorhurley19
    • CommentTimeJul 14th 2009
    what are black bars?
    • CommentTimeJul 14th 2009
    Those things some people seem to have in front of their eyes hurley :D
  3.  permalink
    Somehow I was already expecting that somebody would delete for "repost" ;)
    My first plan was to draw a still like that myself, but then I found this :
    • CommentAuthorDiedEnFreek
    • CommentTimeJul 20th 2009 edited
    Padvinder95 has found the hammer :(

    Perhaps it would be an idea to make a page that explains the ideas of the delete button to prevent misuse. An other idea would be to be able to thumb-up/down (meta moderate) the delete votes.
    At least it gets rather annoying to educate everybody who gets the "hold the hammer" status again and again...

    Or an automated post in their personal shouts that tells them about their new abilities and the responsibilities that come with is.
    • CommentAuthortoffetomas
    • CommentTimeJul 20th 2009
    Good ideas DiedEnFreek, something really has to be done about these people with their deletion votes. I sometimes try to explain them but some really don't seem to understand.
    • CommentAuthorChrisy
    • CommentTimeJul 20th 2009
    yes I agree something should be done asap, to be honnest, I'm getting tired to try to explain them. There are also too many people who vote for deletion for bad quality when they haven't even solved the shot, maybe it would also be an idea to get some reason for deletion already there to choose from and for each reason some explanation:
    Reason 1: Dupe (if so mention from which other shot)
    Reason 2: bad quality (this one should only be chosen if the user has solved the shot and therefore is sure that the quality is not good)
    Reason 3: Black bars with a link to explain what bb is
  4.  permalink
    Padvinder95 said he realized he was a bit enthusiastic.

    The idea that I read somewhere that admins "check" the delete votes when there are 5 votes for a still could work.
    In the mean time the best we can do is point them to the forum :)
    • CommentTimeJul 20th 2009
    From Naut's last topic:

    P > Admins having the final word with deletions ...
    A > Good idea. Put on ToDo.

    So, they're working on it. Until then we have to keep informing the ones who abuse the option. (Still, it would be nice if moderators had the option to delete inappropriate delete-votes)
  5.  permalink

    Like I explained to DiedEnFreek, I might have been a bit enthousiastic. I saw others vote deletion for black bars, so I thought black bars were bad. Apparently, they are not all that bad. I will of course revise my voting behaviour ;-)

    - pad
  6.  permalink
    Could MisterZob post his two excellent pages about black bars and ratio again ? (I can't find the topic about it anymore)
    • CommentAuthorMisterZob
    • CommentTimeJul 20th 2009
    There you go :

    - Samples of (only resized) DVD screengrabs from widescreen movies (what you should get when you take your screenshot with your DVD software) :
    - Why black bars should be removed for WTM : (and the same page, but with a *red* WTM frame, that might help to understand what's going on : )
  7.  permalink
    Excellent samples! Maybe WTM should include those images or urls somewhere :)
  8.  permalink
    Hear hear! I have absolutely nothing to say about neither the examples, nor about the WTM-FAQ, but this is great FAQ material :)
  9.  permalink

    Damned. Black bars!!!

    Nice to very nice movie btw...
  10.  permalink
    Red WTM frame is a very good idea, Monsieur Zob ! Thanks again for the links !