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    • CommentAuthorzeehond
    • CommentTimeJul 16th 2009
    Hey, I wanted to visit a still's movie page after I solved it a few days ago, since I can't remember the title. How come this isn't possible?
  1.  permalink
    Return to the page of the shot, click on the "show solution" button (even if it's still in Feature Films). If you have solved it, the title of the movie and the link to the movie's page will appear.
    • CommentAuthorzeehond
    • CommentTimeJul 17th 2009
    • CommentTimeJul 17th 2009
    BTW, since WTM2 there is an irritating bug: when you press the "show solution", they appear as if you'd solved it in the overview (green underline). Then you cannot discriminate between those you've solved and those "you wanted the solution so much that you pressed the show solution button"...
  2.  permalink
    yes, efji, very annoying.
    another color ahn?