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    • CommentTimeJul 22nd 2009 edited
    I bookmarked a still (, but it has been deleted (probably didn't make it to FF). Now wwhen I click it, I get the red warning message "Sorry, but you are not allowed to access this page" (which I think is a bug, if the page doesn't exist anymore it should say that, because now it looks as if it has to do with authorisation and rights). However, this means I cannot un-bookmark it, because that can only be done on the still page - or am I missing something?

    Anybody know a solution?

    By the way, it was this still:

    Anybody know the movie? I think I've seen it but can't remember which, and was planning on waiting for it to go to archive so I could check =(
    • CommentAuthorastrododo
    • CommentTimeJul 22nd 2009
    isn't that x-files?
    • CommentTimeJul 22nd 2009
    It's a known bug and it will be fixed.
  1.  permalink
    Ah, thanks. Now I saw it was indeed already in proposals; I had searched for "bookmark remove" but could not find anything, but only looked through the general forum and not the proposals. My bad.