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  1.  permalink
    I'm trying to upload for a movie in the category New Submissions. I'm not able to post more than 2 snapshots of the same movie, I know. But my 2 shots are not transferred. I want to try other shots from the same movie, but I can't at the new WTM.

    I usualy post old movies, and I think that's more difficult to get a good rating if then.

    I think that the limit can be changed to 2 shots transferred to the Feature Film. That's my sugestion.

    Fábio Lima
    Teresina/PI- Brasil
  2.  permalink
    For example, weeks ago I try to upload a shot, but that was in low quality. Many hours later, I try the same in better quality. The first was deleted for low quality. The second was deleted for double shot. Now, I can't post any shot from the same movie.

    I think that we can change the limit to be able to repair this and other acidents, or give another chance to all.
    • CommentAuthorLordMyst
    • CommentTimeJul 27th 2009 edited
    for in the future when you fixed a photo please put in the tag for example "not a repost" or "fixed photo"
    so that other people know that it isn't a double shot.

    maybe the other problem is that maybe the new WTM update is working

    "there is a one snapshot/movie/week limit"

    One snapshot of the same movie per week

    • CommentTimeJul 27th 2009
    I think the personal limit is for snapshots of a movie that made it to the FF.

    So if you can't upload a shot from a particular movie, the problem is probably what LordMyst just mentioned (someone uploaded a shot from the movie you try to upload in the last 7 days).
  3.  permalink
    I see this message:

    "Sorry, there are no upload slots available for that movie. Try again tomorrow. Or the day after tomorrow. Or upload a shot from The Day After Tomorrow."

    By the way, I tryied again and everything is all right. Right to some movies, not for others, but you are sure. The new wtm update is working.
