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  1.  permalink
    Hey I have a question for the admins because there is something that I don't understand.
    Currently, CW is number 1 (congratz!!) with 81.22% and 1,064
    I am second (yea ;)) with 81.06% and 1,032

    BUT when you look at the uploads, I have this month 38 stills in the game and CW has 1.
    So I have 1,032 + 38 = 1,070 and CW has 1,064 + 1 = 1,065

    Did I do the maths wrong? Is there something I'm missing? I don't understand...
    • CommentAuthortoffetomas
    • CommentTimeJul 30th 2009
    you add your uploads to your solves, but you should subtract your uploads from the total of stills posted.
    • CommentTimeJul 30th 2009
    this sounds like maths.

    I don't like maths.

    I like movies.......
    • CommentTimeJul 30th 2009 edited
    Toffetomas is right, it's a question of substraction and percentage, not total adding of solved shots + uploads.

    Let me explain :

    At the moment of calculation, the total of shots in FF is about 1312.

    The percentage is calculated on the total of shots, minus the total of your own uploads.
    Total : for CW : 1311 ; for theoffice : 1274

    Then you take the percentage of the solved shots, with regard to the personnal number of "potentialy solvable" shots (preceding totals) :
    for CW : 1064 regard to 1311 ---> 81.2
    for theoffice : 1032 regard to 1274 ---> 81.00

    Conclusion : CW is the best, theoffice is like Poulidor.
    • CommentTimeJul 30th 2009 edited
  2.  permalink
    Thanks Le Paposaure!! I've always prefered Poulidour anyway lol ^^
    • CommentTimeJul 31st 2009
    @ LePaposaure: well put :) didn't know there was a song about one of your (France) greatest heros
    • CommentTimeJul 31st 2009
    I have no idea what you are all talking about :)
  3.  permalink
    Raymond Poulidor (born 15 April 1936, Masbaraud-Mérignat, Creuse, France), is a former professional bicycle racer. He was known as the eternal second, because he finished the Tour de France in second place three times, and in third place five times, including his final Tour at the age of 40. Despite his consistency, he never wore the Yellow Jersey in 14 Tours, of which he completed 12.

    His career, despite being distinguished, coincided with two great riders - Jacques Anquetil and Eddy Merckx. This underdog position may have been the reason Poulidor was a favourite of the public.

    • CommentTimeAug 3rd 2009
    Thank you for the explanation . . . amazing story . . .
  4.  permalink
    Well Poulidor is finally wearing the Yellow Jersey but I think it's because some of CW's friends take their vacations on August lol