whatthemovie turns one year this monday! What a great first year, we hope there will be many more.
To celebrate (read: show off features), we are having a little birthday contest. The rules are simple: Any shot related to birthdays, candles, baloons whatever. The regular uploading restriction do not apply here, you don't need free slots and you may upload a snapshot from movies you already uploaded two snapshots from. The maximum of snapshot submitted per person is 3.
"and you may upload a snapshot from movies you already uploaded to snapshots from." - Can we consider the rejected ones? Happy birthday WTM! This is nowadays one of my favourite websites. Congratulations!
Rejected uploads don't count anywhere. If you have 1 snapshot from a movie in the Feature Film section and 1 in your rejected shots, you can still upload one the normal way.
What Tliff tries to say here is that there are no restrictions on contest uploads, except the maximum of 3 shots for each contest. (and the typo 'to snapshots' instead of 'two snapshots' is a bit confusing :p)
I have a question... I uploaded now my shots, but what happens if there are some dupes? Is it possible for us to delete one of those pictures to upload another one? Because we can't see the other uploads.
I heard moderators will contact the ones who posted dupes as fast as possible. The dupes will be deleted and the uploader gets his slot back for another upload.
Yes sorry for been the bad guy :) The shots can only be seen by the moderators at the moment, we make sure there are no dupes and not the same movie posted twice. In future, you will get an error while trying to post a movie that has already been posted. But for now, we do this manually You will be able to see the shots in one day :)
i got another message from chrisy just 1 hour before the contest started -> all (3) my shots got rejected :-( now i can see that only 1 was a dupe, 2 were completely different shots... i'm not really convinced that this additional rule was necessary.
whoever: good luck to all contenders and have fun with the contest ;-)
I have to say, this is so much fun =) It was like everyone was just waiting, shuffeling with their feet until the doors open, to run in and be the first solver of a shot ;) I'm just a little disappointed to see that so many shots get such an awful low rating... I can't help but wonder why. What a pity...
@Rufusul The rule is there so that we dont see the same movie again. There are not too many shots uploaded for the contest, so out of a 100 shots, if you see the same movie over and over for the same contest: different scenes, different angles... This is too much. This is why But you are right, we do appology that the news was given so late, this shouldn't have happened and wont happen again. Next time, there will be a barrier which will prevent you from uploading the same movie if it has already been uploaded!
I had one of my shots deleted without even getting any notice (obviously it was from the same movie someone else posted). Had I known, I had put another shot in the queue... Well, no worries. Better luck next time :)