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  1.  permalink
    i'm sorry but i haven't been able to upload one single shot into the new submissions for at least a month.
    is there someone else having the same problem?
    • CommentTimeSep 10th 2009
    What happens when you try? Can you be more specific?

    There are still over a hundred shots a day so I dont think anyone else is having the same problem. Let us know whats happening and we may be able to help.
    • CommentAuthorbazzy3000
    • CommentTimeSep 10th 2009
    i have had much problems with no free slots available at the moment.. guess you'll always have this problem with the bigger more populair movies.. just have to keep trying!
    • CommentAuthorLordMyst
    • CommentTimeSep 10th 2009
    maybe you got the problem with one movie one week rule

    for example if matrix is placed in the FF you need to wait a week for someone can upload a new matrix shot
  2.  permalink
    the same as bazzy3000, "no slots avaible, try again tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow. or upload a shot from the day after tomorrow."
    but i've just tried again this minute and it worked!
    is there an specific amount of uploads by the day/hour?
    • CommentTimeSep 10th 2009
    maximum 1 shot/movie/week
  3.  permalink
    ooh. all righ then.
    i was thinking it was 3 per day.
    • CommentTimeSep 11th 2009
    and maximum of 3 shots/user in the new submissions
    and maximum of 2 shots/movie/user in FF + archive

    Think that's it.