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    • CommentTimeSep 12th 2009 edited
    Hi WTMers,

    As you know, at the moment when you first come to the site you get given a random snapshot. Naut has said they would like to completely rethink this and have a new flashy, attention grabbing start page, a "front" of the website as it were. Naut suggested I open a thread in the forums to see if we can brainstorm and get some ideas together. So let your creativity fly, this is a chance for you all to help make WTM even better, and a chance to make your mark on the site, having your ideas possibly implemented.

    [EDIT: added from Naut's post below:]
    We intend to have 2 new start pages, a general one which everyone fresh to the site (= logged out) will see and a personalized ond (= logged in) with lots of user-related info (like latest shouts on your snapshots, new fellow requests on your profile, etc, etc) and why do we want to do this? We'd like WTM to become a full feature movie community. The new features of wtm 2.0, especially the possibility to shout at everything made us realize what a big phatt friendly kickass community, we have become. The snapshot quiz will always be the backbone of the operation WTM but we've got some nice new features in our mind which have nothing to do with the quiz.

    Some ideas I have thought of, feel free to discuss, pick them to pieces, set them on fire and throw them out the window.

    I was thinking the page could be laid out much like the lounge is at the moment, with the usual news etc.. but with some added features;

    1) Picture of the week
    Perhaps the highest scoring picture of the week, or a random high scorer from the archive, or maybe even voted by users out of a selection. Perhaps memorabilia [edit: Or an awesome upload?] could be awarded to someone who has a picture featured as a POTW. The highest scoring images are usually awesome looking, and to be honest fairly easy, so would be a good way for a new user to immediately grasp what the game is about and get sucked in.

    2) User profile
    As there are many social networking style features of the site, how about featuring a randomly picked user profile on the front page? Perhaps every week / 2 weeks we could feature a new user on the front page, they could answer some questions about themselves, favourite movies, directors, interests, what they like about WTM, etc.. This would help people meet other people with the same interests etc.. and enhance the social aspect. Again, perhaps memorabilia for being featured? We could come up with some general questions everyone has to answer on their profile and then pick them at random maybe?

    3) Contest details
    Perhaps feature the latest contest winner on the front, link to the winner's profile and brief overview of whats happening in the vault atm, active/upcoming contest etc..

    Yeah we all love stats :) More stats than you can shake a large pointy stick at. The stats can differ if you are logged in or out.
    -Logged in would give your stats
    ---avg score of your pictures (shots in archive)
    ---avg shouts on your pictures
    ---avg favourites per pictures
    ---forum post count
    --- loads more which I am sure you will all come up with :)
    (would be good if all these stats are featured on your profile as well so we can compare - as everyone is so competitive ;) )
    -Logged out would show general site stats like
    --- amount of pictures submitted
    --- amount of shouts
    --- amount of users currently logged in
    --- blah blah blah you can come up with some better ones I'm sure

    5) Top 3 forum threads
    Link to last 3 updated forum posts (just thread titles, last updated time etc.). I feel this will promote the forums, and get more people involved. Not enough people use these forums, and they are a good resource, would be nice to draw attention to them.

    6)Dynamic content
    perhaps 3 images updated on-the-fly, like
    -- Latest submission
    -- Latest FF entrant
    -- highest scoring image in FF
    or a (non-spoiler) shout from an image picked at random and alink to the image. Again, I am sure you can come up with something better. This site is essentially all about the stills and the movies, so would be nice to see a few images from the game featured on the front, along with the contest winner, picture of the week etc..
    Another idea dynamic content, A list of the ranks and the latest person to hit that rank. Again, this would draw attention to peoples profiles and get everyone checking out each others profiles a bit more, enhancing the social side.

    OK, in my usual style I have gone on far too long, the verbal diarrhea is kicking in again. So now it over to you to pick these ideas apart, and come up with some of your own!
    • CommentTimeSep 12th 2009
    loads of great ideas in there m00ch, thanks a lot!
    I especially like the idea of the featured user profile and the snapshots of the day/week

    and to further clear things up a bit: We intend to have 2 new start pages, a general one which everyone fresh to the site (= logged out) will see and a personalized ond (= logged in) with lots of user-related info (like latest shouts on your snapshots, new fellow requests on your profile, etc, etc)

    and why do we want to do this? We'd like WTM to become a full feature movie community. The new features of wtm 2.0, especially the possibility to shout at everything made us realize what a big phatt friendly kickass community, we have become. The snapshot quiz will always be the backbone of the operation WTM but we've got some nice new features in our mind which have nothing to do with the quiz.
    • CommentAuthorAsmodai
    • CommentTimeSep 12th 2009
    Maybe add a more direct link to the chat as well, to the start page? Including a list of people currently logged in maybe, if that is possible.
    Another thing I'd like to see to the personal startpage/profile, is your shots that are currently in new submissions with the rating and number of votes/solves/shouts next to it, that way you can see which shots have a good chance to go through, without having to go to the page of each shot.
    • CommentTimeSep 12th 2009
    Wow, some great ideas here. I will try to think of some new ideas.

    For the stats I think number of first-solves would be really appreciated by some users. :p

    Would be really nice to see the community (forum/chat/profile shouts) expand a little more :)
    • CommentTimeSep 12th 2009
    It would also be nice to have a page for best-rated movies and best-rated shots (both all-time and weekly/monthly).
    Maybe with a link to this on the frontpage.
    • CommentTimeSep 12th 2009
    If you add the "featured user profile"-feature it might would be nice to define one "over-the-top" favourite Shot (over the usual favs).
    • CommentTimeSep 12th 2009
    It could also be nice to see the best rank you have had in stats
    • CommentTimeSep 12th 2009 edited
    I loved the most ideas, especially those related to stats!

    I miss the search box on archive and fatured films. I think the search should be present throughout the site as a bar or something.
    • CommentTimeSep 12th 2009
    All great ideas. Keep them coming!

    All the ideas about your personal, logged in start page are awesome. Although the main focus is about grabbing the attention of people visiting the site for the first time, so any ideas on holding their attention on the non-logged-in page would be great.

    Another one for the "logged in" page, would be a line at the top, "X unread shouts" and "X fellowship requests", although this is best for your own profile.

    Naut, you mentioned making the site a full featured movie community, so how about a way to catalogue and rate your DVD collection onsite? So I could look at, for example all of Asmodai's millions of DVD's. All DVDs could link to Amazon, so its a way of finding new movies, and buying them with WTM getting a referral. ;)

    The only drawback I can see is I could look through someone's DVD collection to see what films they may have posted. Perhaps limit it so only people on your friends list can see your collection.
    • CommentTimeSep 13th 2009
    on the bottom of every page
  1.  permalink
    maybe use the highest scoring picture of the week and the 3 pictures of the last 24 hours...
    • CommentTimeSep 14th 2009
    i don't really have any ideas for the page, but just wanted to say i think it's great to see you guys constantly expanding and adjusting the site.
    Great job
    • CommentAuthorKlaas1975
    • CommentTimeSep 14th 2009
    Maybe you can do something cool for somebody on their 'WTM-birthday': the day they started playing. An awesome upload could be nice, or they could be featured on the start page that day. I'm sure there's lots more you could do with that.
    • CommentAuthorLachinator
    • CommentTimeSep 14th 2009
    yeah me too. when I started with WTM (it was WTM 2) I really liked the community features (shouts, movie fellows), which made WTM not just a simple movie quiz but also a platform for movie lovers where they can discuss etc. (movie pages are a good idea, I'd like to see more activity there)

    so I'm loving this development from a "movie community light" to a "full feature movie community". Great work!

    regarding the start page: at the moment I have no great and innovative ideas but I'd suggest what to has to be on the start page (even if you already know this):
    - the start page should feature a short explanation about WTM is all about, describing the categories "Movie Archive", "Feature Films", "New Submissions" & "The Vault".
    - and all features that WTM can offer should be listed on the start page (especially the community features).

    And VERY important is a slogan (to grab the user's attention). You could use Naut's expression: a full feature movie community.

    My suggestion would be a combination of the current sloagen + Naut's expression:
    WTM - The world's most awesome movie quiz & community
    WTM - The world's most awesome movie quiz & community (besides

    I don't know something like this... or use the present slogan... the important thing is that it should appear directly on the start page (and not just on the top of the browser).
    • CommentTimeSep 14th 2009 edited
    like @klaas idea!

    I'm was camilapilla...
    • CommentTimeSep 14th 2009
    i agree with camilapilla
    • CommentTimeSep 15th 2009 edited
    and I agree with forerunner.

    seriously - you all made some really great propositions!
    I love so many of them, wtm birthday, high scoring shots, more dominant chat, more dominant forum and especially a new slogan ..

    When we launched wtm2, we spent quite some time thinking of a unique slogan, but it's so hard.
    Flixster (a crappy movie community ;) has the best slogan ever: If you like movies, you'll love flixster.

    Damn, why haven't we come up with somehting like that?
    Do you guys have any ideas?

    PS: although I have to say that "the worlds most awesome movie community (besides IMDb)" sounds great!
    • CommentTimeSep 15th 2009
    I have an idea: slogan contest? :D
    • CommentAuthoraknilak
    • CommentTimeSep 15th 2009
    I usually never goes to the home page of a site, because they are most of the time useless, and wont help me to get to the content I need faster.
    So here's my proposition : make a link to the last NS picture seen, and the last FF picture seen
    • CommentAuthorMisterZob
    • CommentTimeSep 15th 2009
    Since it's a screenshot-based movie quiz, I think the "logout" start page should have a screenshot (among other features). But maybe not just a random screenshot. I think this shot should be :
    - rated at least 7/10
    - with at least 50 votes
    - with at least 100 solves
    Figures above can be adjusted, it's just a proposal.
    But the idea is that this shot should be a good one and not too difficult to guess.
    • CommentTimeSep 15th 2009
    I like MisterZobĀ“s idea. When logged out feature some easier shots, it raises the chance people recognize some and look around some more.
    • CommentTimeSep 15th 2009 edited
    Maybe a "recent uploads"-box only with the recent uploads of your movie fellows could be nice for the personal start page.
    • CommentTimeSep 15th 2009
    A personal start page would be really nice. With all the information about things that interest me, like friends achievements, newest uploads from friends (also in NS), who faved my shots, messages, and so on. Maybe also some customized stuff, e.g. newest shots with the tag "the end" or "feet" in it :D

    I would also like to have an RSS-feed for my own uploads. So I could annoy my Facebook friends with atomatic updates ;)

    And more stats of course!
    • CommentTimeSep 15th 2009
    Regarding stats:

    I don't know if it's a feature the start page but since every movie has it's release year stored, maybe it would be a nice feature to have different halls of fame for each decade. Shouldn't be too hard to implement (best-case-scenario: add a e.g. "WHERE movie.year BETWEEN 1970 AND 1979" to the existing query) and I guess the community would love it. ;)
    • CommentTimeSep 15th 2009 edited
    • CommentTimeSep 15th 2009
    ooh, a facebook app would be cool :)
    • CommentTimeSep 15th 2009
    facebook app?
    • CommentTimeSep 16th 2009
    yeah! a facebook app!!! great idea!
    • CommentTimeSep 16th 2009 edited
    what's facebook? can I eat it?
    • CommentTimeSep 16th 2009
    • CommentTimeSep 16th 2009
    OMG Zythux, thats great :P
    • CommentTimeSep 17th 2009
    Now you see why the facebook is not for eating!

    I still think that the set hierarchy is underused...
    I think that the rights and duties should increase according to the office ... For example, if the upload limit will decrease, could go as increasing as the set hierarchy, as well as the value of the vote ...
    Oh, and participation in the forum could also be worth bucks ;)
    • CommentTimeOct 13th 2009
    perhaps forum participation could also give you a memorabilia. For something like nr of forum posts.
    • CommentAuthorlnatbnf
    • CommentTimeOct 17th 2009
    Maybe it's not exactly the right place for this, but I wanted to talk about 2 things :

    -every day, I miss my "solved movies" page of WTM 1.....

    - every day I look at the "new submissions" (it takes time !!!) and by accident, I discover sometimes some awesome uploads in the Feature Films. Isn't it possible to add a new category in the "Show display options", like "show only the (solved/unsolved) awesome shots" ?
    • CommentTimeOct 17th 2009
    @forerunner: maybe a good idea. WTM could make some savings on forum memorabilia these days. Very very few discussions...
    • CommentTimeDec 29th 2009
    2 suggestions!
    - is there any posibility to solve snapshots in FF not seeing these ones added by oneself?
    - and the second is an idea: under the only archive snapshots maybe put some extra window /tag/ to add actors' names then we could see pictures gallery of celebrities from different movies. /same as we search snapshots by tags/.
    • CommentTimeDec 29th 2009
    we are ahead of that, wait for wtm2.5, to be released tomorrow! or the day after! (it's still 2009)
  2.  permalink
    Only one question: do WTM need advertising on its pages?

    EDIT: Ok guys, i haven't got the joke...
    • CommentTimeJan 2nd 2010 edited
    @tovaniflavio +

    BTW: I recently navigated on WTM from a computer not configured like this and found it awful with all its ads.
    I know you have to find money, but the result is crap.
  3.  permalink
    I was talking of fake-ads on the profile main page. I've always used WTM with computers with ADBlock-Plus, i've never seen it with advertising.
    • CommentAuthorflaminia
    • CommentTimeJan 2nd 2010
    the new WTM is nice... but there are some tings that i'm not able to do, like add movies to my shelf...
    • CommentAuthordekolta
    • CommentTimeApr 21st 2010
    In the new WTM it should be added that you can write memo's for yourself. Sometimes you see a shot and you think. That was the movie with the story about a boy that went to a candyfactory. And then later you come back to it, and think ah it's of course Charlie and the chocolate factory (I know very easy example). But I think it would be a nice feature.
    • CommentAuthorbazzy3000
    • CommentTimeApr 22nd 2010 edited
    oke let's have it... antother version of wtm... to be honest i really had to get used to wtm 2 when we lost wtm 1, in fact, didn't really like it at first, however it turned out perfect so far, as of now i have no idea's but i'd like to comment on some of the posted above..

    I've read stuff before about the slogan, i think you guys need one, but please... NEVER refer to any other brand in your slogan!! unless orfourse you are saying you are better then them :) otherwise why pay attention to another, perhaps even better moviecommunity? imdb isn't the place for me, but i'm just saying.. perhaps i will come up with one.. i'll put my mind to it ;)

    Secondly about the startpage, i love some of the ideas above! birthday thing is a cool idea, stats are alway great, but the best thing you can do in my opinion, if you want to make it more of a community, is to implement a thing like a user of the week or something, with a direct option to shout at him or her or something like that... or perhaps even feature 3 or 4 users... make it random, give the users a chance to make a little shout to go with their pictures... it's gotta be fun to read though, but for it to be a community people will have to know eachother, so users on the frontpage is THE idea... now i'm gonna drink another beer.. damn i'm thirsty, but before i go, no facebook or any shit like that please!!!

    Oh, just thought of the best slogan, WTM, can you guess the snapshot?
    LOL, it's just perfect :D it sums at all up
    • CommentAuthordekolta
    • CommentTimeApr 23rd 2010
    I thought of another idea to implement groups. What I mean is that you can join for example your friends group. So in the individual ranking your maybe 400th (what I am), but then there is also a group-highscore, and it automatically checks all the snapshots you solved together (so all individually) and makes a group-ranking out of that.
    So: a individual ranking apart from the group ranking. Where you solve a shot it will work out for yourself, and for your group (if no one else already solved it within your group).

    I hope you get it. We shouldn't however call it groups, but maybe something more like a crew (from filmcrew).
    • CommentAuthorrulo
    • CommentTimeApr 23rd 2010
    • CommentAuthorbazzy3000
    • CommentTimeApr 23rd 2010
    @tliff, i know this is not the topic to mention this but i hope you read it, on my personal page, the number of shouts mentioned on my snapshots in de ff or ns shots are totally wrong, number of favs seems to be alright.. i'm using fire fox 3.6.3.. just to let you know. it doesn't really bother me to be honest.. but why have it there if it doesn't display the right information ;)
    • CommentAuthorrulo
    • CommentTimeApr 23rd 2010
    same here on IE8
    • CommentTimeApr 23rd 2010
    here too, on Chrome
    • CommentAuthorAsmodai
    • CommentTimeApr 23rd 2010
    It's a known bug ;)
    • CommentAuthordekolta
    • CommentTimeMay 7th 2010
    What I find annoying on the front page is when I upload 3 shots in NS, and I got to the start page it shows the newest first. Then you have to click twice to see the oldest. I think it would be better if the oldest is first showed. As I check via that way how much hours are left (so I can upload a new one) or which rating it has (to see if it is probably making it). The newest uploads are probably over 24 hours left, and are in that stage not so important.

    What do you guys think?