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    • CommentTimeSep 17th 2009 edited
    Hello WTMers

    I'm sure you have all noticed a drastic increase in the amount of shots in new submissions lately. Over 150 images a day are currently being submitted. While this is great and shows the site is expanding well, it does carry with it a few negative points such as; more images are being rejected than we would like, more manpower and server resources are required to process, store and moderate these images, and quality has taken a turn for the worse as people have 3 chances to get a shot through.

    You can probably see where this is heading. As of tomorrow, 7pm (GMT + 1:00), around the launch of Chrisy's sidequest in the vault, the number of upload slots you will have will be reduced by one. All other rules will stay the same, 48 hours in NS, one shot/movie/week. Nothing else will change other than the the number of upload slots you have.

    This change will have a few positive side effects;

    1) Everyone's acceptance percentage should rise.
    2) Less load and resources required for the server/admins/moderators
    3) A quality increase as people are more selective about the pictures that are uploaded.

    I can see this may be an unpopular decision. Please bear in mind it has been discussed for weeks now, and is not a step that is being taken lightly. It is unfortunately a step that is necessary to maintain the quality and service we all have got used to on WTM, and will help keep things manageable as WTM continues to grow.

    The frequency of sidequests, contests etc.. is about to rise also, so we hope this will be enough to offset this change a little, and as you know Naut and Tliff are constantly working hard to bring new features to the site, so please dont consider this a backwards step. WTM will continue to grow and improve.

    We hope you all understand. Let us know if you have any questions.

    ***EDIT Delayed by one week now, to better gauge opinion. ***
    • CommentAuthorCalslaan26
    • CommentTimeSep 17th 2009 edited
    Quality over quantity ;). But that 3th slot will be missed.
    • CommentTimeSep 17th 2009 edited
    tliff and me are working hard, yes, but I have to especially thank our new mods Deviant, Chrisy and you, m00ch, for your job on WTM.
    I can't imagine WTM without your work, so thanks a lot!
    • CommentTimeSep 17th 2009
    Do not be afraid to grow!

    Maybe if there were a larger number of moderators would be easier to manage the site ...

    And if Naut and tliff succeeded in making wtm a work for them, where to take their livelihood, also favor the development site! Here in Brazil (and indeed the rest of the world) there are already many bloggers who live from this activity - without selling his soul in return! Perhaps partnerships with major department stores and especially with the film industry (studios, producers) is profitable for all parties!

    I understand the need to reduce the up, just afraid it will end up alienating some users - I confess I was a little disappointed because the 3 that I post every 48 hrs only 1 up, imagine posting one ...

    But if the sacrifices are necessary, let them!
    • CommentAuthorLordMyst
    • CommentTimeSep 17th 2009
    well I understand the quality of the photos in the submissions are bad lately that's
    because of the new members from veronica magazine. They don't know the rules yet. But I think everyone knows that.

    too bad of the upload reduce. My nr: 1 thing of WTM is the uploading part. I like it very much.
    But I understand. If WTM is growing so are the photos in the submissions. That's a lot of work. But M00ch and the Mods, you got some deputy's in the WTM who will always help if needed. ;)
    • CommentTimeSep 17th 2009 edited
    @Lordmyst and kaylua

    Dont make the moderation thing your main focus with this news. At the moment we are handling it OK, we are all on enough to make sure things get dealt with OK. Of the issues, its the smallest.

    The main issue is just the sheer amount of images submitted. As you all know (and many people have mentioned this) it is very hard to get a shot through to FF. This is largely due to the amount of shots submitted, and will only get harder and harder as more people sign up and contribute. Lessening to 2 slots should make it easier to get a shot through. Obviously you still have to make sure they are interesting and hgh quality to get through, but statistically it should now be easier.

    60-80 images are getting through a day at the moment, thats a lot, and more than enough quiz to keep everyone busy :) If the contests and sidequests take off like we are hoping, there will still always be something to do.
    • CommentTimeSep 17th 2009
    i think we should all first see how this works out, before we start complaining. I know it's a shame you don't have the same amount of upload shots anymore, but the reasons them00ch gives seem valid in my opinion.
    Very curious about the sidequests and stuff by the way
    • CommentAuthorShayah
    • CommentTimeSep 17th 2009
    Good news: I'll spend 33% less time watching DVDs, my girlfriend will appreciate!

    Always look at the bright side of life ;-)
  1.  permalink
    • CommentAuthortoffetomas
    • CommentTimeSep 17th 2009
    Well, after all the great updates comes this not so great update. I really think it's not good, I don't like it and think it's not better for the site.

    For me 3 upload slots is already not enough to upload all the shots i make, i won't like if it will be only 2 and think there will be more people who think that way and is that not what the site is all about let the users have some fun. Also the quality of the shots won't increase either in contrary it will decrease.

    You say everyone's acceptance percentage will increase, but i don't think the percentage matters that much, it's a fact that for the best uploaders the number of accepted uploads will decrease (instead of their awesome shots we get less good shots accepted by other playes). I really don't think its a problem there are 150 shots every day in NS. Picking the best 50 out of a 150 is much better as picking the best 50 out of a 100 shots. The problem is not the large quantity of great shots, the problem is the huge quantity of bad quality shots. With this rule the number of bad quality shots in NS will drop a little but not as much as the good shots there will be relativly more bad shots and some of the shots that will make it to FF will be less good.

    When a shot is rejected it's never nice, but when you only have 2 upload slots it will be even worse when a shots is rejected cause you are have less uploads. So I don't think people will be cheering about their higher acceptance percentage.

    Then the argument that it's a lot of work for moderators i can't judge too good, but like said in previous post this is not a main reason and i don't think it matters that much.
    I really don't think the other two reasons are not valid, like i tried to explain before.

    i upload a lot, with this rule it looks like its that's not appreciated. What you're actually saying is, its ok if you upload, but don't do it for us, we're having too much shots uploaded.
    if you really want less shots posted, you should focus on decreasing bad quality shots without losing a lot of great shots. Maybe give users who upload bad quality shots a penalty or something
    • CommentTimeSep 17th 2009 edited
    Hi Toffetomas,

    Thanks for your note. I dont follow your logic Im afraid about the quality decreasing. The way we look at it, people will think more carefully about what to upload, as they only have 2 shots to upload, so will take more care in selecting which shot to upload. Obviously we arent going to be putting images through that are bad quality still, so FF will still see the same level of quality.

    You say it isnt a problem that there is 150 shots in NS every day. This is only the beginning, the site continues to grow and so its only going to increase. Im sure that as the site grows, the NS will be back up to 150 a day as 75 people upload 2 shots. We need to make room for the future now, before it gets too much.

    Your argument about "for the best uploaders the number of accepted uploads will decrease ". This may be the case, but why should a select few get 3 images in constantly? This makes it fairer across the board and gives eevryone more chance to get their images through.

    Also remember that all these images also come at a cost in terms of server processing power and disk space, and both of these things cost money. This is also something that needs to be taken into consideration.

    And tomas, your images are a consistently good quality, and you have a very high ratio of shots accepted into FF, so I can see why you think the way you do. But as a moderator I am constantly asked "my image scored a 7.4 - why didnt it go through etc..". Many people ask us why their (good quality) images don't go through. Its the most common question I get as a mod. While you may see this change as a disadvantage, this will be fairer for everyone on the whole.

    And saying that your uploads are not appreciated is a silly statement to be honest. Of course they are appreciated, along with everyone elses images. This change was not made lightly and there are all sorts of considerations to be made. We knew this change may ruffle a few feathers but at the moment, looking at the bigger picture, we believe this change will be positive in the long run.
    • CommentAuthorKlaas1975
    • CommentTimeSep 17th 2009 edited
    Despite all good intentions and valid considerations for the future, I think it's hard to predict just what the effect of this new limit will be. As a way to limit an unbridled influx of uploads it will undoubtedly have the desired effect, but we'll just have to see what will happen with overall quality and scores. For instance, I'm sure people who care about WTM think about the quality of their uploads, regardless if they are limited to 2 images or 3.

    I do however think toffetomas might be onto something with his last remark. Maybe not give out penalties, but make the right to upload something you have to earn. The quality of the game and the site is determined so much by the quality and diversity of the uploads, that I don't think it is entirely inconceivable to police the uploading process somewhat. Maybe by giving the right to upload to users from rank 3 and up. Mind you, I'm just trowing this idea out there. Or maybe there is another way to make sure only people who invest a decent amount of time in WTM, care for it and have been around here long enough to understand what it is about (in all kinds of terms) can keep those uploads coming. And this will also help limit the bulk of NS a bit.

    When I read this back, it sounds maybe a little bit too elitist that I mean it to be, but I hope you catch my drift.
    • CommentAuthortoffetomas
    • CommentTimeSep 17th 2009
    Ok, the server processing power and disk space i can not judge, i forgot to mention that.

    About the decrease of quality, i think this is obvious, if you have less shots to select the best shots the selecting willl be less good. Now you have 150 shots of which you choose about 50, with the new rule those 150 shot would have been about 100 (probably a bit more) from which the best 50 shots are chosen , this selection must be less good. This example hold of course with any number of shots, its just an example.

    Also I think there are some really good uploaders who upload really great shots, when you limit the number of uploads to 2 there will be less shots from this great uploaders. Instead of their great shots we'll have some other shots which are less good (still good, but less), if these shots would be as good or better they would have made it anyway with the old rule as well, so we can say for sure these shots are less good. Hence quality loss...

    i think the problem of too many shots rejected will sort it self out without limiting the number of uploads more, let the 'market' do its job, when people don't like it that their shots aren't accepted they will stop uploading and you will keep the people uploading the best shots (or people who don't mind to much if a lot of shots are rejected). It will balance itself out without giving people who upload really great shots less oppurtunities to upload their shots.
    ok, more people will be able to have their shots go through, but only cause you limit other uploaders, that's not what i call fair ;)

    you have to understand the uploading is really fun, i watch a lot of movies and am already not able to upload all my shots, decreasing the number of uploads will not make it more fun...

    with your logic you'll have to keep decreasing the number of uploads as long as wtm is growing. my question: where's the limit? will it be 1 shot a week?

    Although i don't think it's a real problem yet, i do get the problem, but i think this isn't the best solution.
    • CommentTimeSep 17th 2009

    I know you didnt intend it to be elitist, but that would be the outcome unfortunately. We have as many bad images from people who are higher ranks as people who have just started.


    Im an uploader too, so I know what you are saying. But I can also see that while this change may upset a minority, but have a positive effect on the site as a whole. And when WTM gets to the point when we are getting 200 pictures a day even with this limit, we may have to look at another solution, or change the way it works completely. But right now, this is the best solution. At least run with it a few weeks and see how it goes.
    • CommentTimeSep 17th 2009
    OK we are delaying this for a week now, to get more people's reactions, we understand it was short notice. I encourage everyone to be honest abuot your thoughts on the matter, and obviously welcome any other ideas people have to resolve the sheer amount of images submitted.

    remember though, simple solutions are best ;)
  2.  permalink
    isn't it possible to let people uploading 3 shot every 48 hours, but to set a limit to the number of upload per day? maybe 150
    • CommentTimeSep 17th 2009
    Checknorisk, good idea but that would favour people in different timezones etc. Not everyone can get on until evening, at which point it may be the end of the day server time. Our community is so multi-national it wouldn't work. Thanks for the suggestion though.
    • CommentAuthoraknilak
    • CommentTimeSep 17th 2009
    maybe limit upload for people who are voting ? (using the 300 point limit / day should be easy since it's allready implemented)

    you can take part in the new shots if you take part in the evaluation

    I'm not sure it'll be usefull for reducing the uploaded shots...
    • CommentAuthorAsmodai
    • CommentTimeSep 17th 2009 edited
    I must agree with toffetomas here, I think this is a bad thing (even though I can fully understand the costs on the server point).

    Would this upload limit also go for the contests, btw?
    • CommentTimeSep 17th 2009
    Contests would be unaffected, they are treated seperately.

    @aknilak. I like the idea but its far from the simple elegant solution we need. And remember we dont want to discourage uploading completely. With that idea people who arent on here all the time may not be able to hit the 300 bucks and therefore wont be able to even try uplaoding.
    • CommentTimeSep 17th 2009 edited
    @asmodai? Can you eleborate on why you thnk this is a bad idea, other than you will not like losing an upload slot? Put it another way, do you not agree that there are simply too many shots in NS for the casual player?
    • CommentTimeSep 17th 2009
    Well, I think aknilak's idea could be interesting.
    You could bind the available upload-Slots to the rank.
    Cable Monkeys get 1 upload slot, focus pullers or a higher rank 2, and 3 is available with a even higher rank.
    So people get to now the NS-section first before they start uploading high amounts of shots but even starters have the possibility to upload shots which they really like.
    • CommentTimeSep 17th 2009 edited
    Don't like the idea that more bucks = more slots.
    First of all there will be people voting only for the bucks, this will not increase the value of an average rating.
    Next to that I think new users will be discouraged to upload, because they probably don't think it's fair.

    Personally, I don't have any problem with this extra rule, but I'm not a big uploader. I understand some uploaders do have problems with this, but I don't see a better solution, since you must be sure new users will not be discouraged to upload. The problem is not the high amount of uploads, but the low percentage of these shots that get through (ofcourse there's a link between both). But it's not possible to raise the daily uploads in FF even more, because that will give too many shots to solve there. So that means something has to be done about the high amount of uploads and I think this is the best way to do that. There are still equal chances for everyone to get shots to the Feature Films.
    • CommentTimeSep 17th 2009
    Ok, the voting for rights-thing might be really a problem.

    Well either which way it goes I'm fine with it. Even as I'm a big uploader I can also live with only 2 slots. The only problem I see is, that the number of mini-series in NS would sink.
    • CommentTimeSep 17th 2009 edited
    I don't know if it's relavant, but sometimes I have hard times figuring out what awesome pictures are here on WTM, so I just upload some different kind of pictures and some of the shots I think is very good doesnt reach it to FF, but some of my shots I didn't thought could do it to FF, goes through. So I don't think the awesomeness will be better with a limit on 2 shots per uploader... The WTM users and moderators choose which shots to go through and I think that is very good:)! And if the quality sucks, be better to use the delete buttom ;)!
    I though this shot was really awesome but it didn't make it(good one to the quest btw):
    While shots like this make it, which isn't that awesome I believe:

    I will just say that it's very subjective which shots people think is awesome.

    Edit: And I think there is more than enough shots in FF everyday at the moment, about 40 a day would be better :)...
    • CommentTimeSep 17th 2009 edited
    I agree with toffe... Reduce the limit of uploads will not increase its quality, it makes total sense his argument ... people who post shots of bad quality are not those that have a consistency in your posts. I consider myself an uploader too and if I had one or two shots deleted for bad quality was too much , and I'm sure the same goes for toffee, m00ch and other major uploaders - who are the greatest affected by the restriction ...

    And I agree even more with Klass - even if the idea is elitist - to value more the set ranking ... I think the higher you are in the hierarchy means that the more you are involved with the site, knows its operation and tastes and preferences of users in general, finally, has more safety and experience to contribute to proper functioning.

    @razzo both links are the same shot...

    Anyway, it is clear that we expect the change and live to feel it's effect ...
  3.  permalink
    Not happy to loose one upload slot, but we need to see if it could have a good impact in the NS category. So, let's see !
    • CommentTimeSep 17th 2009
    Then I would still prefer an upload hierarchy set on FF uploads instead of bucks. For example: start with one slot and get five shots to the FF to get two slots(which can take quite some time, and I'm afraid will still discourage new uploaders). After that get around twenty shots in feature films and earn your third slot.
    • CommentAuthorchecknorisk
    • CommentTimeSep 17th 2009 edited
    I don't really care about losing a slot, but I'm not a good uploader, so I think nobody cares my opinion.
    but if reducing the uploading slots means less stanley kubrick's shots in the FF, I'm ready to sign in right now!

    (just joking, them00ch, lay down that cricket bat ... ;)
    • CommentTimeSep 17th 2009 edited
    Okay Zythux, that's a good idea!
    The same way it can discourage new uploaders it might encourages some.
    • CommentTimeSep 17th 2009
    i don't think that zythux' idea will work.
    If you look at your chances of getting a shot trough as it is now, imagine you have 1 upload shot available. you have to get 5 shot through, against people who have 3 slots available. You wouldn't stand a chance. Quite some time could be a couple of months. Wich is IMHO way to long.
    • CommentTimeSep 17th 2009 edited
    Haha checknorisk :P

    @Zythux / Holynoise. I personally am against things which put people in different "classes" and would prefer a solution which applies across the board to all users. As well as being simpler, giving everyone an equal set of opportunities is just fairer IMO. And what forerunner said is very valid.

    and Kaylua and Toffetomas, OK I concede it *may* not help with the overall quality (although its all theoretical on both sides of the argument - we wont know unless we try it)

    - but please remember the quality issue was just a theorised side effect of the change, not its intention in the first place, which is just to reduce the amount of shots uploaded and rejected etc..
    • CommentAuthorAsmodai
    • CommentTimeSep 17th 2009
    "Can you eleborate on why you thnk this is a bad idea, other than you will not like losing an upload slot? Put it another way, do you not agree that there are simply too many shots in NS for the casual player?"

    Do, I do not, because in my experience the casual player does not play to get to 1 in the hall of fame, but more to just have fun and see cool movie shots. Therefore, they do not necessarily need to go by every single shot. Furthermore, if you do play for hall of fame, you can also just stick to FF and still get every single shot that counts for points, then maybe if you have time left or feel like it do a few random ones in NS.

    I think this is a bad idea for basically the same reasons as posted before: you maybe will get less shots (for a while), but I do not think it will change anything to people's uploading behaviour, so the quality per shot will not go up (or down), and since you have less shots in NS, you will also have less brilliant shots.
    • CommentTimeSep 17th 2009
    Yes, I'm also against different classes. But if there will be any I prefer uploads above bucks.

    I think we should just try it for some time, see the effects and evaluate it afterwards.
    • CommentAuthorbap2008
    • CommentTimeSep 17th 2009 edited
    Recucing the upload slots will bring less uploads from unknown/ older movies and less difficult shots.
    It's not easy to advance to FF for this kind of shots already.
    If an uploader has only two bullets in the gun she/he might tend to choose more mainstream pics.

    I personally can live with two slots, but I might have to make some adjustments since I don't want my rejected shots section top my FF uploads ;)
    • CommentTimeSep 17th 2009
    I cant live with 3 uploads shots as limit either, but could imagine the overflood with no limit :D! I started to upload pictures just before WTM 2 and my number of shots ready to get loaded becomes bigger and bigger ;)! I think the system is good as it is now... And btw I think it's nice that WTM is growing :D
    • CommentTimeSep 17th 2009
    Sorry Bap, but your mats dont add up. With 2 slots/person, you get more chance to go to FF, so its easier to sent in diffivult shots from unknown movies. Two slots is OK with me, I can see why.
    • CommentTimeSep 17th 2009
    pspan is right, you will have the same chance of getting a harder older shot in as before, if not more. Nothing will change there, us moderators will still be pushing shots we feel are worthwhile, dont worry about that.
    • CommentAuthorbap2008
    • CommentTimeSep 17th 2009
    them00ch: "Im sure that as the site grows, the NS will be back up to 150 a day as 75 people upload 2 shots."

    @pspan - in a couple of weeks the amount of shots in NewS will be the same as it is now, but in my opinion the percentage of mainstream shots will be higher. therefore the required rating for advancing to FF will rise.

    @them00ch - the mods are doing a great job pushing some underrated gems to FF. I'm not worried about the 25 shots/day you pick and shove to FF.
    • CommentTimeSep 17th 2009
    More like 50 a day :)
    • CommentAuthorchecknorisk
    • CommentTimeSep 17th 2009 edited
    you guys said that you don't like classes segregation, but awesome uploads are a privilege reserved to WTM supporters, it could be considered as a class selection.
    so don't be shy with categories of players, there are already some.
    following the idea, why not reducing the uploading slots of non supporters, instead of giving extra slots to supporters?

    if the beginning of the problem is the place on the server, it seems fair to me that financial supporters could get more rights than other players.
    • CommentAuthorLachinator
    • CommentTimeSep 17th 2009
    I also had the idea to give back the 3rd slot as a reward for uploaders.
    Take away the 3rd slot but as a compromise it could be possible to return it to users who have a certain amount of uploads.

    I have some ideas on returning the 3rd slot but they are too complicated and are not realy working out...

    This is a difficult topic but the moderators are doing a great job. I can understand the taken measures and I'm Ok with losing one slot.
    • CommentAuthorCalslaan26
    • CommentTimeSep 17th 2009 edited
    Like I mentioned earlier: I will miss that 3th upload shot. But then again I sometimes don't upload shot for weeks at a time, so 2 slots is really enough for me.

    But to add my 2 cents to this discussion:
    Maybe it's a idea to put some extra rules in place next to the 1shot/movie/week rule.
    For example:

    This will put an extra hold on the influx of movies (arguably: especially on mainstream movies).
  4.  permalink

    I just started uploading shots to WTM so I currently have many ideas for uploads and not so much slots, but, I understand that there is a big quantity of uploaded shots every day and the moderator's job should be very hard in order to choice the best ones. If it's necessary to cut the number of uploads per person I think that we can live with it. Two slots are better than one, and one better than zero.

    Best regards.
    • CommentAuthorLordMyst
    • CommentTimeSep 17th 2009 edited
    oke I am one of the big uploaders
    and i would like to have my 3 uploads, but just try it with the two and we will see. Just as a test. I am for it. If it is not the result we hoped, just pumped it back to 3 :)
    • CommentTimeSep 18th 2009 edited
    @checknorisk: One problem I can think of with this extra slot could be that supporters climb the high score a little faster, because they can upload more shots in a row. Other than that I agree with you. But we need to discuss this a little further.

    @LordMyst: Also a good idea.

    @Calslaan26: This would make things much more complicated. Also the amount of shots uploaded wouldn't increase, it just means less mainstream movies. And that is a different topic.
    • CommentAuthorCalslaan26
    • CommentTimeSep 18th 2009 edited
    Offtopic: I wrote 'arguably' because i've also seen a lot of shots of non mainstream which have been coming back week after week.

    But to get back ontopic: IMHO: 2 upload slots for everyone! And no class-system.
    • CommentTimeSep 20th 2009
    I'm another big uploader and I have mixed feelings about reducing the upload slots by one. I can understand the need to reduce the daily dose of new submissions, especially for the future when WTM (hopefully) will grow further.

    But I am somewhat anxious about how the quality and movie mix in NS will be affected by this decision. I don't think that quality will improve substantially since those posting bad quality usually don't use three upload slots all the time. I think there are only few affected permanently by this decision, viz. those uploaders that usually have all three slots filled. theoffice911, sohor, LordMyst, deviant, chrisy, toffetomas, them00ch, Asmodai, LePaposaure, holynoise, pspan, bap2008, bazzy3000, razzomega and myself come into mind (there certainly are some more but not that many). However these people usually upload interesting and good quality shots. So losing one slot will reduce the amount of those good quality shots. Average quality would decline. This must not be a problem since there still will most probably be enough interesting and good shots around. However, I think toffetomas is right, there will be a reduced amount of good shot to choose from.

    Furthermore, I think reducing upload slots will lead to more mainstream movie stills. Having only two slots will tend people to upload more recognizable shots from well-known movies since they usually get a higher rating. I think this is because of two reasons. First, if an uploader has only two slots he will take less chances and go with the safer shot. Second, easy shots with high ratings get approved by the systems which is usually much faster than the approval of shots with low rating by the admins. After 24 hours in the cue the highest rated shots get through. Admins however, usually push shots which were in the cue for nearly 48 hours. This means, I get more upload slots if I post recognizable mainstream movies.

    However, I am not sure how strong these effects will be. I for myself will still post a mix of easy and hard shots and probably most heavy uploaders mentioned above will do the same. So, give it a try but keep an eye on the changements of quality and movie mix in the new submissions.

    It goes without saying that I would like an additional slot for the heavy uploaders :-) However, I understand if you won't do that. This would favor long-time uploaders and new users would hardly have a chance to catch up.
    • CommentAuthorbazzy3000
    • CommentTimeSep 20th 2009
    thanks for mentioning me in that list fungus ;) i surely will miss my 3rd slot, for me it's just simple fun to upload a good shot, although i must admit i screw up every now and then.
    i'm planning on having a shot grabbing marathon myself and am positive it will deliver some great shots.. guess they will last a little longer if these plans are pushed through.. i must say i'm symphathetic about the storage problem, so i understand why this is happening...
    • CommentAuthorcastaka
    • CommentTimeSep 20th 2009
    I think there's a lot of different things said that are true. Personnally i'm not a big uploader so it doesn't affect me but if i wanted to be it would be much more harder to go to the top (and so makes things uneven for new players, which makes this an elitist proposition for WTM veterans !)

    toffetomas states that with a higher number of uploads you will have higher quality pics, i think that's true.
    pspan states that harder shots will get through if there's less competition against them. That's also true

    But the thing is bad quality shot make it to FF because of their ratings so maybe you should just delay the right to rate shots. let people get points from solving FF, get the whole point of the game and when rank 2 or 3 they can vote on what shot gets through or not. That way i think you'll increase the quality of the shots. Because there's a feeling lately that ratings are getting higher than they used to be (i don't know i'm pretty new to the game)

    In term of the number of slots per person, the main issues seems to be :
    - the work of admins and moderators (if votes are filtered i think it might be easier)
    - the space on servers, well if 150 shots a day go to NS and 50 only get through, it means that 100 shots are uploaded and kept to the server without being useful to the game and only for the uploaders. Maybe the rejected section should be thinked differently, like the shots stay a week only in there. Maybe the number of rejects should be according to the number of upload. That will maintain the 3 shots everybody want and lower the amount of shots on the server. Also the rejected shots could be evaluated, like only 5 or more star ratings would be kept and considered as rejected. The rest would be deleted.
    If the people that wanted dearly their rejected shots to appear on wtm, have to weigh it with having less uploads i think they will chose to keep their 3 uploads. Though these are different elements they both involve space. Also maybe every player according to rank might have the right to keep a certain amount of rejects.

    That's an idea don't throw rocks at me ^^