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    • CommentAuthorMisterZob
    • CommentTimeOct 11th 2010 edited
    Cut the black bars off, ONLY the black bars. DO NOT crop the shot to make it fill the whole WTM frame.
    • CommentTimeOct 11th 2010
    oke oke. I will crop them all like I did before. But since I feel a bit misunderstood let me at least demonstrate what I meant.

    This is a shot without any bbs (btw: thanks, if it was accepted by magic ;). As you see a part of the shot is hidden by the white bar:

    If I had left enough bbs to make the whole shot exactly 720 x 400 px it would look like:

    (please imagine the same message on the white bar and the same quality, i was lazy)

    But there are enough reasons not to do this:
    1) You told me so and you have the delete-powers :)
    2) As Asmo said it could cause problems if the page layout changes
    3) It would anyway only work with widescreen movies

    Sorry for bothering.
    • CommentAuthorAsmodai
    • CommentTimeOct 11th 2010 edited
    Ah, now I see your point! I will talk with the creators, about maybe keeping the bar on the bottom of the WTM-frame instead of the bottom of the pic.

    (Why did you request solution on your own snapshot? :D)
    • CommentTimeOct 11th 2010
    Thanks. That would be awesome.
    • CommentAuthorMisterZob
    • CommentTimeOct 11th 2010

    Let me get this straight once more:
    WTM *does not* add black bars. What looks like black bars is actually the WTM frame background.
    It would be red/white/blue/yellow/whatever if WTM design happened to be changed.
    • CommentAuthorrulo
    • CommentTimeOct 11th 2010
    #114584 the same rating 8.00 as #114583, which I uploaded 3 seconds earlier. #114583 gets accepted with an 8 and 0 favs, #114584 :rating drops within an hour to 7,70 and now it is rejected..
    • CommentAuthorJoob
    • CommentTimeDec 31st 2010 edited
    My question on this matter:

    Sometimes uploads from certain people on WTM all seem to make it to FF, they don't seem to be able to make any bad shot. Is this because they constantly make good shots? Or do they build a reputation amongst the mods?
    I'm not calling names, but I think everybody knows someone that fits that description.
    • CommentAuthorChrisy
    • CommentTimeDec 31st 2010 edited
    Here we go again (sorry but this was asked again and again), we do not care about who posted the shots. I can talk only for my self but I'm sure Mr Zob or Asmodai do the same. I do not even look who posted the shots to start with. I select shots from the last 15 hours in the new submission which look interesting. I'm only looking at the shot it self, and then judge based on many criterias, but the name of the uploader or his/her supposed reputation I couldn't care less. Trust me we've learned that even the supposevely best reputated players we can not trust... So really, I think you can put that idea once and for all out of your head. one more time: we do not care who posted the shots when we select what to push through to the FF!
    • CommentAuthorJoob
    • CommentTimeDec 31st 2010 edited
    Thanks for the explanation. Seems you're a tad agitated by that question. It was only curiousity. Because it seems that some people get pushed through a lot more. But now it's clear that they just got better shot. Thanks again.
    • CommentTimeJan 7th 2011
    why is #132371 rejected with 7.63 and 3 fav. when compared to last 35+ shots in FF only 3-4 have better rating..
    • CommentAuthordoooom
    • CommentTimeJan 7th 2011
    Because mods don't consider the rating if they push shots, they just look at the shot itself. This way shots with lower ratings (for example from unknown movies) also have the chance to get to the ff.
    • CommentTimeJan 7th 2011 edited
    I know..but when I was looking there was ~20 shots that mod pushed in FF..I dont think every mod can push 35+ shots in 1 hour..but nvm..
    • CommentAuthorAsmodai
    • CommentTimeJan 7th 2011
    Because the mods don't look at ratings, as said before, and the mods apparently didn't like your shot enough.
    I can tell you why I did not push it, I can even do it in two words: "character shot". If you need more explanation, browse through the forum for more discussions on this.
    • CommentTimeJan 8th 2011 edited
    I didn't ask why mods or you didn't PUSH my shot..did I? I really don't care why you didn't push it..that is your personal reason..there is 7-8 character shots in FF every day..If almost 40 shots was pushed by mod ok, its fine..I didn't know mod can push that many shots in 1h(there is ~100 shots in FF if one mod can push ~35 shots how much can other mods push? Unless a few modes did it at the same time)..I thought Scruffy was deciding also..but like I said nvm..everything is fine..over and out..
    • CommentTimeJan 8th 2011
    Funny thing: the answer is in this very thread (see first post). In short: little more than 24 shots per day are chosen by highest rating (favs don't matter). The rest is pushed by mods - they have a hell of a lot to do every day :)

    I guess the character shots you saw in FF either had a much higher rating or they had something special so mods considered them pushworthy.
    • CommentAuthorAsmodai
    • CommentTimeJan 8th 2011 edited
    We "can" push basically ALL shots in NS, there is no limit/rule against it. We try to keep it limited to say 15 shots a day (or at least I do). Some days a little more, some days less.
  1.  permalink
    • CommentAuthorWessel
    • CommentTimeJan 18th 2011
    I just think it's straight up bs when I upload 17 shots only 1 makes it to FF! And I admit not all my shots are perfect quality and special or something but some get just onder 8.0 and don't make it to FF. This system discourages members to contribute shots to WTM..
    • CommentTimeJan 18th 2011
    You have 2 ways to reach FF: the rating (24 shots per day) and the mods push. If you want to upload a shot from a very very popular movie like Pirates of the caraibes or The hangover or Invictus, then you can be sure that it will never be pushed by the mods. You have to compete having a high rating and your shot have to be really awesome...
    • CommentAuthorrulo
    • CommentTimeJan 19th 2011
    And favouriting your own shots is stupid
  2.  permalink

    7.73 and got rejected...!!
    Mods should have shown some mercy.. :-D
    • CommentAuthorAsmodai
    • CommentTimeJan 21st 2011
    This is not a complaining topic, and mods only push what they like. I am getting so sick of this, so for the last time:
    If we didn't like your shot, and the mob apparently didnt like it either (or it would have gone on through rating), then there is nothing to do it. A rating doesn't say anything, it's the RELATIVE rating that counts.

    Oh, and don't tell mods what they should and shouldn't do.
    • CommentAuthorrulo
    • CommentTimeJan 21st 2011
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    I wasn't complaining. The second sentence was posted in a lighter note. thats why the smiley.
    Sorry if you couldn't notice the lighter note.
    • CommentAuthoraliocha
    • CommentTimeFeb 7th 2011 edited
    Hello :)

    I first would like to tell that I totally agre with WTM's policy on extra's which are featured on the dvd's ;)

    BUT (yeah, there's always a "but"), I would like to know why one of my last uploads ( ) was rejected. Sure, this "short" is featured as a bonus on the commercial releases (dvd/blu-ray) but in the theatrical release, it was on the same reel than the movie.

    My point is : isn't the theatrical release more important than the dvd/blu-ray one?

    If it isn't, I would like to know why shots of The Animatrix are accepted in the FF since it was a direct to dvd with just ONE short that made it into the cinemas and not even before a movie of the Matrix franchise but before Dreamcatcher ( -_-' )...

    Again, I am not complaining, but I think this is still a grey area which can lead into posting mistakes :)

    • CommentTimeFeb 7th 2011 edited
    I agree with aliocha concerning the deleted shot. To me it is a kind of prologue to the movie and is part of the movie itself.
    imdb says: "A short prologue of one heartbreaking history of love and the prologue of the travel told in..."
    The aka title is "Part 1 of ..."

    I'd say nothing about the ridiculous "child porn" deletion vote, but you certainly know my opinion:)

    Be careful aliocha you are giving hints on your other shots :)
    • CommentAuthorAsmodai
    • CommentTimeFeb 7th 2011 edited
    The information I found was that the movie was a seperate movie, a sort of prequel, and a short: which of course aren't allowed. I did not know that this was shown on the same reel, but if we allow this, we should also allow the "Pixar Shorts", that often are before pixar's animated features in cinema. These are only bonus items on the DVD's, but in theatre also before the movie.
    Also, your shot was filed under the entry of the big movie, but since it has an own imdb-entry, you should have added a new entry to the database for it and posted it there, so it was at least under the wrong entry and should be deleted for that.

    We will discuss the thing about the pre-movie-in-theatre-short-thingies.

    About the Animatrix: This has had a theatrical release as a movie in some countries. I edited your post to remove the spoilers to shots still in FF.

    Edit: About the pointless child porn deletion votes: it will be discussed with the person in question.
    • CommentTimeFeb 8th 2011
    About child porn: Germans seem to be very sensitive to this topics...
    BTW N.Portman was 26 when the movie was shot :)
    • CommentAuthoraliocha
    • CommentTimeFeb 8th 2011
    Thanks for the rapid feedback!

    Indeed, I should have filled a new entry as Hotel Chevalier since it has its own IMDB entry :)

    And thanks for considering the question about "pre-movie-in-theatre-short-thingies", I think it's worth discussing about.

    Have a nice day!
    • CommentAuthorMisterZob
    • CommentTimeFeb 8th 2011
    My two cents:
    To avoid endless discussions, we let IMDb decide about shorts, TV movies, ...
    This movie has "short" among its IMDb genres. Which means WTM considers it's a short. Which means it's not allowed here.
    Plus IMDb considers this short and the feature film are two different movies. Which means the shot couldn't be uploaded as one from the feature film.
    • CommentAuthoraliocha
    • CommentTimeFeb 15th 2011

    I understand the fact that it is easier to rely on IMDb regarding this kind of matter. But I don't agree on this particular case (and I think there are similar cases amongst all the movies here on WTM) because the "short" was released theatrically with the "main" movie.

    Unless the dvd/blu-ray has the mention "director's cut", the theatrical release should prevail on the dvd/blu-ray one in me opinion.

    Again, I'm not willing to hurt anyone and I'm open for debate :)
    • CommentAuthorPzy
    • CommentTimeDec 28th 2011
    This shot made it only because of magically upload.
    I really don't understand the low rating, could someone explain?
  5.  permalink
    Well I solved it and gave it a 10/10. I really liked it.
    But I guess if you're not amongst the 102 people who solved it, you just see a house and snow. Nothing very exciting there !
    • CommentAuthordoooom
    • CommentTimeDec 28th 2011
    Well, it IS a house and snow. The looks kind of nice, but imo isn't something special. So i gave it 7/10 (an above average rating).
    • CommentAuthorPzy
    • CommentTimeDec 28th 2011
    I thought it is nice, so I took it.

    Just wanted to know, thanks guys. :)
    • CommentAuthorEightueight
    • CommentTimeJan 28th 2012 edited

    With great enthusiasm I started uploading this week, and on the 'rejection' matter there is nothing to complain from my side just yet. Frankly, my first upload has already made it to the FF and has an average score of 8.26. However, I am a little puzzled on a snapshot I have uploaded recently.

    Even though the snapshot does not have black boarders in my images file, it does on WTM. Did I just picked the wrong snapshot, or is it something mechanical?

    Any feedback is appreciated.
    • CommentAuthorMisterZob
    • CommentTimeJan 28th 2012
    Your shot doesn't have black bars. What *looks* like black bars is actually WTM's background. It's perfectly normal.
    Just focus on your shot: remove the DVD black bars, only the DVD black bars, and upload it.
  6.  permalink
    Right on. Cheers for the info.
    • CommentAuthorJules5
    • CommentTimeMar 2nd 2012
    This entire accepted/rejected matter has been bugging me for a long time now. I know how the system is supposed to work but somehow my shots hardly ever make it to the FF. Even shots that got good scores and were someone's favorite. I'm glad someone has asked the question of whether shots by certain people get through more often than from other uploaders. Even if names don't matter and although it has been stated that shots are not judged by who posted them, that thought is still in my head. Of course I like the pictures I upload - otherwise there wouldn't be a point in uploading them but I have to say that it is frustrating that they don't seem to get through. And while I am on the subject of rejected shots and things that have been bugging me here: comments like "bad quality" from people who don't know the movie are not really helpful - if they knew the movie, they'd know that the quality of the shot is exactly like that. But, to finish off with a nice comment, I appreciate the work that you guys are doing here on WTM. It's just that it'd be nice if the system became a bit fairer (in my eyes). I really don't want this post to sound mean or anything, it is just that those issues have been in my head for a while now.
  7.  permalink
    I haven't uploaded much lately but what's up with the grades? Can't seem to have more than 7/10 anymore!
    Is it just me ?
    • CommentAuthoryhi
    • CommentTimeNov 18th 2012
    Yes, it seems that the rating continue to sink.
    But it's no real matter, I had a picture accepted with a rating lower than 7 (6,7 I think)
  8.  permalink
    When I left, you basically needed a 7.6 or 7.7 to be accepted without magic : which grade do you need now?
    • CommentAuthoryhi
    • CommentTimeNov 18th 2012
    At this moment I think that having a rating bigger than 7 gives you a good chance to be accepted.
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