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    Hey guys!

    As some of you might have noticed, many movies have a considerable number of uploads compared to lesser known movies. Personally I'm growing tired of seeing Jack Skellington, Frodo, Gandalf, Vincent Vega, Darth Vader etc.
    These shots are easy to guess and exploit this fact.

    Some of those shots are really good, but it gets to the point when one feels obliged to search for dupes and the enjoyment of the website turns into duty.

    I therefore propose a max number of shots per movie around 10 - 15.

    This is just an idea and would like to see what you guys think about it. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!

    Kind regards

    • CommentAuthorAsmodai
    • CommentTimeOct 12th 2009
    I totally disagree, some films have 100's of awesome shots in them (2001, watchmen and monty python, just to name a few), and considering that shots are still going through, people haven't had enough of them yet, otherwise they would have voted lower (which is your right, if you dislike shots for any reason whatsoever)
    And most importantly, "Do NOT rate the movie. Rate the awesomeness of the snapshot." It does not matter from what film the shot comes, as long as it is awesome.
    • CommentAuthorcastaka
    • CommentTimeOct 12th 2009
    I also totally disagree, I believe taking 10 or 15 shots only on a movie with such a big amount of players in WTM is plainly not fair and not the point of the game.

    I also believe it's not a very objective suggestion since you have in your favorite shots a picture from a movie who has at least 19 shots in WTM... therefore you would have missed that one from Deviant.
    • CommentAuthorOberstKlink
    • CommentTimeOct 12th 2009 edited
    This is a platform for discussion! No need to scan my profile! What I'm saying is that some movies simply have too many shots. And those movies are easily recognized which in my opinion spoils the fun.

    I just wanted to see what people think about it in general...

    Don't get fixiated on 10-15! It was a suggestion.

    If the majority of people disagree I'll accept it. It's just an issue that leaves room for improvement, as far as I am concerned.

    And please don't get me started on the rating on this site!
    Every scene from any Tarantino, Spielberg or Kevin Smith movie is praised like the Holy Grail (8 and above) while many others struggle to receive the minimum of appreciation they deserve.
    • CommentAuthorcastaka
    • CommentTimeOct 12th 2009
    As i said i saw your shout on my shot so it triggered me a bit :D

    But i see what you mean and i don't believe that it is the best option because it's a bit sad for the movie :D especially if the first uploaded are not the best that could be.

    I agree on the notation, you forgot Kubrick and space shots on the 8 scale :D
    • CommentTimeOct 12th 2009
    I agree with Asmodai and castaka.

    Such a limit would also hinder the long-term development of WTM, since it might disappoint (new) uploaders especially sometime in the future when the limit would be reached by many movies.
    • CommentTimeOct 12th 2009
    Also think a limit is not necessary. There are like 65 shots every day, that's 455 every week. I don't think it's too bad to see those movies once a week. You must not forget shots like these also attract attention from new users, who don't have that much movie knowledge. They would probably also like to see their favorite movies and are really glad when they solve easy shots like this.
    • CommentAuthorChrisy
    • CommentTimeOct 12th 2009 edited
    Same here, I totally desagree, some movies have still many more shots to offer and as long as they still have nice shots to offer, there is really no problem
    We already have enough restriction, as you probably noticed already, a movie can only have one shot per week, many people already struggle with this, we did this to force people to search a bit further than the movies everyone want to post and I think this already had a good impact since we see many more less known movies lately, there is no need to restrict more. If a movie has 50 good shots to be taken, then let it be
    And about easy shots, there must be easy shots as well as all degree of difficulties, there are plenty of hard shots too, no problem with that

    btw, except from Darth Vader, I have no idea who the other characters you mention are, yeah, what is easy to you might not be to other people!

    edit: and Vincent Vega (mmm I'm in shame now lol)
    • CommentTimeOct 12th 2009
    Agree with Chrisy. At the launching of WTM, the new submission section was awful, as well as the selected shots. Now with the new rules, I think there is a good balance between mainstream movies and others, thanks also to the action of the moderators that push many good shots (and good movies) with low rating to the FF section. But there are still so many shots having 1000+ solvers that I cannot solve. Maybe worth trying some kind of scripts :)
    (no! just kidding! no horsehead please).
    • CommentTimeOct 28th 2009 edited
    Is there a chance after a while some movies that we can't upload right now will be available for upload ? Tried *** and *** for example and system said it was full.....

    • CommentTimeOct 28th 2009
    yes, after one week
    • CommentTimeOct 28th 2009
    Think you have misunderstood something. There is no limit to the amount of shots for a movie, but each person can only upload 2 shots from a specific movie. For instance, I have used my 2 shots of the movie "westworld" so I can no longer upload any shots from that movie.

    Also, if a shot is posted, no-one can post another shot from that movie for 7 days.

    Also, unless you are a supporter, you only have 2 upload slots, which means you can only have 2 images of any movies in the New Submissions section at a time.

    wow you are keeping me busy tonight Cotp....
    • CommentTimeOct 28th 2009 edited
    "wow you are keeping me busy tonight Cotp.... "
    Sorry about that... I guess I should go to sleep anyway it's 2am here ! (3am with the old clock system, just changed hours...)
    But then I don't understand why (I hadn't any upload slots taken at the time) it rejected me my screenshots for "***" and "***" since I had never uploaded anything before.... strange

    I'll try again when my slots will be free to tell you the exact error message I got think it was something like "sorry all the shots for that movie have been taken" or something like that...

    Won't trouble you as for today going to sleep ;)

    Cheers HAL ;)
    • CommentTimeOct 28th 2009 edited
    read the rest of my post!

    "Also, if a shot is posted, no-one can post another shot from that movie for 7 days."

    edit: and tliffs!
    • CommentTimeOct 28th 2009
    sorry about that :°) Good news, I'll try upload them again ... :)