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    • CommentAuthorLaDiDa
    • CommentTimeOct 18th 2009 edited
    I have seen tons of movies, as a kid I practically watched everything I could get my hands on, mostly action and horror. But my taste has gradually changed over the years, and I have become much more picky, to a point that now I can't believe I ever spent money and precious time to watch"The Prophecy", even if it has CHRISTOPHER WALKEN in it!! It's not that it is a particularly bad movie, the movie is just, well, you know...meh.

    My question to you WTM-ers is: What movie wouldn't you watch, now that you're older and wiser?
    • CommentTimeOct 18th 2009
    Friday 13th 1-6.
    Star Trek TOS.
    and probably a lot more horror movies etc.
    • CommentTimeOct 18th 2009
    The opposite for me. As young movie fan I used to be very snob. Although I liked to watch silly french films on tv (staring Funes for example) I hardly could go to the movie if it was not a masterpiece of the film history. I am much more eclectic now.
    • CommentAuthorLaDiDa
    • CommentTimeOct 19th 2009
    @pspan: you watched 6 friday 13th movies? Sir, I admire your powers of endurance!
    @efji: it's not that I have become a snob, it's that now I think some movies are completely uninteresting, while years ago I would have loved them. I still like good horror movies, or silly french comedies. By the way, should I watch "le diner des cons"?
    • CommentTimeOct 19th 2009
    to be honest, it was over a few years of puberty and hormones. But when I found out the "Final Chapter" was not a final chapter, even I had enough. Seeing them now, I am actually speechless on my lack of taste in movies.
    • CommentTimeOct 19th 2009
    You can watch "Le diner de cons" without fear. It is not the silliest movie I have seen. You may loose something if you don't understand french, but J.Villeret's performance is outstanding.

    I have noticed that my first opinion on a movie is seldom contradicted by a new vision several years later. Of course I can watch again and again Hitchcock, Lang, Kubrick, Truffaut, Allen's movie without deception, but at the opposite, a movie that I found boring at first sight is usually still boring to me many years after. For example I tried to watch "Brazil" several times and I always fell asleep...
    • CommentTimeOct 19th 2009
    i watched Unbreakable a few years ago. Thought it was really good. Really left an impession.
    Then i saw it again a 3 weeks ago. It was still alright, but didn't live up to my expactations.
    Shame really
    • CommentTimeOct 19th 2009
    I fell asleep during Navy Seals three times, not during any of Terry Giliams movies....
    • CommentTimeOct 21st 2009 edited
    Long, long ago, there was a time I've unsuccessfully tried to erase from my memory, when I went to movies because they had Rob Lowe in them. This fact made me pay the then huge amount of DFL 13,- (which would translate, inflation and all, to about 13 Euro's nowadays) to see the classic masterwork "Masquerade" in a rather run down little theatre. Even then, some part of my brain told me that movie was very bad, but I did not want to listen to it. Yet. I guess I was about 13 or 14 then.
    • CommentAuthorChrisy
    • CommentTimeOct 21st 2009 edited
    You wouldn't believe the movies I was watching when I was 13/14. I guess I was a typical girly teanager lol
    I loved Top gun, Dirty dancing and French teanager cult classic La boum. I can hear the french laughing now. Yeah I know that is quite pathetic. I dont like these movies today anymore although I have to admit when I watch La boum, I still have this particular feeling which brings me back to my teanager time. But at the same time this is also the age I discover other movies such as L'amant from Jean-Jacques Annaud or Les Valseuses, these 2 movies defenetly opened me to a different cinema without a doubt. I started to watch horror movies as well such as early Cronenberg' and Dario Argento. Life would never be the same again after this :)
    • CommentTimeOct 21st 2009
    Interesting comment Chrisy. In my opinion "La boum" is not a so bad movie (and S.Marceau is soooo cuuute!). At least it does not pretend to be more that a pleasant consensual movie for sunday evening families and it does it well. On the other side, to me, "L'amant" is a very pretentious movie and I hate it. But we can agree on "Les valseuses" and all the Blier's movie up to 1990. They are masterpieces.
    • CommentTimeOct 21st 2009
    @Chrisy: thank god we're all grown up and mature and have impeccable taste now.
    On the other hand, I was rather disappointed I missed Dirty Dancing on tv last month, when Swayze died. Nostalgia and all that I suppose.
    • CommentAuthorChrisy
    • CommentTimeOct 22nd 2009 edited
    Oh I dont have impeccable taste even today, I for instance can enjoy very much some b cheap movies if there is something special about them, and still can enjoy some movies from my childwood. But Some traumatised me it is true, I cannot stand most of Louis de funes movies for instance. Seen them way too much as a child (not that I wanted to, my family loved these movies so I was forced to) and I really hate them now and because of stupid Louis de funes I cannot stand Slapstick movies! There are a few exception but most of time watching Slapstick movies remind me of him.... :( Damn Louis de Funes!!