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    • CommentTimeOct 20th 2009
    I was planning to see Up last saturday, but when I checked the prices, i saw that they would charge me 10.80 euro for it. (2.50 extra, because it is a 3D film)
    I was just wondering what the avarage ticketprices are in other countries.
    • CommentTimeOct 20th 2009
    I gave 105 kr to see up : 105kr/7.5=14 euro, so your price wasn't anything! It's totally crazy and I think the 3D is overrated :P
    (I live in Denmark)
    • CommentTimeOct 20th 2009 edited
    In our local Cinema (rural Germany) it ranges from 3,60 (Sneak Preview) to 4,60 (On Mondays and Tuesdays) to 6,80 (on every other Day) + 0,50 for extra long films.
    I don't have prices for 3d yet, because the 3d premier will be Avatar in December.
    • CommentTimeOct 20th 2009 edited
    Well, in our little cinema here it's 4,50 € in Tuesdays and 6,50 € on every other day.
    There aren't any Sneak Previews or 3D movies and they also stopped showing movies in their original language (afair they charged 7,00-7,50 € for that)

    I also live in a rural area of germany
    • CommentTimeOct 20th 2009
    In Paris: 9-11 euros is the regular price in regular cinemas. On mondays it's about 6.5 euros. There are many ways to pay this price every day using fidelity programs if you stay in the same cinema network. "Art et essai" cinema is about 6 euros. Didn't check the price for 3d.
    • CommentAuthorLordMyst
    • CommentTimeOct 20th 2009
    I went to Up for 5,50 euro in the must see groningen
    its 5.50 every movie on mondays

    only they got no 3d
    only pathe got 3d here in groningen
    • CommentTimeOct 20th 2009 edited
    In the UK its about 5-8 pounds for entry. Seems quite a lot, but included in the ticket price is a complimentary annoying family that talks all the way through the film, a free sticky carpet, and personal mound of litter for every seat, AND a guarantee that at least 3 people will be talking on their mobile phones at all times. So not bad when you factor all the extras into the ticket price.
    • CommentAuthorcastaka
    • CommentTimeOct 20th 2009
    them00ch I went to see movies in London a few years ago and it wasn't that bad ! But it was indeed very expensive :p

    I have a cinema subscription card in France so i don't see prices anymore but on week-end nights it goes around 10euros for a movie ! I pay less than 20euros per month for an unlimited access to the movies I want in a lot of movie theaters in paris. It is a pretty nice fee :p
    • CommentAuthorjajusu
    • CommentTimeOct 20th 2009
    In Finland (Helsinki) weekend rate is 11 EUR, mo-th after 17.00 9 EUR, mo-fr before 17.00 6.80 EUR, 3D is 13.50/11/8.80.
    • CommentAuthorLaDiDa
    • CommentTimeOct 20th 2009
    In Utrecht, the Netherlands it's usually around 8,50 euro. But the larger cinema's charge extra if it is a "long" movie, most movies are long nowadays, so it's more like 10-11 euros for a big blockbuster, and extra in the weekends. But for that kind of money they throw in a couple of big security guards for free in the weekends. But what really annoys me is that Dutch cinemas dare to charge the same price for any seat in the room. If you're sitting on seat 1, row 1, getting a neck hernia, you still get to pay 11 euros. A long, long time ago I went to the cinema in Mainz, Germany, and there they had cheap seats in the front, and more expensive seats in the back. In retrospect I like that. Do they still use that system in Germany?
    • CommentTimeOct 20th 2009
    Strange remark LaDiDa about the seats. In France in the 50's (I was not born, but I heard about it), the real "cinephiles" (among them there were Godard, Truffaut, Chabrol, Rivette, Rohmer...) who spent most of their time at the "cinemathèque" would have died if they could not seat on row 1 seat N/2 (N being the width of the row).
    • CommentTimeOct 20th 2009
    LaDiDa, you're correct. It's still like this in some theaters in Germany. You pay the smallest fee for the first row and the highest for the rear third.
    I personally like to sit in the center of the room, not only to get the best out of the surround sound but also to get blown away by the big screen.
    I don't understand those guys who prefer to sit in the last row.. The screen easily has the same size as my beamer at home. Why go to the cinamy in the first place?? ;)
    • CommentAuthorAsmodai
    • CommentTimeOct 21st 2009
    In the Netherlands you can also get a Pathe Unlimited, which is basically 18 euro per month and unlimited access to most of the Pathe cinema's (spread throughout the country). 3D films cost 2.50 extra.
    What does annoy me is that Up is only available in 3D or the dutch dubbed version, the original english one you can't watch in normal 2D.
    • CommentTimeOct 21st 2009
    @naut: I figure they sit there to either make out or throw M&M's at everybody in front of them, given half a chance.

    It might also have to do with the bad boys/cool guys-reputation they're looking for: At school outings, the really cool kids (or so they thought of themselves~) used to sit in the back of the bus, as far away from the teacher (usually in front) as possible.
    If you never mentally progress beyond that stage, it figures.
    • CommentAuthorjoasia
    • CommentTimeOct 21st 2009
    Sometimes good to live in Poland :) Monday movies / student prices / smaller cinemas starts from 2 euro. The most expesive ticket I ever got (premiere on Friday night, full ticket) has been never more than 5,5 euro.
    • CommentTimeOct 21st 2009
    Thats it, i'm moving to Poland :P
    • CommentTimeOct 28th 2009
    In Paris (France) it is around 10€, you can get a 5 ticket cards for 2 months which gets it to 7€... I remember when I was a teenager and it was only 3€ (18francs) in Lyon... those were the days my friend

    We also are lucky to have a unlimited pass (don't know if all countries have that) which is around 20€ per month...
