Uh, this is hard, holynoise. I am really sorry for your shots. Shots with such a good rating shouldn't be rejected... but life isn't easy out there, in the New Submissions.
Who is famous ? James McTeigue, Edgar Wright, Mike Judge, Zack Snyder, Tony Kaye, Michael Bay, Martin Campbell, Matt Reeves, Francis Lawrence, Jon Favreau, Len Wiseman, Barry Sonnenfeld, Gore Verbinski, James Wan, Frank Miller, Guy Ritchie, J.J. Abrams, Greg Mottola, Doug Liman, Paul Greengrass, Wolfgang Petersen, Brett Ratner... Guess you don't know half of them, although they've done a large part of the shots of the FF section of WTM :)
I'm pretty sure Franck Capra is more famous than any of these guys! Except maybe Michael Bay but it's just cuz people like making fun of him lol
Btw I'm not saying they're not famous, I'm saying they don't have a filmography that can even compare with Capra! He won 3 Oscars! James McTeigue directed only 3 movies (only one good..) We can't compare that.
hum thoffice, I was just kidding... For me Capra is among the to ten, and my list is made of "Hollywood tacherons" (don't know if there exist a good translation for this). I deleted from it some big names like Scorcese, Spielberg, Tarantino, Lucas, Fincher and a few others that also made some blockbusters.
Well I think i'm gonna break my record and get a shot ( http://whatthemovie.com/shot/48176 ) rejected with almost 8, the two right in front will crush it!
@mikebozzio, you know it can get accepted on score over the last 24 hours of the waiting period, not just at the end, right? If the two in front of it are both accepted as soon as they hit that mark, there's still 22 hours left for yours to be the highest scoring shot of the bunch and go through.
A movie in the top 50 of the imdb, with a very famous actor (ok he is hard to recognize) and boobs (yes small) rated 6.09 and solved only 11 times : http://whatthemovie.com/shot/48973
Just got 2 rejected at 7.92 and 7.97. Wouldn't really care normally, but I really liked both these shots, would've hoped at least the cat one made it through :(
I need to complain once more for an unsolved shot:P It had 2 favourites, so I'm pretty proud. I will be happy if anyone solve it here it is: http://whatthemovie.com/shot/54791 Edit: Thank you for pushing it through, it has already 4 favourites now:)
Only 6 of my shots have been rejected the last month and 46 shots has been accepted, I'm a lucky man these days :P, but I think it has got to an end now. My shots in NS have very low ratings and the voters say indirectly that they kind of sucks :P!
Well I'm gonna upload some Batman/2001: A Space Odyssey/Apocalypse Now/Sin City shots, it'll have more chance to go through... It's sad but maybe I'll have one in the FF lol
Hi theoffice. Thanks for posting one of them with an awesome upload. I got the first solve :) Please keep on posting good shots. It's difficult these days for us. Even boobs don't go through :) Maybe in a near future, when the whole pirates of the carribean-kill bill-lord of the harry potter-star warstrek-batman-back to the future will be frame by frame on WTM, there will be more space :)