DiedEnFreek is right. I stumbled upon this site and could not resist to post a thematical series. I had in mind that I shouldn't post pictures taken from IMDB or google images. Since this page is not very well-known I thought it was OK as an exception. However, after re-reading the instructions I noticed you write in parantheses "(or another source)". I am very sorry about this mistake but it was too tempting. Be assured that all the others of my posts were (and will be) snapshots I took myself.
But still, the idea (and the series) is very nice and that counts too, I think.
I know it's a lot harder to find a big series like that in your own dvd collection, but come on and do-it, do-it! (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0335438/)
Don't worry fungus, we're not the kind of guys who act on "make one mistake and you'll be banned for life" :) We'll make a one time excpetion in this case, and won't delete the shots :) because the series was truly inspirational and unique.
I hope other whatthemovie-freaks build on that idea and post their own series (with on own snapshots of course). I'm curious what you guys come up with.